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Talmud, and Freemasons.

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:52 PM
Talmud, and Freemasons.

As some of the old timers here at ATS can attest to, I’ve tried desperately to understand the world we find ourselves in. Sometimes it can be quite confusing and being misled is a thing that happens routinely. But non-the less, I’ve continued.

I have found that all things that happen must have a genesis or a power that initiates “Things”. Some might say God, or another negative force that creates circumstances to come into existence. The saying “Follow the money” seems to be the most appropriate direction, but only a direction. But in researching the current monetary system one will find it was created by Rothchild, who happened to be of Jewish decent, and said to be a Satanist, or better yet, a Talmudist.

Okay, I’ve followed the money to a Jewish Satanist. Researching the Jewish history I found a Book by Elisabeth Dilling titled “THE JEWISH RELIGION, Its Influence Today. Formerly, Titled THE PLOT AGAINST CHRISTIANITY”

The book, besides its name, does not read as Anti-Semite, but rather a history lesson that was never taught. It even uses leading Rabies to confirm much if not all of its position. And that position is that there is a sect within Judaism that is ancient, and evil. It explains, most importantly, that there is a division within the Jewish community

(Zionists = Talmudist)

and that the God loving Jews are, and have been used by this ancient cult, to further their own selfish and evil ends.

It explains the hatred of the Jews because of this hidden cult and in some detail shows that the witch hunts in the past were attempts to purge humanity of this evil cult.
Does this cult really exist? Listen carefully to what this young girl says.

For my own research I have found that this cult is real, and has used many front men to shield themselves from blame. And I have now found a link that this cult did in fact create organizations, one in particular, Freemasonry. Will Freemasons deny the deep Jewish rituals and mysticism within their brotherhood?

At the center of this self-destructive cult is the Talmud. And for any God loving Christians, IT’S A MUST READ. It teaches that if you are not a Jew, (Pharisees) you are an animal not worthy of consideration and to be used in any way the Jew (Pharisees) decides “Goyam”

In my opinion, Freemasonry’s role is one of self-destruction to a nation from within by fostering, covertly, the notion of unlimited tolerance, that would allow this cult to continue its “Fleecing” of the non Jew. This may also be the reason Freemasons were so instrumental in the creation of the United States, to give the cult a covert, home base of operations. Remember, America is where all the “Persecuted” for religious reasons came to. And in that time the most persecuted religious group, was the Jews, but not because of the Torah, but rather, the Talmud. The book goes into great detail about this.

Another link between the Pharisees and Freemasons can be found here
“The Serpent and the Real Origins of Freemasonry”. “Abraham the Israelite father of mankind, and Hiram of the Freemasons, are one and the same, and both are based upon serpent worshippers with Indian Naga or serpent deity backgrounds. A grand statement, but one that I am not alone in making. Flavious Josephus said in his History of the Jews:
“These Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calani.”
Megasthenes, sent to India by Seleucus Nicator, also said that the Jews were called “Kalani” and that they were an Indian tribe. “
To the Masons of the Board, I ask you, is the symbol of the Snake ever used in Freemasonry? Do you deny the connections between the Pharisees and the brotherhood?
In your responses please try to stay on topic, and if possible, please try to review the afore mentioned materials before replying. It saves a lot of time, and misunderstandings.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

[edit on 31-3-2007 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

To the Masons of the Board, I ask you, is the symbol of the Snake ever used in Freemasonry?

Not in the Blue Lodge, but in some of the "higher degrees". Especially the Royal Arch degree in the York Rite and the degree of Knight of the Brazen Serpent in the Scottish Rite.

Do you deny the connections between the Pharisees and the brotherhood?

I would say that the Pharisees would be much closer kin to the self-proclaimed "anti-Masons". They were self-righteous, religious zealots unwilling to learn.

Historically, there would be no such connections. Traditional western "secret societies" are formed around Hermetic doctrines. Holding such doctrines was punishable by death in the eyes of the Pharisees.

I do, however, agree that there is a link, albeit a loose one, between Masonry and the theosophies of ancient India. Pike had a great deal to say on this subject.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:05 PM
This is an argument that seems to get recycled alot by christians (identy-types, and revisionists of all sorts, but even your garden-variety zealots as well). It's those darn "EVIL TALMUDIC JEWS." This is a load of BS, but it's not suprising that it comes from expressly and specifically christian perspectives. And the Talmud is evil because why? Because it wasn't included in your King James Bible? Get a grip, you don't even understand what's in the Talmud, and for that matter there are two Talmuds, the Babylonian and the Yerushalami Talmud.

For some reason, you christians can't get over the whole Talmud thing, which is rediculous to me. The Talmud consists of the Mishanah and the Gemara primarily, which related to specific aspects of jewish law. If you're not a jewish scholar, then why are you even attempting to read the Talmud? So you can poke fun of it and say that jesus was never mentioned, therefore it must be incorrect, or worse some sort of anti-gentile conspiracy? I'll bet you any money that you're not going to understand it anyway, because you don't understand jewish law, (read the Shulchan Aruch), and have no frame of reference or context for it. For the record I am not jewish, but I have studied a lot of jewish texts (The Torah certainly, the Zohar, works of many of the Rabbis, etc).

Christians, particularly evangelicals, love to pretend like they are friends of the jewish people, but will curse them and speak evil about them when their backs are turned. I love it when guys like Jeff Rense claim they love jews but hate zionists, and railroad against the Talmud. Thinly veiled is this particular hatred, which is very real. Mayer Rothschild was not, as far as I was able to assertain, an observant jew, and I doubt he ever even cracked open a text from the Talmud. Just because guys like Rockerfeller and Rothschild were jewish by birth (i.e. your mom was jewish) doesn't mean they were religious jews, they were greedy and self-serving. That is as against the Torah as much as anything I can think of. So, nice try, Masonic ritual is destinctly Egyptian in many ways, not jewish, and when you get into say the Shriners, they clearly have an arabic-oriented emphasis. In fact, I don't think that you can blame the jews, or the Talmud for that matter, for the freemasons. They are their own beast, and if you want to hate them, fine, but don't get the Talmud mixed up in your goose-chase (and I'm not, for the record, a particular fan of freemasonry, in fact I don't like them either).

What I am is a scholar of comparitive religions, and I will take the pepsi-challenge with any of you "anti-talmudists" (noticed I didn't say "anti-semite" so I could offer you the benefit of the doubt-- and for the record I am not an expert on the Talmud, but I'll bet you I have a firmer understanding within the context of jewish law than the christian detractors who seek to libel a work of historic/theological importance). A message to the christians out there, the Talmud is not your enemy, nor are the religious jews, maybe the self-serving secular jews, or the once a year "cultural" jews who eat bacon-double cheeseburgers all year long, maybe these people are your enemy, as they are to us all, but please don't defile the good name of the God-fearing religious jews out there holding it down with faith and love for their Creator.

Do not forget, young christians, you claim that Judaism and the Torah from Sinai is your original source for your religion, so why do you hate the jews? Because your christ hated the rabbis of his day? The rabbis, within the jewish tradition are the authority given by God Himself for the generations following the giving of the Torah to Moses. Perhaps christianity doesn't carry the authority of the Torah from Sinai, as they claim. That wouldn't suprise me, from the wholesale disregard that christ and his thugs showed for the Torah. What's next, jesus came to America and chilled with the injuns?

[edit on 31-3-2007 by hexagram23]

[edit on 31-3-2007 by hexagram23]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:08 PM
Hexagram 23,

Please put some paragraphs into your writing.

I'm not going to even bother to attempt to try and read you post without it. I think I would find it difficult even if I hadn't had a glass of wine.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:21 PM
yep, when I read it again, I had that thought before I read your response. The previous post has been edited to include paragraph differentiations. I tend to get a little "stream of consciousness" when I write sometimes, although I am a big fan of grammar and syntax.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:41 PM
The online anti-talmud book you posted is just the biggest bunch of crap ive ever read. It basically makes things up, mistranslates, or takes things out of context. Plus the links provided as the "souce material" are represented to be the text of the Talmud but it is not. Do yourself a favor and actually go get a copy of the Talmud and look up the quotes yourself before posting a bunch of lies.

The Talmud is the oral traditions that go along with Jewish law not an anti-gentile satanic guide.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 03:17 AM
Masonic Light, thank you for your reply. Your material will be considered.

hexagram23, in all you wrote, you not once discussed the material presented. Please consider staying on topic. How did you feel about the interview of the young Jewish girl on the Oprah show?

kokoro, can you be a bit more specific about what is made up? what are the lies you are referencing? And can you show your research material, it would be helpful to your case.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 04:11 PM
All seeing eye I love your avatar. John Wayne was a Brother Mason after all !

Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR
All seeing eye I love your avatar. John Wayne was a Brother Mason after all !

Yes, John Wayne was in fact a Freemason, but that isn't why I have an avatar of him. As an actor he always portrayed the true essence of an American hero.

But sadly, off topic. RWPBR, could you give me your views on the subject matter that was presented?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 07:46 PM
As I have often said here the origins of Freemasonry are lost in the mists of time. I also do not choose to form opinions on anyones personal faith, although I do opine of the actions of an individual who does things to harm others in the name of his/her faith.

That being said I disagree with everything you said.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR
I also do not choose to form opinions on anyones personal faith, although I do opine of the actions of an individual who does things to harm others in the name of his/her faith.

RWPBR, does this mean that you are tolerant of a religious belief that could lead to the demise of your own country? Or for that matter, any country? And, is this your belief, or that of Freemasonry that you abide by?

" In my opinion, Freemasonry’s role is one of self-destruction to a nation from within by fostering, covertly, the notion of unlimited tolerance, that would allow this cult to continue its “Fleecing” of the non Jew."

Personally I also agree to an extent that we all should accept those of other faiths and try to understand their point of view. There is so much that can be gained by this. Even now the ancient past is becoming clearer to those who are patient and accepting. But as you pointed out, there is a limit. So, it would appear you do in fact, draw a line and are not totally tolerant.

Thank you for your on topic feedback.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Originally posted by RWPBR
I also do not choose to form opinions on anyones personal faith, although I do opine of the actions of an individual who does things to harm others in the name of his/her faith.

RWPBR, does this mean that you are tolerant of a religious belief that could lead to the demise of your own country? Or for that matter, any country? And, is this your belief, or that of Freemasonry that you abide by?

" In my opinion, Freemasonry’s role is one of self-destruction to a nation from within by fostering, covertly, the notion of unlimited tolerance, that would allow this cult to continue its “Fleecing” of the non Jew."

Personally I also agree to an extent that we all should accept those of other faiths and try to understand their point of view. There is so much that can be gained by this. Even now the ancient past is becoming clearer to those who are patient and accepting. But as you pointed out, there is a limit. So, it would appear you do in fact, draw a line and are not totally tolerant.

Thank you for your on topic feedback.

I absolutly agree that I am 100% tolerant. I can respect your personal beliefs as long as they dont adversly effect me or my family.
No will I usually inconveiniance myself to accomodate your beliefs unless I am a guest in your home or you are a guest in mine and even then there are limits. I wouldnt invite an Jew to my home and serve him pork but I also would not refrain from eating a ham sandwich at luch because a Jewish co worker sat at my table in the lunchroom. Political correctness is social terrorism.

Masonry does not demand any more tolerance than that. Some Masons are more tolerant by choice, some less. Some drive hybrids and hug trees, some drive SUV's and cut trees down. It is a big tent and we cant be painted with a broad brush any more than anyone else.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 08:52 PM
Unlike you I'm not 100% tolerant. You seem to draw your line at you and your family, as you should, but what of others who are mistreated by a religious belief? What of the girl in the video clip that was subjected to satanic human sacrifices? Could you walk away and say, she isn't of your family, brotherhood? Would you walk away and say it's non of your business?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Unlike you I'm not 100% tolerant. You seem to draw your line at you and your family, as you should, but what of others who are mistreated by a religious belief? What of the girl in the video clip that was subjected to satanic human sacrifices? Could you walk away and say, she isn't of your family, brotherhood? Would you walk away and say it's non of your business?

I didnt watch the videos. Call me jaded but I have seen enough of them to know that 98% of them are crackpots or people with an agenda.

And of course I believe in defending the defenseless and standing up for the rights of the individual while avoiding being a nanny or a busybody.
There is a fine line between protecting someone from harm and deciding what is best for them without thier consent.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

For my own research I have found that this cult is real, and has used many front men to shield themselves from blame. And I have now found a link that this cult did in fact create organizations, one in particular, Freemasonry. Will Freemasons deny the deep Jewish rituals and mysticism within their brotherhood?

At the center of this self-destructive cult is the Talmud. And for any God loving Christians, IT’S A MUST READ. It teaches that if you are not a Jew, (Pharisees) you are an animal not worthy of consideration and to be used in any way the Jew (Pharisees) decides “Goyam”

.... This may also be the reason Freemasons were so instrumental in the creation of the United States, to give the cult a covert, home base of operations. Remember, America is where all the “Persecuted” for religious reasons came to. And in that time the most persecuted religious group, was the Jews, but not because of the Torah, but rather, the Talmud. The book goes into great detail about this.

this whole kettle of fish is beyond my scope of being understood,
so i will put this thread on a "subscribe" list, (the 1st & only one i have)
to hopefully have youse guys distill the bulk of pulp, into a manageable and hopefully pleasant tasting swallow.

with the Torah V. Talmud......Freemasonry, & the apparent ~disconnect/connectivity~ between these bodies of thought,
i'm brought to mind a thought by the author Herman Hesse:

... Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists,
other, new insights begin.


posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

For my own research I have found that this cult is real, and has used many front men to shield themselves from blame. And I have now found a link that this cult did in fact create organizations, one in particular, Freemasonry. Will Freemasons deny the deep Jewish rituals and mysticism within their brotherhood?

At the center of this self-destructive cult is the Talmud. And for any God loving Christians, IT’S A MUST READ. It teaches that if you are not a Jew, (Pharisees) you are an animal not worthy of consideration and to be used in any way the Jew (Pharisees) decides “Goyam”

.... This may also be the reason Freemasons were so instrumental in the creation of the United States, to give the cult a covert, home base of operations. Remember, America is where all the “Persecuted” for religious reasons came to. And in that time the most persecuted religious group, was the Jews, but not because of the Torah, but rather, the Talmud. The book goes into great detail about this.

this whole kettle of fish is beyond my scope of being understood,
so i will put this thread on a "subscribe" list, (the 1st & only one i have)
to hopefully have youse guys distill the bulk of pulp, into a manageable and hopefully pleasant tasting swallow.

with the Torah V. Talmud......Freemasonry, & the apparent ~disconnect/connectivity~ between these bodies of thought,
i'm brought to mind a thought by the author Herman Hesse:

... Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists,
other, new insights begin.


I interpret what the OP is saying as: Because Masons tolerate Talmudic Jews we are enabling them to take over the world for their evil, nefarious purposes. He assumes much and proves nothing.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 02:24 PM
Proof, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

5. Occult Societies

a. Freemasonry

"If the two lateral lines of the STAR OF DAVID are removed, leaving the upward and downward pointing arrows...the result is the Freemason's square and compass." (Knight, p. 240)

How can anything be proven to someone who refuses to view the evidence.

I didnt watch the videos. Call me jaded but I have seen enough of them to know that 98% of them are crackpots or people with an agenda.
I pray you are never a juror who decides the facts before they are presented.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 02:36 PM
A:This is hardly a Court of Law.
B: If this is a trail of masonry I could never be a juror, as I am a witness.
C: I dont have to watch the videos to learn if masonry is evil or not. I am a Mason and know its true nature.
All of your evidence is hearsay. All of mine is eye wittness accounts.

We win this case hands down and have grounds for a slander an liebel counter suit

FYI you can do the same S&C trick with a diamond shape...maybe baseball is a Masonic/Talmudic conspiracy as well....

[edit on 2-4-2007 by RWPBR]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 03:11 PM
Your negativity may be directed to the authors of the material, not me, I'm just the messenger.

I bring this material here to debate it with the experts of masonry. If you feel freemasonry is to be put on trial, that is for you to consider.

RWPBR, if you have stated your position on the material, then fine, so be it.

Another bit of info to consider.

Talmudic Bestiality

The Babylonian Talmud, the accepted and preferred version, further teaches that Adam committed bestiality.

"Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden." 27.

This would imply that Adam stayed in the Garden and was not expelled after the original sin, or that he was busy committing these acts before the record of events in Genesis that caused his expulsion with Eve.

The Talmud further promotes such uncleanness through obscene teachings regarding bestiality and sex with children!

"Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest." 28.

"Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old)." 29.

"Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old" 30.

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing." 31.

We wonder when, or if, Peter Michas, Jacob Prasch, Avi ben Mordechai and the myriad of other Hebrew Roots leaders promoting the study of these "Sacred Books", would have unveiled these very secret teachings to Christians.


The preceding material may be at the core of the anti-Semite emotions. Again, I am not the author. If it turns out to be false, so be it. If on the other hand it is real, then maybe the negative emotions have a basis.

But the question is, is freemasonry used by some Talmudists to continue there ancient and evil practices, if found to be true?

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