or was it astrotheological metaphor (12 disciples = 12 signs of zodiac, going in-2 the house of the water-bearer (transition of the sun in the age of
pisces = the fish = jesus 2 the sun in the age or house of aquarius = the water-bearer = john), ad nauseum...
or were these pagan mythos woven so thickly in-2 the old & nu testaments by the likes of the post-Babylonian jews & pagan romans that fact can't B
sorted from fiction?"
Strap yourself in my friend.
I realize the question you pose here much like the others was meant to stump me and to show me how ridiculous my silly beliefs are, but to understand
the deep truth that you are flirting with here requires an advanced understanding of astronomy, history, and the Bible. I have found a good way to
present this information to you, but I warn you, you may not be able to think the bible a fairy tale any longer. If you however really are serious
about getting the answer to this question then listen up. the following is a 76 min audio file that I encourage you to download. If you can make it
through the first ten minutes where a prayer is said, and some preliminary things are setup, and you listen to the whole thing (especially toward the
end) you will have the answer to this question and you will see how intense this really is. about halfway through he goes pretty fast (this will make
you fill up a note pad pretty quick so get ready)
there is a reason that all cultures describe the same idioms for these constellations regardless of their location, language, or culture. the
Mazzeroth has many secrets yet to be revealed. Truth is stranger than half truth.
www.ffmp3.com... this takes you directly to the file
or to download go here and look for the "Mazzaroth_Chuck Missler" file
Y is most christians interpretations on how 2 interpret the bible ultimately demeaning 2 the creator of all - the 1 true god, not some yahweh-zeus
deity or even jesus as god? Y R jesus' words always reduced 2 their basest, most mundane interpretation?
I’m not sure I follow you on this one, I will be happy to answer, just tell me what you mean.
Y does jesus give himself lucifer's appelation - "the morning star" in revelation 22:16?
This is also a good question and it requires a lengthy answer Im afraid. To answer properly It will require you to know the true definitions of
“heylel” why it was where it was and to grasp many contextual meanings as well as understanding that this term was used for many people and things
that shed light. The history of this is fascinating I encourage you to look into it. I semi apologize for the source materials being so slanted but
they did such good work on this issue, besides those KJV only folks are all right with me.
“Y do so few realize that when the great changes come that surely will, that when they don't fit some cookie-cutter scenario that their faith is
going 2 B so badly shook that their religion as they currently perceive it won't B able 2 continue due 2 its inherent limitations?”
I am very afraid for the people when these great changes come. Our understanding of God has been so watered down and maliciously distorted that many
people will throw it all away at the first hint of ET or whatever mode is used. I do not however, as you suggest, believe that its limitations are
inherent, I believe they have been mostly self imposed
As you can tell My perceptions don’t add up with much of what you think Christians act like. Perhaps your perceptions of this issue have been formed
by slick propaganda as well. All these conspiracy
“teachers” act like all this propaganda has been imposed on us to believe a fairy tale when truthfully, do you see mainstream propaganda making
Christianity attractive or unattractive?, what side do you think the propagandist that we fight are pushing….christianity ? trust me Troy, CNN and
BBC will be telling you all about Sitchin here very soo