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Possible UFO Sighting Over Dallas No Pic

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:53 PM
I was headed west bound on North West Highway at 1:35 pm 0n saturday the 31st of march. I saw a very large cylindrical silver object not moving in the sky for approximately 1-2 minutes. there were planes in the sky also, these had contrails the object had none. I followed the object as i drove with my eyes until i had to avoid on coming traffic. I looked back up and it was gone no sighns of it at no contrail nothing.

So everyone that knows Dallas understands the location the object was above Highland Park i was traveling west bound on NW Highway between Hillcrest and Preston. Very few clouds in the sky.

Did anyone else from dallas happen to notice what ever it was???


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:12 PM
Finally, someone else has seen this silly thing.

Hi lakewoodrealtor, I live up int the plano area near 75 and Legacy. If its the same cylinder, its been coming through here since about 2004 when I first saw it. Actually, I saw it twice on the same day, once at around 9 in the morning, and then later in the afternoon at around 3.

I saw it moving slowly over some of the neighborhoods that morning as I was driving. This thing was real low, like a hundred feet or so, and I guess no one saw it, which I don't see how. Then some trees and homes temporarily blocked my view for a few seconds as I rounded a curve, and then it was gone.

Then later in the day, I saw it moving along 75, just slightly outpacing my car. I was doing about 70 at the time. Then I watched it disappear.

Another time, I experienced its shadow as it passed overhead during the day last year.

This thing is apparently not afraid of traveling during the day, it seems to prefer it.

If I had a camera with me at the time, the pics would have been clear and close. I just wish I could figure out its schedule. At least now with your sighting, I can get a bearing on its flightpath. It seems to move along through an established corridor of some kind.

If you've seen it there once, you are guaranteed to see it again. Get your camera ready, and get something with a good lens. At least it comes out during the day.

I'm trying to figure out what kind of camera could defeat that optical camoflage it has, because I bet when it disappeared on you, it didn't go anywhere. It probably came in lower to the ground. I believe some sort of high speed camera might do the trick. I think the camoflage cycles a sky image around the cylinder at a speed that would fool the human eye, similar to anti-flicker technology used on CRT screens. But I believe a high speed camera wouldn't be fooled by that ruse.

A friend of mine has also seen the shadow of its passing up in Little Elm during the morning hours of around 9.

Up until now, I thought I was crazy.

Good spotting. Now get a camera handy, one of us is going to catch a cylinder.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:04 PM
Ok cool i thought everyone would think i was crazy. For me i saw from afar it was quite high and a few miles? south west of me. It was cylindrical and seemed to hover also it was reflective not mirror like more like unfinished metal.

I will keep my eyes out, hopefully if i am lucky i will see it again.


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:41 PM
Just so i understand, this is a cylinder that hovers/moves fairly slowly (70MPH is hardly moving in the cosmic arena) and then disappears?

How big is this thing?

Does it appear to have any lighting (I understand it was daytime)?

Is it "hard to focus" your eyes on it?

Does it make any noise?


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Springer
Just so i understand, this is a cylinder that hovers/moves fairly slowly (70MPH is hardly moving in the cosmic arena) and then disappears?

How big is this thing?

Does it appear to have any lighting (I understand it was daytime)?

Is it "hard to focus" your eyes on it?

Does it make any noise?


I was going 35-40 not too much traffic in front of me so i was able to get a good look at it. As i drove it seemed not to move just kind of there very odd. As far as size goes i havent a clue, and i heard nothing as i had windows down and jamming to front242. It way very odd and i am still not sure of what i saw. I do remember being able to make out the shape and remember not seeing wings. It appeared to be quite narrow but had much length. If only there had not been any traffic i would have been able to get a better look.

On another note i was driving to work through University Park a month or so ago. Was stopped at a stop light at lovers west of snider plaza, cant remember the street name. I happened to look up at the cloudy sky and saw a HUGE circle cut out of the cloud formation this was another oddity i have seen over there.


posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 07:55 PM
Hi Springer,

This thing is pretty big when I saw it slowly moving over some of the Plano neighborhoods. I was doing about 40 mph at the time and sort of slowly gaining on it.

There were no lights to be seen on it, since it was daytime. The surface seems like a polished aluminum kind of like a jetliner, how reflective it is I couldn't tell. At first, I thought it was a jetliner, until my brain grabbed hold of the fact it was moving sideways over the neighborhoods. From where I was, I couldn't see details like windows or anything.

It isn't too hard to spot. All you have to do is look up I guess. When I saw it in the morning, it was in my line of sight through the car window, so I didn't have to look up at anything. I just saw this big long silver cylinder up in the air.

When I saw it later in the afternoon around 3, it was much higher up. It had a silver white sheen to it. It was slowly outpacing my car as I said before at around 70 mph. It was going southbound on 75 between the roads of Renner and Campbell. Then as I watched it did its little disappearing act. Think of raster lines on your computer monitor changing one line at a time until the screen turns to a different color. Only in this case, it went from silver to a flawless skyblue.

In both cases, I was too far away to notice any noise. I would suspect it was silent because it was so close to those homes in Plano, if it had been a jet, the noise would have blown the windows out.

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