posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:58 PM
there has been so much talk about torture lately that I felt compelled to get some definitions to make it more clear.
Some people find it torture just to be detained
Others find it torture (for them) just to be handcuffed
the term "water boarding" has come to light where the "victim" is led to believe he is going to be drowned
there is also sleep deprivation as torture
Marine Corps Boot camp is torture (I know from personal experience)
getting beaten daily is a form of torture
not knowing what time or day it is, is mental torture (some cults use this)
having electricity applied to various parts of your body is torture
Not being able to watch your Favorite TV show is torture to some
plastic bags over the head are used as torture
when the term "torture" is used I think it needs to be quantified a bit better, is it life threatening torture, mental torture, or just mild
what do you consider torture, and what in your opinion is "too much" the parameters are that the end result in death is NOT the preferable outcome
[edit on 27-3-2007 by thedigirati]