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America unprepared for 'likely' nuke attack

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:24 PM
In the past month, the NY Times has had 2 long articles about nuclear bombs going off in US cities, now this.

This wave of media attention makes me very uneasy, and I believe Tarpley and others when they say to listen to the "What if?" repots in the media, they're preparing you for something.


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:33 PM
I double dog dare any county/terrorists (is that ok mirth) to even throw a grenade our way!! We are the super power and for all of you who dont like it to bad!!

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:40 PM
The impotence of the American reaction on the local state and federal level to Hurricane Katrina..... is a clear indication of that which would take place in the event of single or multiple nuclear detonations on our soil.
They know it.... we know it. I'm not pleased to make this statement.... just watch the headlines when in happens.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:14 AM
Well if a nuke dropped on me at least i would not have to worry about paying off my loan, credit card bills, mortgage and utility bills !!

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by periwinkle blue
The impotence of the American reaction on the local state and federal level to Hurricane Katrina..... is a clear indication of that which would take place in the event of single or multiple nuclear detonations on our soil.
They know it.... we know it. I'm not pleased to make this statement.... just watch the headlines when in happens.

I agree the government on all levels did not react perfectly...BUT...lets tell the REAL truth! THE PEOPLE of the region failed themseleves during Katrina as well. And in the aftermath of a nuclear attack the people of this country would most likely fail again. Don't quite understand what I mean. It's like this. We have a natural disaster..the damage is overwhelming and the government reacts the way it trains, lazely! But what I can't get is you watched the news, seen videos, and saw pictures of ABLE BODIED men and women sitting on their A$$ demanding food, shelter, money, etc...Why were these people not out helping their neighbors, trying to clean up their city and help rebuild and take pride in SURVIVING! I'll tell you why..WE AMERICANS HAVE BECOME SPOILED!!!!

We expect everything to be done for us, by others, and without hesitation. When we don't get our way we complain, file lawsuites, etc... It's actually kinda sad. So imagine a nuclear attack that levels DC, LA, and NYC. You have approx. 25-30 Million people dead and about 85 million people expecting help, aid, money etc...

We are UNPREPARED not just at the government levels..but right down to the "average" american who is so used to their fast food, air conditioning, and wait on me attitudes. We had people shooting each other and raping each other inside the dome in New Orleans..imagine fallout shelters and other places with survival capabilites...WOW are we in trouble!!!

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 11:21 AM

they use nukes on us, bet your ass we'll do the same to them.

This is the exact reason why you really don't need to fear a nuclear attack from another country of group of people.

All terrorists in the world know that if you do something bad to America, you're going to get it back 3 times as bad. If some group of terrorists, or a country that is said not to be trusted, would attack a big city in the US, your government, army etc. will soon enough find out where it came from and attack them with dozens of horrible things.

If you were the head of a terrorist organisation, would it ever cross your mind to pull off an attack that will kill perhaps 1 million people, knowing that afterwards the US will kill many, many more millions to get their revenge?

Some people say it's more dangerous because Muslin fundamentalists are now your enemy, and I think most people in America picture a muslim in their mind when they think about the word terrorist, but muslims also have something called common sense, sure some of them will do a lot in order to get rid of western culture, but they're not crazy you know. They also realize that just attacking a big city will lead to the extermination of nearly the entire earth (WWIII).

I will even go further and say in the current global situation there will never be a nuclear attack. No country would want to go in history as the country that started the killing of hundreds of millions of people.

In other words, don't worry so much

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Hmm, they might attempt some kind of dirty bomb trick which is alot less devestating and akin to throwing a rock at us. But hypothetically speaking, if a nuke did go off in a major U.S. or U.K. city you can pretty much hedge your bets that it would guarantee a mutually assured destruction scenario. Finito.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 01:57 PM
what you do is let it hit you and wait for the superpowers to set in....then you strike back


posted on May, 16 2007 @ 05:42 AM
link 15 maj 2007

About Bin laden...

And their new fear thingy..

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by BlueRidge
America unprepared for 'likely' nuke attack

I agree. I also think that most of the world is unprepared for a nuke attack - especially the H bomb type - much bigger than the Hiroshima bomb that went off.

I agree - even though what you posted was from worldnetdaily (

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