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Test the steel in burning aviation fuel

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posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:54 PM
I came across an editorial that I thought was well written and thoughtful. I expect there may be some ad hominem attacks due to the website where it is hosted - but I hope the message makes a point as it is certainly valid, at least in my opinion. Here it is:

I'm with Mr. Kusumi, I would like to see that steel tested and I would even like to see it tested in the manner he suggests - "I want it to be Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck who presses the button to ignite the jet fuel. Either the girder, or their credibility, will become toast."

Have at it......

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 01:28 PM
I was with him until he started talking about the fuel melting the steel.

What we need to do is get a column/beam/girder. Any size will do because we have tables that show the strength of the member. Do his experiment but place as much weight on the member as 40% of the ultimate strength. Because that is what they are saying. That the steel was heated enough to loose 60% of it's strength. Light the fire and see if the member fails. BTW, NIST has done these tests on trusses and couldn't get them to fail in the normal conditions that were there that day. Come on Billy O', ready for the challenge?

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 03:16 PM
I don't suppose any further official testing will be done, and I don't imagine I will see any of the official talking heads put their money where their mouths are. It's not in their interest - however, like many others I would like to see truth come to light about that day.

Like many, it did not register immediately with me how funny it was that the towers fell into their footprints that day. I do remember asking myself why NORAD was standing down. My eyes really opened in the days that followed when I saw workers in the destruction without any kind of serious respiratory protection or PPE (dust masks do not seal - APRs would have been appropriate). That was when I knew that things were being rushed and questioned if it were to cover something up. When the EPA signed off that the hot zone was not hazardous, I became certain that evidence was being cleaned up.

Like many, I want to see the threads of this web of lies continue to be unwoven so that we may arrive at punishment for the true culprits in this crime against us.


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