posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:25 AM
as someone who doesn't use drugs, or generally condone their use, I'd have to agree, to be honest. marijuana is not really more harmful than smoking
tobacco; outlawing it does more harm than good, both because of what you mentioned, and because you can't really advocate 'safe' use if use is
completely outlawed. marijuana significantly impairs one's ability to drive, for instance, but you don't see an awful lot of MADD commercials
advocating safe usage of marijuana.
the really ironic thing is that if governments would stop taking such a hard stance against MJ, they could solve a lot of problems associated with it,
and make a tidy profit to boot. I mean. nobody's growing tobacco in their basement, and nobody's getting killed (or killing people) smuggling the
stuff around because it's legal. on top of that, the government can tax the crap out of it, and keep it out of the hands of kids somewhat
like i said, i don't condone drug usage of any kind, but people are gonna do it one way or the other, and it's relatively harmless, so i think
regulating it try and foster 'safe' usage is the lesser of two evils. I can, however, see a slippery slope argument.. if MJ is legalized, what next?
why not legalize meth so that people aren't committing crimes for drug money, etc. however, this would be a logical fallacy; most drugs harder than
marijuana have much more serious health implications, and some promote violent behavior. that aside, marijuana isn't particularly addictive; aside
from the cases where it's used to relieve pain, where the addiction is more to not being in agony than the drug itself, much like conventional
(legal!) pain killers.