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600,000 Dead in Iraq (UK Gov Admits It)

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:53 AM

British backtrack on Iraq death toll

The researchers, reflecting the inherent uncertainties in such extrapolations, said they were 95 per cent certain that the real number of deaths lay somewhere between 392,979 and 942,636.

Makes me proud to be British....Not. What a utter utter mess, thats more than the population in my county. On a war based upon a lie, now this hasn't got any media coverage since its been reported, Marines captured in Iran is flooded everywhere, might be just to take the heat of making this massive news. How is Tony Blair & George W Bush still leading these countries after commiting war crimes, beggers belief. Looks like we could be heading into a war with Iran now and those numbers will rise and rise if we do. What a world we live in...

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[edit on 27/3/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:10 PM
Talk to some of the people on here, and they'll tell you 600,000 is not nearly enough

It's funny how in such a short time, we've been able to exceed Saddam's bodycount. Viva liberation

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by estar
Makes me proud to be British....Not.

At least the UK is willing to report this. In the US we wouldn't even hear a snipet of that. Sad that man hasn't evolved enough to get past our petty wars.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:28 PM
Count a deadtoll like that, take double or tripple that for people with serious injuries and then the 1.5 million Iraqi's known to have taken refuge in nearby countries.

Take all that and remember that Iraq has 26 million inhabitants in July 2006, according to the CIA.

If this was the US, the % of people dead, wounded or displaced in Iraq would compared to 15-20 million dead, 15-20 million refugees and 40-50 million wounded.

Thats whats being done to Iraq and soon maybe done to Iran.

We don't even have a clue what the numbers are in Afghanistan, but they are equaly bad.

But hey, as long as there aren't 5 million Jews that die, noone is going to care right? They are just a bunch of Muslims right? Just a bunch of sub-human savages right?

Anyone who says right to any of those things is in fact sub-human and has even less morals and honor then the most savage beast in nature.

At least animals kill to survive, we just do it because some rich folks tell us to.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:50 PM
What I would like to see is a set of percentages: dead, wounded, refugees and the like then post the names of ALL of them and I mean ALLLLLL of them. If possible give pictures of "before and after" and then throw that in the face of the people all around the world who are or are not behind the wars. Give them statistics then finish them off with the names and pictures of whom they murdered.
Sadly, we will probably NEVER even know HALF of the names of those murdered. How many more will never have their bodies found in the rubble? I have believed the civilian death toll to be over 650,000 as of 2006, however if they belive it to be nearly a million then truely the coalition has put Hitler and Saddam to shame. Take the death tolls caused by the USA from all over the world, civilian, and you HAVE put Hitler and Saddam to shame. 1/3 of Vietnam got WIPED OUT because of the USA and more still dying and being mutated thanks to Agent Orange. Makes ME proud to be an American... excuse me while I go take a sledgehammer to something.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:10 PM
If you think the troops are killing the civilians then you have no idea of what is going on over there. The people from other countries who are recruited by insurgent groups are blowing the schools and hospitals water plants and so on with civilians inside or directly outside of them.

Unless you been there and seen it you dont know.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by 19 Kilo
If you think the troops are killing the civilians then you have no idea of what is going on over there. The people from other countries who are recruited by insurgent groups are blowing the schools and hospitals water plants and so on with civilians inside or directly outside of them.

Unless you been there and seen it you dont know.

But thats 600,000+ lives that would be enjoying eachs others company, watching their childeren grow up, enjoying their countries abilities..
Unfortunately, they are eating dirt and being mutilated by worms.

Thankgod for liberation I bet they are saying in their after-life.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by 19 Kilo
Unless you been there and seen it you dont know.

I haven't been there or seen it but I have second hand knowledge from my friend who was there and seen it. He says that it is bad. He even said that in his platoon, one time a woman was there. Some of the troops fought and killed each other to have a go at her. You think they are going to treat civilian Iraqis any better than they treat themselves?

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 12:09 AM
They are getting mad at us because they get killed by their own country men and then our own country men get mad at us for them killing each other. I didnt say it wasnt bad but its only bad in Baghdad and the Anbar province everywhere else is just a small fight here and there and then lots of patrols and peace for a few days.

I doubt it was just one woman unless she was an Iraqi civilian because if she was american she would have been in a unit with other women. Women dont go into combat zones unless they are already there and combat breaks out so if your friend was there more than likely he wasnt doing much fighting. Also where were your friends superiors and how come there hasnt been an invistigation into the platoon and the killings?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:05 PM
I'm thinking those numbers are off. Lets just say 850,000 iraqi cavilians have been killed since 2002..that means about 473 people are killed EVERY DAY! Which turns into about 14,200 people a month. Do You really believe that almost 15,000 people are being killed over there a month? CMON...

Also, IF this would end up being true...then you sure as hell better understand that about 85% of those casualties..are due to their own people..(i.e. car bombs, suicide bombers, IED's, etc...) not the U.S. and Allied forces.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Kristol n Stauss

Originally posted by 19 Kilo
If you think the troops are killing the civilians then you have no idea of what is going on over there. The people from other countries who are recruited by insurgent groups are blowing the schools and hospitals water plants and so on with civilians inside or directly outside of them.

Unless you been there and seen it you dont know.

But thats 600,000+ lives that would be enjoying eachs others company, watching their childeren grow up, enjoying their countries abilities..
Unfortunately, they are eating dirt and being mutilated by worms.

Thankgod for liberation I bet they are saying in their after-life.

Surely some of the fictional 600,000 dead had to be terrorists. That has to be the silver lining in this whole thing.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
1/3 of Vietnam got WIPED OUT because of the USA and more still dying and being mutated thanks to Agent Orange. Makes ME proud to be an American... excuse me while I go take a sledgehammer to something.

If you are SOOOO happy being an American why are you still here? Do you not have the right to move someplace else? If we are all a bunch of baby killing death freaks then why would you want to associate with any of us? Take your sledgehammer elsewhere...we are too busy making this place safe for people such as yourself.

What exactly do you all think an "Iraqi Civilian" is? This may surprise you but every insurgent, freedom fighter, terrorist, (or whatever you want to call them) is a civilian. These people we are fighting against do not have a regular Army. If you want to classify them into any groups do so as combatants or non-combatants.

Do I feel bad about about 600,000 dead over there? No. That's 600,000 less people shooting at people like me. Go cry someplace else.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:38 PM
The world really didn't care about hitler killing jews. It was only after the war.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 06:57 PM
19 Kilo

listen to yourself the same way that our own American government lie to us to get us into this war they are also the ones covering for all the deaths in that country caused by this war, that includes . . . blaming Iraqis for their own death, tagging them insurgents and terrorist and linking them with any al-qaida.

But look at the situation in that nation, and how long it took for our government to aknoleage the rivalries between tribes and then you see that the liberation and democratization of Iraq has unleash a monster and that monster is call retribution and revenge, Iraq is in a full blown civil war.

People are not killing each other . . . there are killing their rivals and their enemies . . .

Our government knew that this was going to happen and had the chance to stop it, but as you can see, the well-being of the people in Iraq was the last thing the profiteers of this war had in mind.

Right now US pay mercs in Iraq with the names of security agencies to do as they will.

If you want to talk about terrorist look at the ones that are under the US pay roll with tax payer money.

US: Iraq's Mercenary King

Blackwater USA

'Mercenaries' to fill Iraq troop gap from UK

Yes is terrorist in iraq but it depend which side the are on.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by shadow_soldier1975
I'm thinking those numbers are off. Lets just say 850,000 iraqi cavilians have been killed since 2002..that means about 473 people are killed EVERY DAY! Which turns into about 14,200 people a month. Do You really believe that almost 15,000 people are being killed over there a month? CMON...

I believe that around 25-50 people are being reported killed everyday by major News networks.

Also, IF this would end up being true...then you sure as hell better understand that about 85% of those casualties..are due to their own people..(i.e. car bombs, suicide bombers, IED's, etc...) not the U.S. and Allied forces.

And that doesn't absolve anyone. The fact still remains.. It was NOT like this before the 2003 invasion.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 09:40 PM
As they say in retail, "you broke it, you bought it."

We broke Iraq - now whatever happens there is our responsibility, whether we're still the ones actually doing the killing or not.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 09:59 PM
Sheeze if this escalates in Iran what does the administration think that all these sick, oppressed and dying people we have ventured to liberate are going to get a second wind and rise up to fight Russia China and an entire enterage of countries to maintain the Iraqie statis quo? I am very concerned for the safety of not only our troops abroad but for all of our ali's as well, they are closer to the distance these fricking 3rd world black market nuks and bombs will fly. I am worried.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:01 PM
What can i say, although i dont agree with their religion or their tactics. this is very sad indeed. One has to wonder though, how many of these 600,000 deaths were Iraqis on Iraqi deaths? I think they kill more of each other than we do.
Total shame

[edit on 31-3-2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
One has to wonder though, how many of these 600,000 deaths were Iraqis on Iraqi deaths? I think they kill more of each other than we do.
Total shame

Yes ofcourse! As a last resort we can always blame it on themselves!

[edit on 2-4-2007 by Shroomery]

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 12:29 AM

Yes ofcourse! As a last resort we can always blame it on themselves!

They are the ones blowing themselves up in schools full of people. You right though lets play the blame game.

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