posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 06:38 AM
Let's review the offers:
Lysergic offered up Azureus, a torrent downloader. He also offered Rosetta Stone- Dutch language version. I don't think Dutch is the first
language I'd want to learn, plus I think there's a copyright issue with that anyway.
Bodrul had Adobe Photoshop. Since Photoshop is a copyrighted product, obtaining a copy from anywhere but an authorized reseller would
constitute software piracy, and violate the T&C. Besides, I've already got CS2 :p
Digital Assassin suggested Limewire (which I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole BTW), but then came out of the box with a sweet avatar. I
accidentally deleted the u2u with it, otherwise I would have shown it here.
aioz.604 then came out of nowhere on the last day offering up some quality torrent download sites. These are gold when it comes to getting
good downloads. He also offered some TV shows and movies, but again, copyright issues.
So, here it is. I'm going to go with Digital Assassin's cool avatar. Aoiz almost had me with the torrent download sites. I'm one of those
pack rats who likes to expand his library as often as possible. But I acknowledge that I've been stuck using the same background for who knows how
long, and with no avatar. DA's avatar would be perfect.
For a while, Lysergic had the race cornered by being the only one to offer anything. However, I'm currently using utorrent, and think it's doing
very well for me.
Good entries everyone, and Thanks