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Why is the Media Violent Against 9/11 Conspiracies????

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posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
I was suggesting that Poot was having delusions.....

Tsk, tsk... harassment is not allowed here.

I am insisting on FACT... this would basically be the OPPOSITE of delusions.

Now, according to your post above, you 100% believe the NIST report.

Good for you, you have announced your stance, now why bother Re-announcing your stance in each and every thread?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 10:57 AM
Now Pootie is the hall monitor. Most of your responses are one sentence, but you put 12 one sentence anwers together and you think it is OK. Lighten up Francis...

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 11:07 AM

Im not gonna get into a big thing with you but,,,

You have proven my point. How has my statement an "attack" on every poster here?

Isn't that what you guys do? Don't you discount every media source but your own and other conspiracy theorists?

Of course, you leave out the most horrific thing about 9/11 THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO WERE KILLED.

Do you know what that does to the families of those people??? NO YOU DON'T.

Shame on all of you.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Now Pootie is the hall monitor. Most of your responses are one sentence, but you put 12 one sentence anwers together and you think it is OK. Lighten up Francis...

When are you going to answer ANY of the questions I have posted in this thread? Maybe I could give morre than a one sentence answer if you would:

A: Respond to my questions as I respond to yours.
B: Provide a little more than three word facts as some sort of "response".

Now, are you going to answer any of the questions posed here?

For example... What are YOUR qualifications?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by ProfTom
Shame on all of you.

Ahhhh... the old "Don't ask questio0ns because it is disrespectful to the victims" shut down.

The #1 thing you can do to respect the victims is to FIND THE TRUTH.

Sorry for your losses and I mean no disrespect to you, but we just disagree on the proper course of action.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by freakyty
The Mainstream Media is getting violent because they were complicit in the coverup of 9/11. The MSM (including Popular Mechanics) has been compromised at the highest levels by the same group of people who carried out 9/11. Now their lies are crumbling and they are lashing out in desparation by using their attack dog Bill O'Reilly, the most obnoxious, hate-filled, propaganda-spewing piece of human trash on TV.

Also, O'Reilly has been enjoying a much needed spike in viewership since he started bashing Rosie. A lot of Americans still suffer from 9/11 post-traumatic stress and cannot accept the truth about the nature of their government, so they get angry. 9/11 Truthers are trying to learn the truth for themselves by researching all the facts. On the flip-side, establishment leeches merely repeat the same mantras, unable to answer all the questions, blissfully ignorant and violently embracing the official myth, and attacking anyone who thinks any differently.

Whats with the whole "9/11 Questions hurt and dishonor the victims and their families" line. If anyone has disrespected the victims its the administration, by politicizing 9/11 and using it as an excuse to invade countries. Not to mention the fact that THEY are the ones who MASSACRED these people in the first place! Sickening. MOST of the families are asking questions about 9/11 themselves! Does the Mainstream Media want us to believe that these families are dishonoring THEMSELVES by not trusting their gov't?


You have voted freakyty for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

I was suggesting that Poot was having delusions.....

Well I'll let him handle that in a fashion of his own choosing, but thank you for the clarification & the apology. ( He tosses his football back to esdad ).

At this juncture I'm quite confident that I don't know what actually happened, but I do know that I'm not satisfied to this point also, so I haven't made up my mind on a lot of things.

I feel just as confident that we're not being told the whole truth, and I know you do too. . . History has shown us this has been practiced across the globe time & time again.

I just want to know the truth, but also know I probably never will. Even if popular opinion sways the MSM to investigate & report differently it's probably not going to matter.

And I agree with what pootie said about the victims & their families. I cry for them too, and they want to know the truth too. . . Sucks.


fixed sentence

[edit on 4-4-2007 by 2PacSade]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 01:13 PM
The cover up is Flight 93. It was shot down. Their is no smoke there, so no fire. YOu create alot of smoke around WTC 7, and people are looking for the fire. Does this make sense?

The government was not involved, but it got it's hands dirty because it shot down 93. Many people do not know that 93 was delayed almost 45 minutes, or esle there would have been more devastation. We stopped them.

It is a perfect conspiracy, Cheney, Mineta, pilots and air control. That is it. With that you cover up Flight 93. Make a movie, make the passengers heroes and no one thinks twice. Create an anti-gov't 9/11 movement and you have the fuel to divert attention. In the end the ones defending the conspiracy were find they were used by the very government they despise.

Am i upset that it is covered up, no, because it would have done no good to expose it to our country and the healing that was needed.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 01:28 PM
To answer the topic at hand. To the mainstream public, and those in the media industry, its more then likely damn near insulting to belittle the peoples deaths on 9/11 into another "the us killed our people" conspiracy involving fake planes and remote controlled demolitions.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by RockpuckWhy is the Media Violent Against 9/11 Conspiracies????

The answer to that question should be obvious. Because they are all in it together. The media was used to brainwash to public to believing Bin Laden did it, and believeing Iraq had WMD's. The people who control the media are the same people who control the US Government.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
The cover up is Flight 93. It was shot down. Their is no smoke there, so no fire. YOu create alot of smoke around WTC 7, and people are looking for the fire. Does this make sense?

The government was not involved, but it got it's hands dirty because it shot down 93. Many people do not know that 93 was delayed almost 45 minutes, or esle there would have been more devastation. We stopped them.

It is a perfect conspiracy, Cheney, Mineta, pilots and air control. That is it. With that you cover up Flight 93. Make a movie, make the passengers heroes and no one thinks twice. Create an anti-gov't 9/11 movement and you have the fuel to divert attention. In the end the ones defending the conspiracy were find they were used by the very government they despise.

Am i upset that it is covered up, no, because it would have done no good to expose it to our country and the healing that was needed.

But keeping people ignorant of the truth is not helping them. It's just keeping them in the dark. . . And when one of these people DO find out the truth anyway, now they don't trust you on top of being hurt from the initial incident. It's no good.

People mess up, and the truth should be know regardless of the situation. The truth shall set you free right? Also, how can we fix something that we never knew was broken?

The other point I think that is important is the fact that coverups produce a false history, which is far more insulting to everyone than the truth. No one has the right to rewrite history just because they have the power to do so. What, just to make themselves look good??? Where does this lead, and where does it stop? This is playing God IMHO.

This is where the MSM makes a mockery of itself also. . .


posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
The cover up is Flight 93. It was shot down. Their is no smoke there, so no fire. YOu create alot of smoke around WTC 7, and people are looking for the fire. Does this make sense?

The government was not involved, but it got it's hands dirty because it shot down 93. Many people do not know that 93 was delayed almost 45 minutes, or esle there would have been more devastation. We stopped them.

Sooo... Everything in the government has published re: The Official Story of 9/11™ is FACT except for what you have posted above for which you have NO proof? Dad, you really crack me up.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Pootie
Sooo... Everything in the government has published re: The Official Story of 9/11™ is FACT except for what you have posted above for which you have NO proof? Dad, you really crack me up.

Yes i have to agree with you on that.

And also if you look at esdad's avatar it looks like a hypnotizing method for when you read his text so that it's not an opinion but a brain washing hehe.

Perhaps esdad is a disinfo agent? i am kidding of course, or am I ? :0

[edit on 4-4-2007 by selfless]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Yes, if you slow down my avatar, it is saying "george bush is king...cheney is more gas....truthers eat babies"

As far as flight 93 and my own feelings on the WTC 7 smokescreen, seems that annoyed you to some extent? Is there a reason for that?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 03:05 PM
i was telling a mid-level rank and filer from a major newspaper about some 911 facts, like the fact that wtc7 fell down in the afternoon.
she didn't even know that important 911 tidbit(unlike the BBC, nudge, nudge, wink, wink).

as i and another informed fellow stood there talking about the media's 'ignorance'/complicity, she literally 'turtled' right in front of our eyes. we argued that blogs were becoming more relevant than newspapers, and she took the 'authoritative news' stance. that being that quality control is extremely tight at major news outlets.
we told her about terror drills that were going on, about bush saying he saw something on tv that was never on tv, about the relationship between anthrax, fort derrick and the patriot act.
she totally believed us(we were sticking to facts, and not speculation, for the most part), and yet her reaction was to become increasingly tense, like a trapped animal, and eventually she (literally) put her hands over her ears and left saying, 'i can't take this'.

people's excepted view of the political/social reality is a fragile thing. much the same as blacking out in extreme pain(to avoid the mental trauma), people will block/black out information that does not conform with their 'safe in the womb' viewpoint.
i bet she woke up the next day, and thought it was all a bad dream, as she went to work to edit more news.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by billybob]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by billybob
i was telling a mid-level rank and filer from a major newspaper about some 911 facts. She (literally) put her hands over her ears and left saying, 'i can't take this'.
[edit on 4-4-2007 by billybob]

That is funny, well if the subject wasn't so important to society it would be funny. I guess if she did believe what you were saying it would be a few shocks for her, one of them being the realisation of how gullible she was, and also the realisation that someone working for a newspaper knows so little about one of the biggest news events of our lifetime, and of course another shock to learn the US Gov would kill US citizens in open view of the entire world for profit.
How could someone working for a news agency not know WTC7 fell on 9/11. It is amazing how little the world knows of the facts. Imagine what those guys could get away with before live tv and the internet!!!

It is also a sad state of affairs when people prefer to put their hands over their ears and not want to hear anymore instead of wanting to learn all the facts. There are even alot of people who know 9/11 was an inside job, but they still think the wars in afganistan and iraq were justified. For so many of the sheeple the government could get away with any crimes

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 08:52 PM
I know some people who work in the government and some people who are in the military, I don't think their in on it. My point is you can't just say the government did it, what ever it is. Now I'm sure the resposible parties have government and military operatives, but also private and covert operatives as well. Powerful special interests have the resorces and capitol to cover all the bases, even though they can't control everything.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by golddragnet
Imagine what those guys could get away with before live tv and the internet!!!

willful ignorance and cognitive dissonance are major cogs in the wheels of useless eater domination.

'they' could probably nail the truth to a cross, and call it God.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by ProfTom

You did fell into the 9/11 conspiracy trap. Only here on ATS do "They" know the truth. I fell into it myself a while ago...I lost. I've accepted it and moved on.

Look where you are. You are on a conspiracy website. Anything said against ANY conspiracy is automatically wrong.

You can't use any type of reason you are accustomed too. Through out everything you have ever learned -- because your gonna be found wrong.

All of your facts or agruments you present will be wrong...

All of the news reports you site will be wrong...

All these conspiracies leave out the only thing that really happened and all that really matters -- the loss of life...

Classic example of truth simply being too painful to accept.

If you think our goverment is incapable of attacking its own citizens, allow me to prove you wrong.

1898 Spanish/American War - started over a "suspicious" explosion on our ship. The media reported sensational stories to fire up support for no other reason than corporate greed.

Operation Northswood - a sickening plan presented to President Kennedy to create a false flag and therefore allow an invasion of Cuba. The plan called for hijacking planes (sound at all familiar ?) paying rioters to protest in the streets, blow up a ship in cuban waters (they cant even be original and come up with new ideas).

Dropping atomic bombs near cities out west so they could measure its effects.

injecting african americans ith syphilis and not treating it or even telling them.

sterilizing orphans and disabled people.

There are dozens of sickening acts our goverment has done to its own citizens. Dude, im sorry for your loss but its time to wake up and realize who the enemy really is

*Trimmed excessive quote*

[edit on 5-4-2007 by dbates]

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by golddragnet
It is also a sad state of affairs when people prefer to put their hands over their ears and not want to hear anymore instead of wanting to learn all the facts. There are even alot of people who know 9/11 was an inside job, but they still think the wars in afganistan and iraq were justified. For so many of the sheeple the government could get away with any crimes

yeah. i find it VERY common for people to simply not wish to hear the truth about the provisions of terror legislation, say, or to hand wave it away as, 'yeah, that's true, but *shrug* , oh well'.
they quickly dissconnect the dots in their head and say something inane like, 'well, at least the new terror laws will protect us from the terrorists.'

on the bright side, there are trickle down effects from the VOLUMINOUS daily investigation by concerned citizens, and the awareness of the ugly truth is becoming apparent to a wider demograph.

conspiracy theory...., not just for tin hatters, anymore.

[edit on 5-4-2007 by billybob]

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