posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 09:35 AM
Satanism has become a catch all phrase for all types of wicca or magick, whatever happened to the good ole days of the Inquisition, when we knew the
bad guys deserved to be boiled in oil.
I think the old divisions of good and evil have largely been used to delineate social structures and define conformity, but dictates are irrelevant,
it's how you use them. So there are probably a few Satanists who are more benign than say a priest with pedopheliac tendencies, providing they feel
doing the next kind thing is service of their own higher self.
Satanism in it's modern incarnation seems more concerned with returning responsibility to the individual than removing it. But that could be the
spin a few savvy individuals have put on it for the press. No doubt there are still denizens of id wandering the darkened byways seeking innocents to
distess in service of some dark order.
Doesn't seem to matter what ideology a person attends if they are selfish and cruel, it results in the same thing, and if they are generous and
kind, it results in the same thing. Mostly what you will find are people who want control over the way you think and what you believe. As with any
belief system, it becomes static and useless without action, the admission of error and the ability to discard old beliefs when they become
inappropriate or destructive.
[edit on 31-3-2007 by clearwater]