Good post. I saw this on the news.
I'm SO fawking against the marriage of capitalism and curing human suffering I could shat bricks on this issue.
For-profit medicine is BARBARIC!
Just look at this hypocrisy exposed in the article:
"The FDA, which is heavily entangled with the pharmaceutical industry, has refused to permit imports on �safety� grounds. It has not explained how
importing pills�many of which are even made in the United States�from Canada is dangerous.
The drug industry argues that Americans must pay much higher prices because of the costs of developing and testing new drugs. But it overlooks the
fact that taxpayers pay $4 billion annually for such research, and the pharmaceuticals industry enjoys $10.1 billion in tax breaks.
Advocates of importation point out that drug makers are earning profits elsewhere in the world or they would not be selling abroad."
I turn into Colonel on this issue!
I HATE paying hundreds of dollars a month for American manufactured scripts cheaper a thousand miles away, than
a mile away WHEN I LIVE near where they MAKE IT!!!
And for-profit insurance is no better. Either you or your employer pays about $400 a month for you. Look at the middle men... Insurance takes a huge
profit, makes some political contributions to keep it this way, then pays drug and medical bills (if you're lucky). Drug co takes a huge profit, then
makes some politcal contributions to keep it this way. Hospital takes a huge profit, then pays it's HUGE malpractice INSURANCE!
It's a scam, a dirty rotten, repugnant circle of payola and the Republican National Committee thrives on it.
Any democrat should be FURIOUS that they support the RNC and Bush with contributions by virtue of having to pay insurance and buy life saving
medicine. Scam. Crock. Immoral. Wrong. I mean, it makes me HOPE there's a hell.
From the party that brought you $500 toilet's some $10 aspirins and $500 ambulance rides!!! RNC donations built right it, to ensure it
never gets better!!!!
Rawr... where's that "Who wants to be a suicide bomber thread"?