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Closeup of an airplane? And if yes what airplane is this? Expert advise (jhon?) nedded

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:23 AM
It has wings its slow and its weird.

[edit on 30-3-2007 by piacenza]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:16 AM
Exactly where do you see an airplane
? All I saw was a land vehicle pass in front of the camera.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:17 AM
Yea, it looked like a car or something. I think are just seeing what they want to see.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:43 AM
Wow guys you are right a flying car... damn I did not see it

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:02 AM
at the begining it looked like a plane passing very close but i think its actualy just a car passing.i can see the windows,frame all that stuff

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:06 AM
I am sorry guys but those images are taken from the sky this object its in the sky

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
I am sorry guys but those images are taken from the sky this object its in the sky

Got any evidence that this is taken from the sky? Besides, I don't even know why this has been brought up. Who cares if its an airplane caught on camera?

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:36 AM
yeah what do you care so why do you post?
Just go on with your .... life

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:41 AM
You can tell that this was taken from the air due to the fact that the tops of the twin towers are visibly at almost camera level. That thing passing in front of the camera would suggest that it was in the "NO FLY ZONE" which is over that part of the city. Also, planes were grounded at this time. I have no idea what that is. It almost looks like a fluid...hmmm....

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:48 AM
I don't really care about the subject at hand for it is irrelevant. What I do care about is the overwhelming lack of reasoning skills and ability to think for oneself that is so prevalent on this forum. You need to understand that personal claims and hearsay do not stand up to the scrutiny intelligent, logical, educated people. Now make no mistake, I am not badgering you. I am simply trying to help you. You said the video was taken from the air. Prove it!

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:52 AM
please can you ignore this thread.
You show us its not taken from the air.
Can you?
Please go away.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:02 AM
I believe it may be a helicopter. There is a landing strut angled to the right and down in the first part of the video and what appears to be part of the tail rotor extending down from the tail boom towards tht last part of the video. Both of these structures would appear to be an automobile traveling through the sky to those who were not familiar with the aerial flight characteristics of automobiles which is generally straight down.

I don't remember if there were any news, rescue, police or military helicopters in the sky at the time but it wouldn't be too difficult to find the commercially produced helicopter that fits the image in that that video, because there just aren't that many different helicopters.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:06 AM
Thnx God its a flying object.
It has wings but I know that a few helicopter model have it as well.
Anyway its a weird helicopter...

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:12 AM
It is the landing gear (skids) of a Bell 206L Long Ranger.

It is not nearly as close to the camera as it appears to be because *in my opinion* the footage is being shot from another helicopter on a long zoom and the helo you see just happens to go past the camera. Thats all, nothing suspicious.

The curved parts angled downwards are the legs onto which the skids are attatched, not wings. Their chord is exaggerated by the zoom, though on certain models of the Long Ranger they are pretty broad anyway.

Also, John Lear is correct in that you can see the ventral stabiliser too towards the end of the footage. The curved underside of the forward fuselage nacelle as it comes into view is also pretty distinctive, all of which allowed me to make a positive ID.

*edited to make a singular positive ID after some fact checking and comparisons of different models*

[edit on 30-3-2007 by waynos]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
please can you ignore this thread.
You show us its not taken from the air.
Can you?
Please go away.

You might want to review this: How Not To Be Banned From ATS
And this: Terms And Conditions

You have no right to tell anyone on this forum to "go away." I will post in any thread I so choose.

Now, you are the one who posted the video claiming it to be taken from the air, not me. I don't have to prove anything. What is your proof? It's a simple question.

To the gentleman who suggested that the video has to be taken from the air because the view is almost level with the top of the towers:

I disagree. The camera is well below the top of the towers. The view appears to be zoomed significantly. What you are seeing is an optical illusion produced by the distance from the towers coupled with the high magnification. It gives the illusion that the view is higher in the air.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by MooneyBravo
I don't really care about the subject at hand for it is irrelevant. What I do care about is the overwhelming lack of reasoning skills and ability to think for oneself that is so prevalent on this forum. You need to understand that personal claims and hearsay do not stand up to the scrutiny intelligent, logical, educated people. Now make no mistake, I am not badgering you. I am simply trying to help you. You said the video was taken from the air. Prove it!

In this post you are actually insulting.
The only person which obviously misses reasoning skills and ability to think let me tell you ITS YOU.
If you want to offend someone and you don't care about the subject I repeat go away and insult someone else.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:17 AM
i forgot about its probably helicopter or the came was shooting from some bridge or from the ground and a car passed by...
dont wanna sound sceptic sorry guiz):

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:19 AM
And the thread has degraded to off topic commentary.

Thread closed.


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