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Oficial Story Loopholes

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posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 11:51 PM
its been a year since I first heard this 9/11 conspiracy and well, first i belive it was BS, but then it started to make sense....

there are major loopholes in this story and too many coincidences.. NORAD training exercies the exact day (no air protection whatsoever), the plain having no windows, the US having the technology of controlled airplanes (i dont have a link for this, but it was something to do with an attack on cuba or somthing that never got done) the odd way the WTC collapsed making it seem like a demolition, no videos for the pentagons attack, no plane found on the pentagon..

i could go on and on

but i always like to hear the 2 sides of the argument, so does anyone knows any links to debunk the theory, or can any1 argument it?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 11:59 PM
The lack of armed fighters had NOTHING to do with exercises. The Alert Force is NEVER flown in an exercise. When a plane is on Alert it's only purpose is to sit and wait for the launch order. In the 1990s our Alert Force went from over 100 fighters, to between 14 and 21 on 9/11, at only seven bases. When the Soviet Union broke up, the decision was made to downsize the Alert Force and save money from the military budget.

As for the plane with no windows, there was ONE person that said that the plane had no windows. And if you look at the United Airlines paint scheme at that time, you can't see the windows from any distance, let alone in a low resolution camera from the distance the videos were taken at.

This isn't the best pic, but if you look, you can see where the paint job of this plane is the same as United used at the time. Dark belly, light top, and dark tail. You can even see where there is what appears to be a logo on the tail at the same spot that United has their logo.

This are two high resolution, fairly close pictures of United Airlines planes with the same paint job as UA175 had. You notice that you can't see the windows very well, and we're a lot closer, and a lot higher resolution.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:03 AM
This site covers just about every point you have requested. In an easily referenced format.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by thowix
but i always like to hear the 2 sides of the argument, so does anyone knows any links to debunk the theory, or can any1 argument it?

It depends. Somebody can argue over any of it, claiming any meaning for any of those points.

If you want to talk about coincidences though, try this: Not only was NORAD having wargames that morning, but FEMA was already in Manhattan, at WTC7! FEMA arrived in NYC on Monday, September 10th. They said they were there for a bio-terror drill scheduled for the 12th that they called "TRIPOD II". Instead, they (FEMA and the OEM) kicked into action out of WTC7 immediately the next morning, becoming involved with the fire department, police department, medical personnel, the general closing-off and etc. that ensued, and eventually even the clean-up and BPAT team that was toured through a landfill to "investigate" the Twin Tower collapses. And of course, FEMA released the first "official report". So things worked out conveniently for FEMA, huh?

WTC7's fire alarm was basically nulled on the morning of September 11th, before the attacks, so that any fire detected would be ignored. It was on a "test mode" or something along those lines. Another coincidence, considering these things don't happen every day.

Larry Silverstein had an appointment that morning and was out of his office in the Twin Towers. Another coincidence, something that doesn't happen every day.

One of Bush's cousins that had an office in one of the towers, had it moved just before the attacks, to a lower floor. Something else that, one would image, doesn't happen every day.

The NRO was having an exercise where their headquarters was evacuated because, hypothetically, a plane had flown into it. Another strange coincidence. These workers were all sent home when the actual attacks took place, which is odd considering their work is important to our military intelligence, and in such a disaster you'd think they'd be working overtime making sure nothing else was going to happen.

The leading intelligence expert on al Qaeda was made security head of the WTC just before 9/11. September 11th was actually his first day on the job. He was killed. His name was John O'Neil.

I could go on with more of these coincidences, like a CEO of a financial company being invited out of WTC2 to Offutt AFB (which was also having some sort of exercise going on) and arriving in time for her to see Flight 175 slam into her co-workers, or Donald Rumsfeld apparently "predicting" a terrorist attack to his co-workers 5 minutes off from the actual attacks.

But the point is that so many significant coincidences, not trivial coincidences but significant ones, involving FEMA and the military and the WTC and government officials, tend to put strain on the official story. It doesn't seem likely that all of these things just happened to occur together, and that there was no organization to them, because as soon as one sincerely contemplates a conspiracy, all of these things suddenly cease to be merely coincidental, and they make sense as a unit: NORAD was crippled by wargames, FEMA was sitting in WTC7 just waiting to roll out, and guys behind the scenes were pulling strings to make sure no one important to them was in harm's way, or in one case, that someone important to them (top al Qaeda expert John O'Neil) was in harm's way.

One way of looking at things (official version) is that all of those things happened by chance and were merely coincidences, and very unlikely ones at that. The other way of looking at them is that they were designed to coincide, and it wasn't random or by chance at all, but the implication is that therefore, al Qaeda at least wasn't acting alone in its attack on civilians here.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
The lack of armed fighters had NOTHING to do with exercises. The Alert Force is NEVER flown in an exercise. When a plane is on Alert it's only purpose is to sit and wait for the launch order. In the 1990s our Alert Force went from over 100 fighters, to between 14 and 21 on 9/11, at only seven bases. When the Soviet Union broke up, the decision was made to downsize the Alert Force and save money from the military budget.

He wasn't talking about shooting the planes down. He was talking about how it is a coincidence that the government was having excercises ON 911. Terrorist attack excercises ON 911. Thats a majorly overlooked coincidence.

Originally posted by Zaphod58
As for the plane with no windows, there was ONE person that said that the plane had no windows. And if you look at the United Airlines paint scheme at that time, you can't see the windows from any distance, let alone in a low resolution camera from the distance the videos were taken at.

Thats true, but you are AGREEING that windows can not be seen. Then using only an opinion type of excuse. So you are helping with the no windows theory.

Originally posted by Zaphod58
This isn't the best pic, but if you look, you can see where the paint job of this plane is the same as United used at the time. Dark belly, light top, and dark tail. You can even see where there is what appears to be a logo on the tail at the same spot that United has their logo.

This are two high resolution, fairly close pictures of United Airlines planes with the same paint job as UA175 had. You notice that you can't see the windows very well, and we're a lot closer, and a lot higher resolution.

If the theory is, that it is not a civilian jet and it was swaped with a military jet, then why are you worried about the paint job? You would think if the government had the time to swap the jets, they would probably have the time to paint it with a United Airlines paint job. Or maybe just use a REAL UA jet, just rig it up.

[edit on 2-4-2007 by WTC7isKEY]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 01:24 AM
Or, maybe, and stick with me here, whoever pulled off the attack used the REAL UA175. Especially considering that the US military doesn't have, and WON'T have 767s in service for several years to come. What proof is there that it was a military/gov't 767? I like how if you can't see something in a low quality video from miles away it proves it must be right.

The intercepting of wayward planes has always been the job of the Alert Force. In the case of a plane not being identified, or of entering the US from outside without the proper codes, they send the Alert Birds after it BECAUSE they're armed and ready to shoot it down if they have to.

Yes I know someone will point out Payne Stewarts plane, which was intercepted by a fighter that was already airborne, but there was nothing suspicious about his plane, except that they stopped talking to ATC. The transponder was still on and functioning perfectly, and they tracked the plane the entire time.

Oh, and I like "hard to see"windows just magically became "no" windows. That's a good touch.

[edit on 4/2/2007 by Zaphod58]


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