posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 10:57 PM
There's nothing wrong with optimism, it breeds ideas. Ignoring the problem or just squawking like chicken little will do no better. Yes it has been
shown that the amount of heat trapping gases as well as the other pollutants cutting the ozone and causing destruction on the ground are going to be
around a long time even if we turned it all off. In some case nature has a way of recovering from disasters that scientist are not expecting. A number
of things could happen that alter the heat transfer that keeps the system in check.
What is alarming at this time is polar melting that is occurring in just a few years. If you think about it, the planet has areas that absorb heat and
areas that radiate heat. We also have to consider the polar regions and sinks that absorb extra heat in the warm season for that hemisphere and
radiate it during the cool season without warming the cap more than it can cool in the cool season. We all depend on these cyclical events to produce
food, maintain temperatures that we can live in and other systems that rely on the constant change to function. If we melt the caps then this vast
sink will not be able to sustain the vital cycle. The caps show the strongest evidence that we have borked the system and that something is wrong.
Blizzards at a global warming convention being more of a media field day to the unknowing person sounds like a joke and a reason to deny evidence of
the problem. What has really happened is a cycle has been thrown off causing the freak late season storm. These incidents can also be caused by solar
events that trigger a shift in the jet stream. But is this event is viewed as a precursor to a bigger problem then it may indicate a disruption in
geothermal transfer. If the disruption were to happen like that in an El Nine`o year, then we may see one or more growing seasons disrupted in the US
while another country that grows little food has one of it's best in centuries. It's these oscillations that we have to watch. Is 85-90 deg weather
in October and March going to be the norm! This is like the coastal hurricane parties, they laugh and party until it hits then regret not heeding the