posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 04:14 PM
Damn straight!
These fraud "psychics" are disgusting. They prey on people who are vulnerable and/or stupid. I'm sure anyone with REAL ability in this area would
see how precious a gift it would be and not squander it in this way. They would make they services available to everyone.
While I am all for the capatalist system, I also believe in earning a fair wage for what you do. I don't think any pro-athlete is worth the money
they are paid. Contrary wise, I believe our teachers, police officers, fire fighters, etc are severely underpaid. People who have a rare ability or
needed ability, like doctors for instance, have a moral obligation to only charge according to means. IE - you don't charge a minimum wage earning
person the same as you would someone raking in 6 figures a year.