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What's the big deal with the 9/11 branch of conspiracy theory?

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posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 11:44 AM
This, of course, relates to the recent slamming of 9/11 CT by White House, Fox News.

My question is, why is it that THIS particular CT is being vehemently attacked in the media? I mean, these conspiracy theories aren't being blasted in a similar fashion:

The Moon landing CT
The US govt created AIDS CT
The Reptilian CT
The Pearl Harbor prior knowledge CT
The Hurricane Katrina CT
The 7/7 CT

People who follow these CTs are generally looked down upon as paranoid nutcases, but not vehemently attacked on national TV. Why is it that, when it comes to 9/11 CTs, we see this?

Really, the only CT I can think of whose followers are persecuted even more is the Holocaust CT. Even then, proponents of this CT aren't blasted by major news networks on national TV; they're just thrown in prison.

Makes you think "they" have something to hide, huh...

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 11:46 AM
Good point, but i have found that websites such as google, yahoo, and aol are completely ignoring that celebrities have claimed 9/11 was a conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 11:48 AM
Hmmm, I'm going to check that out.

Of course, Google doing this wouldn't surprise me. They're ALREADY known to practice censorship.:shk:

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:02 PM
The media won't bring attention to things that are already pretty obscure, like all of the "alternative" evidence from OKC, or even the official story of the 1993 bombing.

9/11 topics have started becoming so mainstream that they might as well not try to ignore them anymore, and have moved on to relentlessly ridiculing them instead. The next phase, if we ever get to it, will probably be trying to actually refute the information. And then it might taper off into the past, just like JFK.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
People who follow these CTs are generally looked down upon as paranoid nutcases, but not vehemently attacked on national TV. Why is it that, when it comes to 9/11 CTs, we see this?

They feel threatened and are attempting to suppress the truth.

If the people in this country actually begin to think for themselves it will weaken the elites control over the people. I mentioned in an earlier thread of mine that what we are seeing now is a failed system that is attempting to save itself.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:19 PM
So many things ride on the official version of 9/11 too. The other conspiracy theories? Not as much, certainly nothing with as large an impact or still relevant today (though I'm not all that well versed in the Katrina theories, so forgive me on that)

But if you consider that the reason we are at war with Iraq, the reason troops are in afghanistan, etc, all depend on the accepted "true" 9/11 events, any questioning of 9/11 obviously leads to further questions on (especially the iraq)war that the media and administration are not prepared or capable of handling..

Their only hope therefore is to discredit whistleblowers wherever possible. Continuously, viciously and constantly.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Inannamute
So many things ride on the official version of 9/11 too.

Remember 9/11 was thier excuse for going into Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran.

When the moneychangers switched our currency from the gold standard to the oil standard the same time that the WTC was constructed they insured that this war would take place.

If the American people find out that 9/11 was a false flag operation they will demand an immediate pullout from the middle-east and a substantial re-investment into American alternitive fuels and a social safety net that actually works.

Dis-regaurd whatever they are saying in the congress, they plan on keeping the American military in the Middle-east for the next 100 years.

We haven't developed alternate fuel sources yet. We are at peak oil and with Chinese and Indian oil consumption expected to grow, you can be assured that we aren't leaving.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:34 AM
Actually, Google and YouTube regularly scrub important UFO video clips, especially those featuring NASA footage, for terms of use violations.

This is simply censorship, as these are often the most compelling visual evidence, presented by competent producers. You've got to hustle over to the site pronto once a post goes up here, and often they've already been pulled. I assume they are monitoring the ATS boards, as it's uncanny how often this happens.

The recent changes in copyright law were nothing more than corporate welfare and censorship.

As for 9/11, it's a live wire. Too dangerous for the perpetrators. Keep the lid on, smack 'em down. Simple as that.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by gottago]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Remember 9/11 was their excuse for going into Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran.

No I believe there were about 3000 different reasons we went into the middle east...

God told bush to do it, because Saddam was behind 9/11, and on and on and on.. Its so far gone that i don't even care anymore... Really..

If the towers were blown up bu the government who tf care, really except a few CT freaks on this site.. that's about it. Mainstream America don't give a rats ass about anything except American Idol, Football Beer, and stupid crap like that..

Why would they care that 9/11 was a farce, as long as it isn't their kid that died in Iraq so tf what. This is what they think, as long as they are stupified by TV Radio and so on nobody gives a #. A few people can make a difference. I haven't seen anything change. Actually yes I have.. Whats that a national ID card, Need a passport to go to Canada/Mexico.... More monitoring devices and so on...

SO this 9/11 stuff can go down just like the towers did. As some idiot put it to me I will put it to you.

"As long as it isn't directly affecting me.. so what. Why give a # anyway.. What is done is done.. Nothing can fix it. Move on and just forget about it."

Really, don't you guys get sick of fighting and bickering over the same damn thing?? It gets old.. and repetitive...

Originally posted by gottago
Actually, Google and YouTube regularly scrub important UFO video clips, especially those featuring NASA footage, for terms of use violations.

As for this, there is a site that has alot of the videos seen on youtube and Google.. its called I found a few videos that ended up missing on both Google and Youtube and found them there.. You might wanna give them a shot next time you need a video.

And no I am not promoting the site, its the only place to get most videos anymore.

[edit on 4/4/2007 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
No I believe there were about 3000 different reasons we went into the middle east...

But the impetus, the event the "catalyzing event" that gave the proverbial "public thumbs up" was 9/11. there is no arguing that point.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 10:55 AM
Interesting observation, truthseeka. It's true. MSM are going after the 9/11 CT with a vengeance. It's almost like they're afraid of the truth actually getting out. So much so that the "right" is going after people who aren't even involved, like Barbara Walters because someone on her show is talking about it.

And they HATE these people who they never even took notice of before.

Very good points in this thread!

Originally posted by Inannamute
So many things ride on the official version of 9/11 too.

Great post.
I agree 100%.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 11:58 AM
Originally posted by ThichHeaded:

"No I believe there were about 3000 different reasons we went into the middle east..."

You intentionally or otherwise (?) cited the paramount reason --- those '3,000 different reasons ' --- all of whom were innocent victims who were cruelly murdered on 9/11.

JKF, regardless of his merit, was ONE individual and his death was relatively swift.

Regardless, we should continue to pursue the real culprits, for to do otherwise would be to dismiss JFK as having no worth or rights.

How much more stridently then, should we pursue those responsible for murdering 3,000 individuals on 9/11, whose deaths and suffering were NOT swift and who were NOT involved in the murk of politics?

I will never forget the sight of people hurling themselves to certain death from those towers, in order to escape the inferno within. Nor will I forget their farewell phone calls to their families, or their courage and the courage of those who tried to save them. I will never allow myself to forget --- not until those responsible are brought to justice -- because to do so would be to dishonour those people.

So that is the primary reason for the 'big deal about 9/11'.

Secondly, those responsible for murdering 3,000 people on 9/11 used their deaths as justification for plunging several nations in war, which has resulted in the suffering and death of many tens of thousands MORE innocent victims.

The perpetrators actually believe that we will allow them to shove us past 9/11 as if it were 'just another day' !

Their response to those who will NOT be shoved, has been anger and fury --- lies, lies, lies --- threat --- and, incredibly, petulance, as in: ' Why can't you just let it go and accept what we tell you? '

Well, it's becoming obvious to them that we are NOT prepared to simply accept their lies OR 'move past it'.

THEY are trying to maintain their insane momentum in the furtherence of their planned and orchestrated war-for-profit, all the time tossing us the 'distractions and diversions' which they believe (aren't they idiots?) will make us 'forget' their earlier crimes.

WE are insisting they return to the scene of their crime on 9/11 and stand still and answer to the hundreds of valid accusations regarding their guilt and complicity.

THEY own and control the media and via carrot and stick ALSO own and control the majority of those who are able to condemn, judge and sentence them.

WE, like mushrooms, are being heaped with sh*t and kept in the dark.

But we haven't forgotten those who were murdered in order the foul cabal could play war-games for their personal and financial satisfaction and we WILL NOT shut up and go away. They're insane if they expect to be able to sweep 9/11 under the carpet.

The high-powered murderers can fight and struggle and threaten all they like -- but the 9/11 truths will come out, no matter how long it takes, no matter how many have to take up the baton over the years.

SOME may be content to 'move past' the horror and tragedy that was 9/11. But millions of people all around the world will stand firm until the victims of 9/11 are avenged.

So yes, it *IS* a big deal and will continue to be so.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by Dock6]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:53 PM
Okay, devil's advocate. Suppose just for a second that you discovered the official story is 100% truely what happened right down to the Pentagon and the bravery of the passengers and everything. Then what?

Do you go forth and educate the masses that still follow the CT's story (take your pick there are very many different stories out there)? Do you shake your head and the wildest tales of how it was done? Do you suspect that perhaps there is an agenda to leading CT people? Do you question not so much the theory presented so much as the motivation of the presenter?

Let's face it, there are millions of Americans still bitter over 2000 and 2004 election results. So bitter that 1.5 years from election 2008 we have a multitude of canidates already and the mudslinging has already begun. So bitter that the Speaker of the House is in Syria doing her own unsanctioned agenda. The SH is a very important person. Being behind the VP for sucession should the need arise, she would have been sequestered on 9/11 and not allowed to make a public appearance let alone make a trip to an officially designated unfriendly nation (which was made that way long before 9/11--LBJ if memory serves). She should be very happy that I am not the President, she would not like my reaction very much at all. W is being very light handed with her for political reasons. I would be informing Gitmo that they should be sure to have an open space for a VIP depending on how the debriefing went on her return. Just for the reason of placing personal/political agenda over the best intrests of the People.

Why does the MSM attack the CT's so strongly? Ratings, pure and simple. Never forget the fact that Rosie O'Donell is an actress. Her whole outburst could have been an act. To this day, no one knows for sure if the rift between Jerry Lawler and Andy Kauffman was real or an act.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:55 PM
if you so called truthers would stop and use your brain's for one brief
second , it just might be because the family's of those people killed on 911 saw their loved one's killed on live tv and have had to suffer through this in the public eye . and for 6 long years , you people want to cram holograms and missles down the world's throat . and frankly , we're all
just sick of these idiotic theroy's .
now , was that so hard to understand ?
but , that's just m2c .

sorry if i sound too harsh . but that's just the way it is . plain and simple .

[edit on 4-4-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
if you so called truthers would stop and use your brain's for one brief
second , it just might be because the family's of those people killed on 911 saw their loved one's killed on live tv and have had to suffer through this in the public eye . and for 6 long years ,

Again we see the classic "Asking questions is disrespectful to the victims" shut down response. Again I will say, a proper investigation is the ONLY way to RESPECT the victims. the government did such a HORRIBLE JOB of investigating that victims remains were found YEARS later on rooftops.

Maybe you should research what the vicitms families are actually doing and what they actually want. I have seen NO STATEMENTS asking for people to STOP demanding answers... to the contrary, I have seen many, many please from family members for a new and impartial investigation.

Get your facts straight and hop off your high horse.

Originally posted by esdad71
you people want to cram holograms and missles down the world's throat . and frankly , we're all
just sick of these idiotic theroy's .
now , was that so hard to understand ?
but , that's just m2c .

I can barley understand what you wrote here... There are some fringe missile and hologram theories and I think that 99% of the world is able to see through this sort of thing, apparently you are not, but that is OK.

Who exactly is "we're all"? Please explain.

Where are the families that want everyone to stop talking about 9/11, stop demanding answers, stop demanding the release of hard evidence and stop demanding the truth? WHERE ARE THEY? All I see is the opposite.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by Pootie]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by hikix
Good point, but i have found that websites such as google, yahoo, and aol are completely ignoring that celebrities have claimed 9/11 was a conspiracy.

just because they are celebrities doesnt mean they have any more of an informed opinion than any one else. Probably less informed seeing as how they live in their own little worlds.

Many confuse celebrity with authority.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by RWPBR]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by truthseeka
My question is, why is it that THIS particular CT is being vehemently attacked in the media?
Probably due to relative importance of this CT, 9/11 is a important recent experience, that still holds a lot of emotional significance for many people.

I mean, these conspiracy theories aren't being blasted in a similar fashion:

The Moon landing CT

Few take this CT seriously. No reason to attack it.

The US govt created AIDS CT

same as the last reason, only more so. AIDS started spreading in Africa some time in the 1930’s, why would the US gov do that?


Far to little evidence for most peoples liking.

The Reptilian CT

Because when you mention this one to most people they start laughing.

The Pearl Harbor prior knowledge CT

To old, few people would care.


The general population thinks that the perpetrators were caught and convicted.

The Hurricane Katrina CT

Nobody wants to here how their own government abandoned their own people, although some in the media have tried.

The 7/7 CT

Can’t say I can’t recall this one right now.


This is due to many of the representatives of the UFO community that have made it on TV having come across as, how shall I put this, “out there”.

This is not a critique of the validity of any of the mentioned CTs, I’m just explaining my view as to why the mainstream media does not comment on them more

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk

The Pearl Harbor prior knowledge CT

To old, few people would care.

Remember your own quote in 50 yrs if your still around.. It will come back and bite you right on the ass about 9/11..

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded

Remember your own quote in 50 yrs if your still around.. It will come back and bite you right on the ass about 9/11..

It’s the way of the world; today tragedy is tomorrow’s history. Some sixty years from now only a few will still be debating 9/11. it sad but true.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 12:11 PM
If people cannot criticize the 9/11 truth movement, then why can the truth movement do the same thing? That is what it is based on, is criticism for the investigation, right? This is a double edged sword.

To me, there is no big deal if people want to theorize about something, just as I am sure flight 93 was sot down. I get alot of flack for that, but I continue to probe and psot till hopefully people see that it is the coverup that we should investigate.

What new has been found in the last 3 years that is relelvant to resolving 9/11? Nothing. Also, please do not state that NTSB/FBI records are sealed, I know this and it would be great to see that information. However, what may I ask is to be gained from that that is not already knowledge.

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