posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:20 PM
Is probably the name of some policeman somewhere, who gets a lot of grief over his name
I think what you're concerned about is martial law, the
state of affairs where the military replaces civilian agencies and civilian laws with its own laws and enforcement methods.
As for an attack on Iran being part of a 'plot' to bring that state of affairs into being (Attack on Iran ---> Civil unrest ---> Martial law), I
think you might be stretching things a bit. It would be much simpler (and cheaper, and better for business) to push hot buttons closer to home...use
planted agents to stir up a massive gang uprising (ala Watts) in a few major cities, combined with a few big flare-ups along the US / Mexico border.
Once those things are well underway, it would only be seen as normal to call out first the National Guard, then the regular army, to 'restore
order...and there you have it. Martial law without the need to ignite another very expensive and bloody mess on the far side of the world.