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How to Inflitrate A51

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posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by NightVision

Actually I do now, and as I have stated on numerous threads like this before, have had, a reasonable hypothesis on how to infiltrate any highly monitored facility.

I choose not to reveal it - because perhaps I AM a genius - and it is not at all self evident - in which case, no reason to provide the Govt. with my unique knowledge.

To test this assertion I would like someone else here to work it out.

Basically an infiltraion must be:

1) small enough to be ignored as noise by the sensors

2) able to carry on some functions in an automated way

3) able to provide real time - or time delayed - reconnisance - with real time being prefered (to keep size down and to reduce the chance of loss of data by detection)

Now it also must be able to deal with the following issue;

4) All communications/frequencies are jammed

Find a way to incorporate 1-3 and overcome 4 and you have your answer.

However - everytime a thread like this comes out - all participants propose using some form of Brute Force method that can be easily defended against.

(basic physics)

I've given you all the clues you need - and now I am curious to see who can come to the same conclusion I have.

Good Luck!

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

I choose not to reveal it - because perhaps I AM a genius - and it is not at all self evident - in which case, no reason to provide the Govt. with my unique knowledge.

...Another way of saying "I really don't know how to infiltrate Area 51, I just want to entertain myself with this thread until someone else comes up with a better idea so I can say it was mine first."

BTW: If you're thinking of the automated dragonfly method, its already been proposed. Next. Other than a huge EMF generator, there aren't many other options.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by TruthMagnet

You really are living in a fantasy bubble. Do you honestly think that you have come up with a nifty way to penetrate their security, a security btw which has a thousand fold more resources and "think tanks" than you can ever possibly imagine?

Do you honestly tell yourself that you have outsmarted them that you believe your plot would work?

There is only 1 way to find out friend.


Then come back and report on how it went.

That is...if you do come back.


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by NightVision

BTW: If you're thinking of the automated dragonfly method, its already been proposed.

No, that is not exactly what I was thinking - but it is thinking in a more practical direction than Brute Force intrusion.

There is a more important detail that could potentially make many similar approaches more sucessful.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

Originally posted by NightVision

BTW: If you're thinking of the automated dragonfly method, its already been proposed.

No, that is not exactly what I was thinking - but it is thinking in a more practical direction than Brute Force intrusion.

There is a more important detail that could potentially make many similar approaches more sucessful.

Understood. I'm not going to sit here and say geniuses are perfect spellers or anything, but you're really making it hard for us to believe you with your misspelled words. I'll give you credit though. Your smart enough to garner attention to your posts with little or no substance to back your claims.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by RFBurns
reply to post by TruthMagnet

You really are living in a fantasy bubble. Do you honestly think that you have come up with a nifty way to penetrate their security, a security btw which has a thousand fold more resources and "think tanks" than you can ever possibly imagine?

Do you honestly tell yourself that you have outsmarted them that you believe your plot would work?

There is only 1 way to find out friend.


Then come back and report on how it went.

That is...if you do come back.

If my hpothesis is correct than it does not matter if they have thought of it - it can still not be effectively defended against.

And that is the brilliance of using science to solve a previously impossible (or impractical) problem.

I would prefer not to purposefull let world govt's know of this - but certainly they may have realized the problem, but like the "Death Star" weakness found it too unlikely to worry about defending against.

(a common problem in defenses designed by comittee)

I do intend to experiment with this process and determine it's effectiveness - however at this time I am still pursuing financing for this particular project.

I do not have any interest in infiltarting Area 51 - which of course has gained too much notoriety to still house the answers to the questions I seek answered - but I should be able to create a mock scenario to provide a proof of concept on a reasonable budget.

I shall certainly enjoy the challenge!

All I am asking of the ATS community - is that they not run around in circles suggesting infiltration techniques that are prima facie absurd - and clearly lacking any real introspection.

Or - continue this fruitless behavior if you choose - but at least sticky it as the massively un-insightful, impractical, Area "x" infiltration thread.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by NightVision

Oh yes - I wondered how long it would take until my SPELLING was attacked.

I tell you what - the Human Race will never get tired of substituting trival character assassination for a real, substantive, fact supported argument.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet
reply to post by NightVision

Oh yes - I wondered how long it would take until my SPELLING was attacked.

I tell you what - the Human Race will never get tired of substituting trival character assassination for a real, substantive, fact supported argument.

While I respect your avenue of thought, and agree with you that brute force ideas are nothing more than entertainment, I am forced to conclude that your responses have rendered many of your theories inept.

Sir, you don't even have any facts to support the argument that you don't have. Unless you are willing to present your theory, you don't even have anything to support.

And by the way....its 'trivial', not trival. You are not being attacked for your spelling. I am merely pointing out a contradiction that you call yourself a genius.

Based on your willingness to say you have all the answers, and unwillingness to contribute to this thread, I would say your type is nothing new here. We get types like you all the time. When the truth is revealed and the OP's get banned, we find the same thing over and over: Some adolescent playing games on the internet. If you think you are special snowflake, you are not.

If you have anything substantive to share, I would recommend doing so now, otherwise try going here:

Online Games

It's loads of fun for a person your age.

[edit on 10-2-2009 by NightVision]

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by NightVision

And by the way....its 'trivial', not trival. You are not being attacked for your spelling. I am merely pointing out a contradiction that you call yourself a genius.

[edit on 10-2-2009 by NightVision]

You know - it's a funny thing - first of all I suggested that my approach to solving this problem may be Genius - but I do, in fact, have a Genuis IQ, member of Mensa, the whole deal.

And my pronouncement of this fact always leads to ridicule and derision by those who are intimidated by such a label.

However if I claimed to be an athlete, which my phenotype does not support, but which is a thing to be respected and envied also, society would have little problem with it.

Just another one of those things thart makes you go hmmmm....

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 12:57 PM
Hi, inquisitive persons.

One who: boast of, brag about
"...member of Mensa, the whole deal..."
makes ME go . . .hmmmmm. . .

( excuse my english, my SECOND language )

Blus skies.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Lets all just run at it. They can't stop us all!

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by NoHopeForSome
Lets all just run at it. They can't stop us all!

no, but the main part of the base is probably somewhere underground behind a massive blast door like those at Cheyenne - you'll never get inside, all you'll see will be some hangars, few parked jets and a baseball field

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by TruthMagnet

You know - it's a funny thing - first of all I suggested that my approach to solving this problem may be Genius - but I do, in fact, have a Genuis IQ, member of Mensa, the whole deal.

Intimidated? More like entertainment. I must thank you for making this thread interesting. By the way, you spelled genius wrong, genius. Mensa should be proud. When you're ready to stop playing the victim role here and actually back up your claims with substance and facts, you just let us know.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 07:06 PM
Ok, instead of making fun of the poster and other peoples spelling I have another idea. The key is get on that plane. It is the major hole in their security. Taking the plane bypasses all ground and radar protection. The next try would be to get a job as cleaner or food vendor on the plane. These jobs are probably the easiest to get. The government, in it's stupidity, will award the contract to the lowest bidder. This means that they will hire anyone a low wage wage to keep the under the bid. When cleaning or providing food to the plane hide inside. When the plane lands just follow the best dressed person to the highest level area of security. When he/she opens the door just walk in, this is common courtesy in our culture to hold doors open!!!! Use it to your advantage!!! When inside somehow steal an ID. The people will be totally off guard because they are in a secure area. Find a map, may be under the fire escape plans. The fire plans will have a map of the entire complex for escape routes. Use the ID to enter the secure areas. Take pictures and use a sat phone to download to Who cares what happens to you after that!

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by christopherledwards
Ok, instead of making fun of the poster and other peoples spelling I have another idea. The key is get on that plane.

Although that approach has a potential to work - with so many unknowns - and such a high risk to low reward ratio - I think it is probably a no-go even for a fanatic.

If someone is seriously interested in funding my experimental approach they can drop me a u2u - and I would be willing to put together a presentation for them - but I'm thinking it may cost a couple of mill to get the ball rolling.

(I know several acquaintances who have trust funds much larger that that - so that amount is not unrealistic)

And yes I have approached them to some degree - but they, like many people who didn't actually earn their wealth, are pretty close minded about taking on risk.

This is NOT a general solicitation ATS Admin's tho - it IS in the context of this discussion - I do NOT want ANY MONEY UPFRONT.

(is that enough of a disclaimer?)

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:35 PM
Potential to work? Cool, almost a compliment! The risk is not worth it obviously! But then again, what if there is alien stuff there? The CIA would brainwash you to make you forget anything you saw. Yea, not worth it. The easiest way to get in any where is through the front door. When I rode my bike on to base all I did was hold up my ID card from 30 feet away. This was with a helmet and glasses on! Acting like you belong there with confidence can go a long, long way! Great, now I'm probaly on some government watch list and every time I fly some where I will get an anal cavity search, great.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by christopherledwards
Potential to work? Cool, almost a compliment! The risk is not worth it obviously! But then again, what if there is alien stuff there? The CIA would brainwash you to make you forget anything you saw. Yea, not worth it. The easiest way to get in any where is through the front door. When I rode my bike on to base all I did was hold up my ID card from 30 feet away. This was with a helmet and glasses on! Acting like you belong there with confidence can go a long, long way! Great, now I'm probaly on some government watch list and every time I fly some where I will get an anal cavity search, great.

Wait you rode up to the front door?

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Scope and a Beam]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 04:38 PM
Two cyclist's have managed to infiltrate the base before. Well I say inflitrate they got pretty damn close to the base according to them. Bearing in mind this was about 10/15 years ago, when security wasn't as strict as it is now. According to them they managed to get close enough to the base to be able to see the runways and watch the planes take off and see the "strange" lights in the sky. As they left they were arrested by security personel and questioned. I believe from what I can remember they said to the security personel they had basically got lost mountain biking and were then escorted off back to the road. I'll see if I can find a clip of this documentry I saw it on, on YouTube.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 05:05 PM
I think we can all - safely agree - driving a vehicle of any kind onto the base will not be effective.

Nor walking even with 1000 citizens.

Nor parachuting, nor flying in.

Brute Force entry into heavily guarded, and compartmetalized, installations like this will not work.

Perhaps you could do some superficial damage to the base - but nothing significant.


posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by chrisbowman1990
Two cyclist's have managed to infiltrate the base before. Well I say inflitrate they got pretty damn close to the base according to them. Bearing in mind this was about 10/15 years ago, when security wasn't as strict as it is now. According to them they managed to get close enough to the base to be able to see the runways and watch the planes take off and see the "strange" lights in the sky. As they left they were arrested by security personel and questioned. I believe from what I can remember they said to the security personel they had basically got lost mountain biking and were then escorted off back to the road. I'll see if I can find a clip of this documentry I saw it on, on YouTube.

lol madness I never even knew that. I wonder if anyone has ever successfully got in side but has been caught and killed etc. You never know we wouldn't even hear of it lol

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