posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:13 PM
1. As a demon, do you have any special powers? If yes, what?
2. Are you able to control when you are transformed into a demon or does it just happen?
3. Do you appear different in your demonic form than you would normally?
4. When you are not a demon, can you recall what you did while you were a demon? And Vice Versa? If no, then how do you know you are a demon?
5. How do you know you are a demon?
6. What is your definition of a demon?
7. When/how did you discover that you were a demon?
8. Have you talked to a psychologist or a priest or someone about being a demon?
9. Do you know any other demons?
10. Is there a demon lord or a demon leader or something that you communicate with?
That is all for now... thanks.