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Spiegel International - "Evil Americans, Poor Mullahs"

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posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Spiegel is famous for its over-the-top anti-Americanism.

Then you should pay a visit to Europe and check out how the rest of the newpapers are writing about this certain topic. Der Spiegel is just one of them, and it is not as Anti-American as you think - that is mainstream media here, stuff you can read in biggest local newspapers around Europe. Just shows how manipulated the American public is...

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 04:19 PM
First off, the US isn't now and has never been an Empire therefore they aren't imperialist. The Empire as viable political function has ceased to exist. It has been replaced by oligarchy and hegemony. We are currently residing in world where most national governing bodies have far less social and political influence than major multinational corporations. Want proof of this? Just look at the current political situation in the US and the EU. Multinational corporations have packs of lawyers in every country in the developed world who have virtually written every piece of trade and tax legislation enacted in the last 40-50 years. Capitalism, Communism and Socialism are now quaint and obsolete economic philosophies that only academics spout out trying to impress the uneducated or unwise. Any one believes that the Shrub is actually in charge or has designed some plan to dominate the Globe is either crazy or naive in the extreme. Corporations are dictating policy to every gov't on Earth. Don't play by their rules and they'll replace you sooner or later. The corporations control every major economic function in the world. They set the price of oil, food, clothing housing: you name it they control it to include the police. Your value to corporations determines every aspect of your life including how long you live. There's a few signs of hope out there like this means of communication. But every time I hear some so called 'indy' author or news reporter call the US imperialistic, it makes me want to pull what little hair I've got left. Especially since their probably typing their message out on a corporate built computer powered by corporate run electric utility and send it out over corporate controlled communications network. Can't you see the irony?

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by crgintx
First off, the US isn't now and has never been an Empire therefore they aren't imperialist.

Then i guess we just disagree with each other there. How do you define an empire then? Colonies?

The Empire as viable political function has ceased to exist.


We are currently residing in world where most national governing bodies have far less social and political influence than major multinational corporations. Want proof of this?

No, i agree with you, i just happen to think that the political leaders of today are one and the same as the multinational leaders. Working for one common goal (no not the NWO) which looks alot like the 1890's in the US. 15 or so multi billionaires, and 300+ million citizens working at subsistence wages.

Just look at the current political situation in the US and the EU. Multinational corporations have packs of lawyers in every country in the developed world who have virtually written every piece of trade and tax legislation enacted in the last 40-50 years.


Capitalism, Communism and Socialism are now quaint and obsolete economic philosophies that only academics spout out trying to impress the uneducated or unwise.

Than how come socialist countries still flourish (to some extent) in the world? If these are just quaint notions, than any economic/elgalitarian reform should not exist. Or did i misunderstand?

Any one believes that the Shrub is actually in charge or has designed some plan to dominate the Globe is either crazy or naive in the extreme.
Corporations are dictating policy to every gov't on Earth.

Can you clarify this please? I mean, if corporations dominate the globe (which i believe they do) it isnt that much of a strech to believe they have a plan to increase their vast holdings is it?

There's a few signs of hope out there like this means of communication. But every time I hear some so called 'indy' author or news reporter call the US imperialistic, it makes me want to pull what little hair I've got left.

Why? It is after all, US leaders pushing such a harsh intervention policies, regardless of who they are at the behest of.

Especially since their probably typing their message out on a corporate built computer powered by corporate run electric utility and send it out over corporate controlled communications network. Can't you see the irony?

Yes, it is ironic. But the critique should still be made, whether the person has to hand crank their own power, or pay for it.

EDIT: good post BTW.

[edit on 3-4-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:47 AM
Here's a link to Wiki's definition and list of empires:

I didn't see the USA listed as having an empire or being an Empire.

Perhaps, it's an informal empire, I'll grant that.

What we're facing is the NWO aka globalist hegemony(not American) that uses large multinational corporations to influence gov't's and politicians to use whatever means necessary to ensure its continued influence.

Who's got the strongest most dominate military forces of any nation on Earth? Yeah, you guessed it right if you said the US. In 10-15 years, it may be China, Russia or India whose army will be used to enforce the will of hegemony. They make huge profits from the chaos that terrorism and war brings, so why wouldn't they want to keep it going?

Osram's original posts was critical of De Spiegel's editorial that it was too Pro-American or critical of the German people's duality about the current war being fought by US Forces in parts of what was once the former Persian Empire,British and Ottoman empires as compared it's own history of tyrannical behavior.

I've got no problem with anyone criticizing the US or its current policy but they better expect a swift rebuttal of that critique if I believe it worthy of one. Especially when I don't see a viable solution being offered.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:49 PM
OK i understand your position now. And i have to say i agree with alot of what you said. I guess i get stuck in the idea that the multinational conglomerates prefer the US. But it seems more likely that they use the US because of its current world status. Thankyou for clarifying your position.

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