posted on Apr, 30 2007 @ 01:53 AM
Originally posted by chissler
My response to Gemwolf's PODCast on the Friend/Foe Options on ATS, the Three Amigo's, COINTELPRO, and Gem's Selection of Music!
I take it this is the first PODCast of mine you decided to listen to? IMO you chose the worst possible one to listen to. It's awful!
French?!? I laugh in the face of the French! Nope - my version of a South African accent. (My mother-tongue being Afrikaans, which descended from
Dutch/German... Although if you look at my family tree you'll find some French blood in there - waaay back, so I guess you're half right.
I usually add: "with the cheesy sound-clips" to my PODCast descriptions... I always use odd clips to add humour value, seeing that I'm not funny in
my own right. If you dig deep enough in Cyberspace you'll find me singing ABBA and the Bee Gees... Which is by no means a representation of my taste
in music. (The "hamster dance" once made my ears bleed.)
Which brings me to the next point. All my PODCasts are tongue-in-the-cheek. It's in no way a serious discussion, all I do is poke the board and
fellow members with a stick for my own entertainment and even though the words are coming from my mouth, it's not always my opinion.
That does not mean that you didn't make very valid points in your reply. You had me smiling a lot, and nodding to the truths.
Thanks for listening
and taking the time to reply.