posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:32 AM
Was humans on a natural path? Was the golden age a time before "Aliens" came to influence our future? I believe humans were on a natural path, they
lived simple for thousands if not millions of years. They lived more closely to nature, and may have even had telepathic abilities between plants and
animals. Then something changed.
Stories of a supernatural, anthropomorphic god showed up. A "big bang" in human experience had occurred. Had "Aliens" given or the very least
showed us advanced technology and knowledge, which in turn led to a supernaturalism way of thinking,[magic, superstitions, etc] An example would be
what super naturalists today call a "divine realm" our ancestors would have just seen another aspect of "ordinary reality."
My thesis would be this~ That had "Aliens" been absent, humans would have followed their own path of discovery and development. Humans would have
made small jumps here and there. But the large leap in human evolution can only be created with "Alien" intervention. The remaining tribes who are
lost to the jungles remain untainted. We see them as "inferior", yet they are content with the stage that they are at. We seem them perform
"magic", but to them it is part of the natural world.
The sudden appearance of "Aliens" dropping from the skies, displaying awesome technology and seemed immortal was too much to grasp. It was magical.
Our brain size is the same as those found in the oldest fossils. And one cannot use tools and artifact to represent the evolution of human cognition
and intelligence. Only "Aliens" can account for this "Big bang" in human history. They left us as a "cargo cult". They left us a with a
consciousness. There tech left us with "magical thinking"