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Christians should be against global warming. I can prove with scripture.

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posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Roper
If there is "Global Warming" it is a solar event and there is nothing we as humans can do about it.

It's in God's Hands! Have Faith!


Reminds me of the pilot that let go of the controls repeatingly saying god will take care of us or something while the plane crashed..
Wonder if he's burning in hell for taking all the passengers with him........

I personally don't believe in god in the way of a concious being like most religions..

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:04 PM
There is a very big difference between a airplane and the solar system.


posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Old Man

And where is this scriptural backing that you claim to possess?

Not that I disbelieve you.....I am a Christian myself.

But at this time I do think that this is something of a liberal agenda.....and much more............

I would just like to see your scriptural standpoint.

Revelations clearly states that destroyers of this earth will be dealt with.

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever...and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they shall be judged, and that thou...shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."

(Revelation 11:15,18)

[edit on 3-4-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Roper
There is a very big difference between a airplane and the solar system.


The solar system is the one you can still have a bottle of water with you when you board. . .

Seriously though, this is our home. ALL OF US! Just a bigger version of the one you go to every evening after work.

Would any of you trash your house to the point of it being destroyed? I don't think so. ( Teeagers please don't answer. I have two at home & everything they touch ends up in three categories: Used up, Broken, or Lost )

It's all our responsibility. No religion required. . .

Here's something you wouldn't think of right off the bat that would be a great place to start;

I couldn't believe it when I read the stats & convictions to date.

Just sickening


posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Old Man

No, what I am saying is that, from a CHRISTIAN perspective, the whole focus of the 'global warming movement' is geared to how man alone can remedy the situation, when the bible says that natural catastrophies....the sea and the waves roaring.....changing of times and seasons....etc, would seem to suggest that these things are meant as a warning to us that God's judgements are coming on the earth, and are somewhat unavoidable.

Therefore, in conclusion, the remedy is not to adopt a 'gaia' philosophy, but to repent and turn to God, whereas the whole 'liberal' movement seems to be saying that man alone, without God, has the answer.

Does this make sense?

You have provided your own answer. These catastrophies are warnings of God's judgements on mankind so wouldn't it make sense that we repent from the sins we are committing against God's creation?

The remedy is to repent and turn to God. That is God's answer and yes it is dependent on man to repent and turn to God.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Old Man

Originally posted by David2012

@Old Man. can't agree with it just being an agenda thing. it's obvious to me daily.
You might want to check out An Inconvenient Truth, you can still debate the cause but the environment is changing fast, too fast. And that is worrysome imho. We at the minimum have an obligation to find out what's going on exactly and what our part in it is.

The bottom line is we only have 1 planet. personally I like my "home" clean.


[edit on 3-4-2007 by David2012]

The point I was trying to make is not that it is an agenda thing only.

What I was saying is, yes, the climate is changing......drastically.

But man, in his ???Wisdom???.......has decided to leave God out of the equation, and increasingly turning to his own remedies, which I think are no remedies at all, in actual fact.

It seems to me that the UN is pushing some kind of Gaia worship.

People ridicule the idea of a God, yet they seem to be ready to treat the physical earth as some kind of object for spiritual they are just replacing one kind of worship for another.

Could it be time for us to realize that the bible might actually have something to say about the situation after all, and bring God back into the equation?

Seems to me that since man has rejected the idea of God during the last few decades, things have got worse, not better.


Sure. I think we should involve God in solving the environmental problem. This makes sense as you put it. We should seek his remedies that are found in the Bible. I agree with you completely.

Now where should I look in the Bible to find how God says we should combat pollution and global warming?

Until you point them out so we can show them to our esteemed scientists I guess we'll just have to go with mans remedies.

I'm not being sarcastic here. I just don't understand your point. Instead of putting forth worthwhile ideas you are using the environmental movement as an excuse to pump your ideas about religion.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Until you point them out so we can show them to our esteemed scientists I guess we'll just have to go with mans remedies.

The idea that man should take care of the Earth (wise stewardship) is consistent with Scripture. That has been established here (uncontested) already, and also the point of this topic, is it not?

"[O]ur esteemed scientists" are proposing what as a "remedy," exactly? Wise stewardship perhaps? Politicians are suggesting taxes... not sure what the "scientific remedy" for climate change is though (man-made or not) so you could help me deny my ignorance. Cantcha?

I'm not being sarcastic here [...] using the environmental movement as an excuse to pump your ideas about religion.

Facetious maybe?

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I already posted a debunk of 'An Inconvenient Truth' -

Read the lies of an Inconvenient Truth exposed in this -

yes, because the hundreds of scientists that support it are all outweighed by a person with a :

a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University and a B.A. in Political Science from Claremont McKenna College .
(from your own source)

:shk: Just because many people do not jump to the conclusion that global warming is man-made doesn't mean that they don't care about the environment.

it's not jumping to a conclusion when you have a body of scientists going behind it. not just a body of scientists, but a huge body of them

people have been warning of the negative effects of pumping millions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere for years, especially in regards to climate change.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 08:10 PM
Global warming on Mars.


posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 04:39 PM
Here is one! Just pointing out that things are out of our hands.

TOPEKA, Kan., March 22 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists believe an 1859 solar flare destroyed more of the Earth's ozone than did a 1989 solar flare -- the strongest ever monitored by satellite.

Researchers led by Brian Charles Thomas of Washburn University used data on nitrate enhancements from Greenland ice cores to determine the September 1859 solar proton event released 6.5 times more energy than did the 1989 event.

Models using that energy release showed 3.5 times more ozone was destroyed during the 1859 episode than in 1989. And since ozone regulates the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth, the researchers said understanding intense solar proton events will be important in predicting potential damage to the biosphere.

The study by Thomas, Charles Jackbon of the Goddard Space Flight Center, and Adrian Melott of the University of Kansas appears in the current issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters.


posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Nice point Roper. It is true that natural events do destroy the ozone layer.

However, it is important to realize that the earth has a built-in balacing ability to prevent natural phenomena from completely destroying our ecosystem. Humans produce phenomena that is not part of this natural ecosystem and overpower the environments ability to balance.

A good example of how humans are is a basic college microbiology experiment where you monitor the growth of bacteria in a petri dish. If you are familiar with this experiment then you gain an informed perspective on this issue. If you have never conducted this experiment then you definitely should prior to taking a stance on this issue. Otherwise you are making an uninformed stance based simply on personal opinion or religious belief. I am not speaking to Roper here but making a statement in general.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 12:10 AM
The Christians may be smart enough to know that this occurs during the wrath of God. They don't plan on being around.

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 12:32 AM
Curious. Who made this a christians vs. environmentlist issue? i know lots of christian people who are environmentally minded.

This sounds like somebody is out there, pointing fingers at whatever group of people happens to be the most unpopular category in the mainstream pop-culture, to use like punching bags. it's easy to drop the dirt on the least popular kid on the block, but that doesn't mean it's correct.

for example, for awhile now, i've been trying to get people to entertain the idea that we should build all subsequent homes in subdivisions as earth-sheltered or earth-bermed. it cuts energy usage by eighty percent, allows passive solar energy usage for the remaining twenty percent, removing you from the grid entirely in some cases. it saves on wood usage because the frame is cement. it needs no aluminum siding, no paint, no tar based roof tiles. maintenance is very low cost and lifetime is somewhere in the century mark. it protects against earthquakes (it moves with the earth), fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, nuclear fallout, dangerous solar radiation, bugs, fire, rodents, water leakage, frozen pipes, maintains a constant temp all year round, regardless of weather outside, and reclaims your lawn area for planting trees, bushes and flowers. it recoups the landspsace for adding more oxygen producing plants and trees, while at the same time, using less energy resources. it also is more security conscious as there are not as many ways to gain entry into your home, so burglaries go down. it solves more social and environmental issues than might be suspected, even armed with this information.

next, i know lots of christians who recycle. does everyone here recycle?
and do you recycle all the types of items that are recyclable? i know christians who compost, as well. does everyone here compost?
does everyone here give to environmental charities?
does everyone here write up ideas on how to protect the environment and share it with their kids? and teach them how to do it?

i mean, there's only so many ways to say it or prove it, but good grief, the stereotyping has just got to stop.

in the meantime, check out these environmentally friendly things you can do with very little effort expended on your part, and then you can feel as if you've contributed something besides that beer can you tossed on the side of I-90, or the bag of trash you left at woodstock, for somebody else to clean up.

The Rainforest Site
The Recycling Site

Thank you! Your click has funded the preservation of 11.4 square feet of endangered rainforest. Please click every day and support the sponsors below, who pay for your gift.

[edit on 6-4-2007 by undo]

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Roper
There is a very big difference between a airplane and the solar system.


It's an analogy.

Just trust god and sit on your hands.. sorry don't believe that, completely within the bounds of said religion I believe: Free will responsibility.. god won't intervene...

Besides that. It's hard for me to trust god to take care of it... I don't believe there is a decision making god.. so it can't take care of it.

I just think we should take responsibility.. even if it's just finding out exactly what is happening.

About debunking Inconvenient truth.. I would have prefered proven wrong instead of the word debunk. I find it has a negative tone as it's been related to mean disprove truth instead of uncovering nonsense. (don't know why that is actually). But i'll check your link.

[I]Originally posted by Old Man
People ridicule the idea of a God, yet they seem to be ready to treat the physical earth as some kind of object for spiritual they are just replacing one kind of worship for another.

I care about my living space. I don't worship the planet.
Sure there are people out there that do. And I don't see why taking care and cleaning up our act automaticly means worshipping gaia or something.

[edit on 6-4-2007 by David2012]

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 05:54 PM
I think if people want to worship the planet then that is their business and not mine. I am simply saying that a good Christian should care about protecting God's creation.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
And as far as saying that the environmental movement has a liberal agenda. It does.
Read the lies exposed in this -

That company is a joke and their arguments are incredibly weak and flawed.

AIT warns that a doubling of pre-industrial CO 2 levels to 560 ppm will so acidify seawater that all optimal areas for coral reef construction will disappear by 2050—implausible because coral calcification rates have increased as ocean temperatures and CO 2 levels have risen

It's completely untrue that coral calcification rates have increased with the rise of ocean temperatures. Coral polyps, which are the building blocks of coral reefs, depend on a very specific algae called zooanthallae. Zooanthallae is extremely temperature sensitive and cannot tolerate warm water temperatures. In recent years, scientists have been noticing an alarming increase in "coral bleaching", which leaves coral dead and white. Coral bleaching occurs when zooanthallae leave the coral for colder temperatures. Since coral depends on zooanthallae for its production of glucose, it quickly loses its color and dies.

It warns that half the Greenland Ice Sheet could “slide” into the sea, even though the ice sheet sits in a bowl-like depression surrounded by mountains that restrict glacial outflow to the sea.

Its true that some of Greenland's ice sheets are located in deep valleys and trenches, but many are not. Even though some of the major ice sheets of Greenland are surrounded by mountain ranges, that is not to say that enormous leaks and underwater systems still allow ice to melt and water to escape into the ocean.

I also recommend that you read this:
News Article "As Greenland Melts"

It reports that 48 Nobel Prize-winning scientists accused Bush of distorting science, without mentioning that the scientists acted as members of a 527 political group set up to promote the Kerry for President Campaign.

So what if the scientists supported John Kerry? Does that automatically make them untrustworthy scoundrels bent on distorting the truth? These are Nobel-Prize winning scientists, not 2 or 3 but 48 of them accusing Bush of distorting science and truth WHICH HE DID and still does.

There are many other flaws and misinterpretations in CEI's arguments against "An Inconvenient Truth". Furthermore, you claim that "An Inconvenient Truth" has a liberal agenda? I smell hypocrisy. Competitive Enterprise Institute claims to be a non-profit organization that's just spreading knowledge, but they neglect to mention that they are funded by donations from companies such as ExxonMobil, Ford Motor Company, Phillip Morris Companies Inc. (the owners of 26 cigarette companies such as Marlboro and Parliament), and Amoco. Hmm... an organization that is funded by car companies, oil companies, tobacco industries, and other organizations that OBVIOUSLY ARE TRYING TO DISCREDIT GLOBAL WARMING FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES. If you haven't already, go watch "An Inconvenient Truth" before you're seduced by these stupid organizations.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 03:44 AM
Oh yeah, and I'm not the only one to think Competitive Enterprise Institute is full of it, Jon Stewart's got my back:

"The Daily Show" Clip About CEI

And listen to Stephen Colbert if you appreciate satire:

The Convenientist Truth

Edit: To add hyperlinks

[edit on 4/7/2007 by TheB1ueSoldier]

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

The Christians may be smart enough to know that this occurs during the wrath of God. They don't plan on being around.

well if they think that they clearly don't know what theyre talking about
so no surprise its you saying it
the Bible clearly states countless times that the children of israel are the chosen people of god
so anyone who isn't Jewish according to the Bible is going to buuuurrrrnn

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 02:51 PM
I know even responding to this is moving the thread further from the original intent, but I just can't help it.

the Bible clearly states countless times that the children of israel are the chosen people of god
so anyone who isn't Jewish according to the Bible is going to buuuurrrrnn

Please provide book/chapter/verse to back up this claim.

If you read Genesis ch.17 You will see that circumsion is the real qualifier for being part of Gods chosen people. You will see that Abraham is instructed to circumsize his slaves if they are to be part of the covenant made between God and Abraham. I realize that The bible dosen't rule out the possibility that he was buying his son as a slave, but I am going to go out on a limb and say that wasn't his son that he bought as a slave.

The new testament is full of other examples of how the covenant between God and Abraham didn't just include the biological decendents of Abraham, but includes all those who call upon the name of the Lord.

[edit on (4/7/07) by Dr_Suess]

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 09:42 PM
Non-Toxic Home Care (ideas on common household products to use
for cleaning instead of the chemical cleaners on the market)

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