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Stupid questions

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:39 AM
I have a few questions about 9/11 obviously.

World trade centers
-Why didn't the "hijackers" take hostages?
-Also, an observation than a question, it seem to me that 9/11 gave more justification to invade and destroy instead of helping out UBL and his friends.
-why didn't al queda release a dirty bomb or a biological agent killing even more people(in the hundreds of thousands) if the US was so vunerable at the time?

-For the release of the camera images, the plane crashing into it directly. One more question, is this the only camera watching the entire central complex of the defense department? I'm kind of wondering where does my tax paying money going to, helping to defend the most secured building in the world. I know stupid questions.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:48 AM
9/11 was a symbolic attack upon the federal reserve.

They were trying to get people to stop worshipping idols. (i.e. Paper money with no real value)

In a way the government didn't make up the story, they just bent the truth to fit the facts.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by grassyknoll7

-For the release of the camera images, the plane crashing into it directly. One more question, is this the only camera watching the entire central complex of the defense department?

The question has been asked before. Apparently they didn't feel like safeguarding nuclear launch codes, chemical and biological weapon depot locations, etc was really a big enough deal to warrent any kind of real security. (i.e. multiple high resolution security cameras, surrounding the entire facility, like walmart)

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by grassyknoll7
-For the release of the camera images, the plane crashing into it directly. One more question, is this the only camera watching the entire central complex of the defense department? I'm kind of wondering where does my tax paying money going to, helping to defend the most secured building in the world. I know stupid questions.

If you can answer that question, you get the million dollar prize.

The key question, is if there's nothing to hide,
why is so much key evidence being kept from the publics eye?

Pentagon footage.
Secuirty breifs prior to 911
Even pages of the 911 report

why is all this being kept from the publics eyes?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
The key question, is if there's nothing to hide, why is so much key evidence being kept from the publics eye?

2 possibilities:

1) They want to give the truth movment a chance to gain a strong foothold by playing the incompetant badguys

2) They really have something to hide, like an F-4 phantom jet firing a missile into the pentagon just before it crashes into the wall.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by grassyknoll7

-Also, an observation than a question, it seem to me that 9/11 gave more justification to invade and destroy instead of helping out UBL and his friends.

Allegedly they didnt want help, they just wanted to punish us and start a war

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
2 possibilities:

1) They want to give the truth movment a chance to gain a strong foothold by playing the incompetant badguys

2) They really have something to hide, like an F-4 phantom jet firing a missile into the pentagon just before it crashes into the wall.

Dunno, public support for this war on terror is crucial, why give anyone ground to go against it? ie polls

and as for the phantom jet in the pentagon,

Who the hell knows WHAT really happened..

But if a boeing hit, theyd release the proper footage showing such.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
public support for this war on terror is crucial, why give anyone ground to go against it?

Maybe they think that we are the terrorists, and we think that they are the terrorists. Maybe freedom is terrorism.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:45 AM
There is no such thing as a stupid question.

At the end of the day, without access to government information sources, without smoking guns, the only thing any of us can do is ask questions. Ask them as loudly and as often as you can. The more willing you are to question, the more you can prove to yourself and the world that you think for yourself, you are alive, and you are not merely a pawn in the games being played with lives.

There are many theories that you will read if you spend enough time surfing around this forum, asking questions, etc. Many opinions. It's up to you to decide for yourself what you believe or disbelieve.

I don't think there are many people that still believe the official story, 100% here, though I'm sure there are some. And there are some whose beliefs I personally find a little extreme to say the least.
But what everyone should do, is question what you read. Question what you think. Allow yourself the liberty of freedom of thought, one of the few freedoms we truly still have left, and which many people sadly choose not to exercise.

Never feel ashamed to question, it's what makes you human.

One last point. If you want to make it look like a plane has crashed into a building, the easiest way to do so, bar none, is to crash a plane into the building. Any other method involves far too many conspirators, far too much use of technology or reliance on secrets. Bigger plane, smaller plane, no plane at all, holograms, UFOs, all seem to ignore the fact that it's just easier and cheaper to crash the thing into the building than to do it any other way.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Inannamute
One last point. If you want to make it look like a plane has crashed into a building, the easiest way to do so, bar none, is to crash a plane into the building. Any other method involves far too many conspirators, far too much use of technology or reliance on secrets. Bigger plane, smaller plane, no plane at all, holograms, UFOs, all seem to ignore the fact that it's just easier and cheaper to crash the thing into the building than to do it any other way.

A good dose of common sense there.

How the hell did Captain Burlingame, er I mean Hani Hanjour get a 757 to do a high g manuver and come in low and fast 6 inches off the gound in order to hit the only reinforced section of the pentagon that the accountants were located in, that were investigating the missing $2.3 Billion that Donald Rumsfield announced on Sept 10th, 2001?

And the flight path, if you follow it out, happens to line up with the statue of mars (The god of war) on the capital building?


[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Inannamute
One last point. If you want to make it look like a plane has crashed into a building, the easiest way to do so, bar none, is to crash a plane into the building. Any other method involves far too many conspirators, far too much use of technology or reliance on secrets. Bigger plane, smaller plane, no plane at all, holograms, UFOs, all seem to ignore the fact that it's just easier and cheaper to crash the thing into the building than to do it any other way.

Maybe they never intended on anything happening there,
and this was an urgent matter that needed immediate attention due to some unforseen yet potentially devestating aspect?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 12:48 PM
A last minute conspiratorial attack on the pentagon minus a plane would be even harder to achieve than a planned one.

I'm not arguing that there's not something weird going on at the pentagon, I think it is pretty odd that a maneuver like that took place, but as someone quoted from some Air traffic control people earlier, the only reason that 757s do not normally make that sort of a maneuver is that it's not *safe* to do so, not that it's impossible.


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