posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Have you had an accident during that time? Neck injury or back injury? Something that could have resulted in a pinched or damaged nerves?
My husband has almost lost the use of his hands due to a disc in his neck pressing on the spinal cord and causing it to atrophy before the injury was
found and corrected with surgery........His fingers, especially the pinkie and ring fingers tingle, burn and twitch....the fact that these two fingers
are worse told the neurosurgeon where to look for the damage. An MRI confirmed it.
A less horrific possibility is that your muscle growth and your skeletal growth are not occurring 'evenly', causing you to be 'awkward' and
uncoordinated.....not so uncommon for your age group. If you feel it's too bad to be attributed to this, perhaps you should see a doctor about
looking further.