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Green harvest

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Just to get this out in the open do not talk about personal use or anything else similar to it. The purpose of this topic is to discuss the gov's backwards antics on going after a nearly harmless drug.

GREEN HARVEST: DEA and other argentites using helicopters to eradicate Marijuana.

Until about a week ago I had never been to or thought about going to a county council meeting. I didn't think my voice would matter. I have known that green harvest was active but the facts eluded me.

Green Harvest has been going for nearly 30 years. Since the start of green harvest, marijuana has become scarce. The direct result is the current ice epidemic. Drug addicts will move to the next available drug. A state study has confirmed this development.

The facts that really got to me are the following.

In the last fiscal year:
54,680 marijuana plants were eradicated this year.
The new goal for this year is over 72,000

They were 1070 "hard" drug cases this year.
This year’s goal is under 800.

Why would you pursue a increase in Marijuana eradication and a decrease in hard drug cases?

So now you have a helicopter flying back and forth over your property in a grid like fashion. The noise pollution is horrible. The worst part was sitting in the county council meeting and here scenario after scenario or Medical marijuana users getting raided. Guns being pointed at children. A handicapped man being pulled out of his chair and thrown face down. Trees and a garden completely destroyed. A house completely ripped apart. Only to find that they had the legal about of plants allocated.

My thoughts: These guys need to get there priorities straight and show some more respect to medical marijuana users.

BTW it’s pretty ironic that if you google green harvest you find a bunch of sites selling seeds or have growing tips for everyday plants along with marijuana. Not the eradication of them.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:25 AM
as someone who doesn't use drugs, or generally condone their use, I'd have to agree, to be honest. marijuana is not really more harmful than smoking tobacco; outlawing it does more harm than good, both because of what you mentioned, and because you can't really advocate 'safe' use if use is completely outlawed. marijuana significantly impairs one's ability to drive, for instance, but you don't see an awful lot of MADD commercials advocating safe usage of marijuana.

the really ironic thing is that if governments would stop taking such a hard stance against MJ, they could solve a lot of problems associated with it, and make a tidy profit to boot. I mean. nobody's growing tobacco in their basement, and nobody's getting killed (or killing people) smuggling the stuff around because it's legal. on top of that, the government can tax the crap out of it, and keep it out of the hands of kids somewhat effectively.

like i said, i don't condone drug usage of any kind, but people are gonna do it one way or the other, and it's relatively harmless, so i think regulating it try and foster 'safe' usage is the lesser of two evils. I can, however, see a slippery slope argument.. if MJ is legalized, what next? why not legalize meth so that people aren't committing crimes for drug money, etc. however, this would be a logical fallacy; most drugs harder than marijuana have much more serious health implications, and some promote violent behavior. that aside, marijuana isn't particularly addictive; aside from the cases where it's used to relieve pain, where the addiction is more to not being in agony than the drug itself, much like conventional (legal!) pain killers.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 06:59 PM
This is all about pro-hibition isnt it........
This monumentally stupid policy basically (almost single handedly) gave birth to organized crime in america.........

Which is now so completely knitted in with politics and government as to be almost impossible to untie....

Unfortunately the only way to solve the drug problems in the world is to to the exact opposite of prohibition.....which is de-criminalization for a start......
And weather or not you condone this or not....
My wife for one is one who can not tollerate any form of decriminalization or legalization because she is so totally apposed to drugs on a conceptual level ETC and thinks that to condone it etc is sending the wrong message eTC ETC
..... so i am aware of how critics see this as giving up the "war on drugs" and at the same time somehow condoning drugs ETC......

But i totally disagree..... with her and this view....
we are past the point of what message we should be conveying or not....
The whole fabric of society is unraveling.... prohibition has been such a spectacular failure and has been so effective in exploding the popularity of drugs that it must be stopped and stopped now......... before your kid is dead.....

perhaps ill tell her when our kid is on a concrete slab that im sure glad we sent a tough message out there... whoo hoo... just of the record we apposed it all the way.......

I personally think every street drug should be decriminalized immediately.....
I.E... no criminal prosecution for posession or use of any drug......
Trafficing, couriering or production of large quantities should still be highly illegal.

Then the government need to supply every drug for free to registered addicts who sign up for government re-hab programs.....
That way every street addict in the country all of a sudden does not have to pay one cent for any drug but at the same time they have to be in a he-hab program to recieve it...........

This is a medical problem not a criminal one.....
And i dont care what message this sends to dealers.....
As they would practically no longer exist......
The bottom would fall right out of their profits...
All their biggest customers would be gone....

Im not saying this is the total solution kids would still have access to these drugs through smuggling from re-hab eTC but
the government would have the bull by the horns.....
the illlegal drug industry would collapse over night......
there would still be huge problems but this would be a death blow to the big drug cartells......

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 07:02 PM
We don't need another harmful drug (Marijuana causes lung damage and stoned drivers) and the government can't solve all world problems, meth junkies included.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Oh, and this should go in "U.S. Politics", not "general conspiracy".

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:55 AM

This is all about pro-hibition isnt it........

You could say that, not directly but yeah. The message being sent here is that the lesser of two evils is getting the most funding and attention to eradicate. Even though the statistics have shown as Marijuana is eradicated, More Meth use is evident. School teachers caught selling, students in elementary school trading lunch money for ice.

We don't need another harmful drug (Marijuana causes lung damage and stoned drivers) and the government can't solve all world problems, meth junkies included.

Medical marijuana patients are already proving that there are plenty of safe methods of consuming marijuana. Vaporizers will take care of that lung damage along will edibles.

As for stoned drivers I think you find that cell phones, alcohol even your kid will be more fatal than a stoned driver. I read about a study discussed in “A parents guide to Marijuana.” The study highlighted how a stoned driver is aware of being impaired. They are more likely not to drive in the first place and if they do unlike someone under the influence of alcohol they drive slower. They will turn down the radio and ignore those within the car to better focus on the road. BTW I'm in no way endorsing DWI

Oh, and this should go in "U.S. Politics", not "general conspiracy".

If anyone else feels this way especially a mod feel free to move it. My thoughts were that their priorities are not balanced. Maybe influenced by the timber and pharmaceutical industries. That’s why I choose this destination.

Uberarcanist, care to comment on how to regulate marijuana in a safer and more respectful way than green harvest.

morphonius821, I agree that this is totally a criminal issue here. The lies and deceit that made the laws in the first place, the ongoing myth being held over the publics head, and lastly but most impactful is all the drug war BS that has caused our prison cells to be overpopulated.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
We don't need another harmful drug (Marijuana causes lung damage and stoned drivers) and the government can't solve all world problems, meth junkies included.

you must be very naive and uninformed if you think prohibition can stop people from using the God Plant (or anything else - with prohibition you only help criminals)...

latest study:

Cannabis extract makes brain tumors shrink, halts growth of blood vessels

and, from wikipedia

Cancer risk

Cannabis smoke contains numerous carcinogens;[37][38][39] however, scientific studies have failed to show higher cancer rates in cannabis smokers.

I really hope you are uninformed because otherwise you look like a disinfo shrill...

[edit on 3-4-2007 by untilted]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 06:58 AM
also, I recommend this excellent documentary(free):

The Magic Weed: History Of Marijuana

(something you won`t see in mainstream media)

[edit on 3-4-2007 by untilted]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 02:51 AM

Hawaii county council has meet with the public in Hilo HI for the 2nd time in a month regarding federal funds for Green Harvest. I don't have the exact count but the board voted to reject over $500,000 to be used specifically for Marijuana eradication via Helicopters.

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