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America unprepared for 'likely' nuke attack

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:25 AM

America unprepared for 'likely' nuke attack

The most extensive study of the effects of nuclear detonations in four major U.S. cities paints a grim picture of millions of deaths, overwhelmed hospitals and loss of command-and-control capability by government.

But the three-year study by researchers at the Center for Mass Destruction Defense at the University of Georgia says a concerted effort to teach civilians what to do in the event of a nuclear attack is the best – perhaps only – thing that could save an untold number of lives that will otherwise be needlessly lost.

"If a nuclear detonation were to occur in a downtown area, the picture would be bleak there," said Cham Dallas, director of the program and professor in the college of pharmacy. "But in urban areas farther from the detonation, there actually is quite a bit that we can do. In certain areas, it may be possible to turn the death rate from 90 percent in some burn populations to probably 20 or 30 percent – and those are very big differences – simply by being prepared well in advance."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:25 AM
I think it is better to be prepared than sorry....Where do you draw the line between fear mongering and preparedness though? What are your thoughts?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:35 AM
I agree with this. I'm what I'd like to call an "average" american. I have absolutely no clue what to "officially" do in an event of a nuclear detonation. This is seriously the worst-case scenario of a war and we should be prepared as much as in the event of a devestating hurricane.. Oh wait, bad example.. I personally think the American government doesn't do enough to advertise the effects, how to be prepared and what to do incase of certain major disasters, manmade or not.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:38 AM
It may be old fashioned, but there's wisdom in the adage: Prevention is better than cure.

If the US already KNOWS it's unprepared for nuclear attack (and what country IS prepared for anihilation?) then why INVITE such attack by attacking others?


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:39 AM
We need to just do the same things we did during the Cold War days... drills in schools (Duck and Cover!) and distributing the NATO pamphlets again.

The information is already freely available with the click of a mouse. The masses just need to be made aware of this, and the facts about a nuclear strike.

Most people get their knowledge from the movies, and think that if there's an explosion, nothing matters because they're already dead. They need to be educated that this just isn't so, and the best place to start is in our schools.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:40 AM
What to do when a nuclear explosion is right on top of

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 12:39 PM
I´d like to know how anyone can prepare for a nuclear attack, not much to do really but die and hoep you get hit by the heat wave not the radiation poisening.


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 12:49 PM
the_sentinel posted an excellent writeup in the Suvival forum, How to Survive a High Yield Nuclear Detonation.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 12:55 PM
I think theyre talking about a dirty bomb type of nuke used by terrorist.

they use nukes on us, bet your ass we'll do the same to them.

[edit on 123131p://5703pm by semperfoo]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:03 PM
I know exactly what i would be doing in the event of a nuclear war. id throw the biggest party possible, kick back, and watch the apocolypse roll in, After all, itll be the biggest event in anyones life. I made my mind up long ago i dont want to survive in a world after mass nuclear exchange.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:08 PM
The duck and cover drill for nuclear detonations does make me laugh on the inside a bit. IIRC not even the government understood nuclear fallout until far after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Which shows lack of research into the full effects of new technology in my opinion.) Which they then borrowed duck and cover based on the lacking information. Since there's really nothing you can do against gamma rays, the duck and cover strategy stayed and the "seal the room with duct tape" eventually was added to the strategy for the radioactive fallout. Duck and cover will help with debris, and that's about it. Sealing the room will prevent air flow from coming/leaving the room, which will significantly decrease your chances for a lethal dose of radiation down-wind from the blast, if the room contains at least six hours of breathable air.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:08 PM
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.....for everyone saying we should spread this information to the masses - do you remember when they were telling everyone to buy plastic and duct tape in case of an attack? What did people say to that? Fear mongering?

Besides, this is an article from World Nut Daily. I wouldn't be buying a shelter too soon yet.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:42 PM
I for one refuse to live my life walking around this country in fear. If you (generalized) do live your life out in fear... then the terrorists have already won, and you should have already bent over to kiss your ass goodbye.

The U.S. Constitution provided for the Federal Government to protect it's people, at which time they fail, that responsibility is passed down to "you and I". If by chance (
) the U.S. is ill-prepared for an attack of that magnitude... that should tell you one thing.

Your Federal Government has completely failed you.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:44 PM
If a nulclear bomb goes off, the entire world will be changed, not just the city that has been leveled. No point in fearing it, but so much point in preventing it from happening!


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by bluesquareapple
The duck and cover drill for nuclear detonations does make me laugh on the inside a bit.

Well... it's only meant to help survive the initial blast. If you survive that, your chances of staying alive drastically improve.

Originally posted by Infoholic
The U.S. Constitution provided for the Federal Government to protect it's people, at which time they fail, that responsibility is passed down to "you and I". If by chance (
) the U.S. is ill-prepared for an attack of that magnitude... that should tell you one thing.

Your Federal Government has completely failed you.

The U.S. being "ill-prepared" is actually part of our defense. Not so much against some whackjob jihadist with a bomb in his backpack, but against a Soviet/Russian attack. Almost all of our government and military installations are located in or around large population centers. In order to take them out, the Russians would have no choice but to kill millions and millions of civilians. Not a decision they would take lightly.

Russia's situation is the opposite. The majority of their population live in rural areas. They can't use their people as a defense, which is why so many of their installations are underground.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Well..get you a big supply of Potassium Iodate (KiO3). If you are outside of the heat waves and explosion, pop the pills and hope for the best. These pills are supposed to stop the radiation poision from entering your thyroid. I am wondering about how radiation will affect the rest of your body though. HILLS HAVE EYES....hmmm

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
If a nulclear bomb goes off, the entire world will be changed, not just the city that has been leveled. No point in fearing it, but so much point in preventing it from happening!

The world has already seen the impact of a nuclear detonation on two highly populated cities. Are people already forgetting this catastrophe after a short 60 years? Not only do they know the effects, they know it will completely cripple any country who is attacked by nuclear armaments. Why do you think the U.N. and mostly all countries object to any country seeking nuclear weapons?

Now a nuclear weapon exchange between two countries would be would be world changing..

As for how the radiation effects your body, if you're not nauseated, you probably don't have radiation poisoning, but your immune system will be lowered for a considerable time. If you're occassionally vomitting you have light radiation poisoning, which is where the mortality rate sets in, at 10%. If you're vomitting for over 8 hours, you have severe poisoning, which gives you a 35% chance of dying within a month. If you're bleeding, you have about a 50% chance to live. Anything greater will require extensive medical care. If your symptoms start 15-30 minutes after the detonation, you will have a fatality rate of 100% after 14 days, your bone marrow is depleted and you will die without medical care. After that your dosage dictates how fast you will die.


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
What to do when a nuclear explosion is right on top of

I say - Wave.. Just wave it and get over it..

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
It may be old fashioned, but there's wisdom in the adage: Prevention is better than cure.

If the US already KNOWS it's unprepared for nuclear attack (and what country IS prepared for anihilation?) then why INVITE such attack by attacking others?

If you know they are going to attack you already, why wait for them to attack? The best defense is an offense.

Attack before they attack you. I am not talking about using nuclear weapons, but only naive people think "the U.S. has no enemies".

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 05:28 PM
The oft quoted adage about the best form of defense being offense, imho, is just idiotic, if you look historically. Even if you look simply at sports, in the vast majority of pro sports teams is it the defense or the offense that wins the game?

If you attack someone, you have little moral justification for doing so. This is not a good thing.

For example. If iran dropped a nuclear bomb on the US tomorrow, would that (a) divide the country or (b) unite the country against them?.

If the US dropped a nuclear bomb on Iran tomorrow, would that (a) Divide the world for and against the US (b) unite the world against Iran?

Wars are won or lost based on the ability of their citizens, and the world around them to endure those wars. At that point, the moral justification of war becomes a huge issue.

Attacking first does not bode well for the outcome of a war. It's not like disease, you can't just innoculate against war by killing off a few people.

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