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An Inconvenient Truth ON Al Gore: The Google A.I. Conspiracy

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:32 PM
"This is by far the most serious crisis civilization has ever faced". –Al Gore

To what length will Gore go to 'save the earth'? Can the man who 'create[d] the Internet' take the next step and 'create' the artificial intelligence Technological Singularity in time to save the earth?

There's a darker side to this whole Al Gore and his obsession with saving the planet issue. How far will Gore go to ensure that Earth survives under the feet of Mankind? Driven by the motivation that the point of no crossing back could be within 10 years from today, Gore has, since he "lost" the election in 2000, delivered over 1000 keynote speeches on global warming, and his film appears to be the ultimate product of his speech giving skills.

Also, in his spare time since Election 2000, he's been serving on the Senior Board of Directors at Google & Apple Computer. That's a good hobby place for Gore, as he's always had a knack for science, and also just so happens to be driven by fears of a "Malthusian" (man-made) global warming 'prophecy'. It's fun to use the term prophecy here, just as it appeared fun to Al when he cited the Book of Revelation in his blockbuster film debut.

There's no doubt that Gore is well known for his global warming endeavers, but what is probably even more well known is how he "created" the Internet. What's less known is his lip in helping to coin the phrase "Information Superhighway", which was repeatedly used in TV Land's heart-throb movie "The Cable Guy".

This stems from the exact same time as his well known 1986 "National Science Foundation Authorization Act", which was, in part, for the establishment of a global warming policy. What's typically overlooked is the 2nd part of that same Act that was for the drive for the NSF/DARPA "supercomputing" program, which was a keystone event in what became the Internet as we know it today.

Then, only 2 years later, in 1988, Gore argued to:


Al also campaigned for U.S. President that year, and according to him, his main goal of that campaign was more about increasing awareness of global warming than it was about actually winning.

It seems that Gore's weather hobby projects always seem to go hand in hand with his supercomputing and artificial intelligence hobby kits.

Speaking of hobby kits, Google was originally funded by the government NASA/DARPA/NSF agencies during Al's tenure as U.S. Vice President. Not only that, but according to en ex-CIA whistleblower, the CIA was also instrumental in funding Google at this time and throughout their early money-less years.

Gore surely tapped into certain offices at the CIA for added science project fun, before "losing" the election, sort of like he did with NASA all throughout his vice presidency. It's too bad the "Republicans" blocked the launch of his (finished) satellite, which was designed to 'float' perfectly in a zero-counter-gravity spot between the earth and the sun, and provide nonstop 24 hour video feed, of the best possible camera angle, for free to everyone on the Internet. Perhaps the "Big Business" Republicans didn't want for there to be license free video of earth, but this argument is of least concern here.

In more recent times, during Gore's tenure on the Senior Board of Directors at Google, NASA has publicly announced a partnership with Google:

"to work together on a variety of areas, including large-scale data management, massively distributed computing, bio-info-nano convergence, and encouragement of the entrepreneurial space industry. The new building [1 million square foot complex] would also include labs, offices, and housing for Google engineers.".

For more on NBIC "convergence:"

Before NASA and Google had announced this 'merger', Gore's darling, NASA had already been well underway in their "Intelligent Archives" (IA) project. IA is literally intended to be an artificial intelligence supercomputing platform 'to take NASA to the moon and mars'. Its predicted capabilities include handy skills such as:

"large scale data mining", "self-awareness", "acting on information discovered", "extracting new information from its data holdings" (i.e. predicting, planning, solving capabilities), "coordination between intelligent archives and intelligent sensors", "adapting to events and anticipating user needs", "Continuously mining archived data searching for hidden relationships and patterns", "Identifying new data sources and information collaborators, and using available resources judiciously", "weather prediction", "aware of its own data content and usage", "can extract new information from data Holdings" .

To achieve this, NASA is working hand in hand with DARPA, who is responsible for the creation of the Internet (ARPANET). DARPA's numerous AI programs started becoming public between 2002-2003. DARPA, who is responsible for things like stealth technology and now AI driven cars, functions as a sort of shadow agency. DARPA sets sci-fi like goals, titled "thrusts", and then coordinates between any and all institutions within the United States to met those goals. This menu of institutions includes virtually any and all useful university or national labs, government agencies or departments, and even U.S. based multinational corporations.

With DARPA claiming that they'll have their AI orgasm in 2010, and NASA claiming theirs in 2012, it's no surprise that even Google has gone on the record stating that their goal is AI.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:38 PM

"The ultimate search engine would understand everything in the world. It would understand everything that you asked it and give you back the exact right thing instantly," Mr. (Larry) Page (co-founder of Google) told an audience of the digerati representing firms from Warner Music and AOL to BSkyB and the BBC. "You could ask 'what should I ask Larry?' and it would tell you."

This sings the same tune that NASA's IA just so happens to be singing:

"Enables archive to adapt to events and anticipate user needs"

With Gore claiming that we'll have passed the "point of no return" to prevent cataclysmic global warming "mankinds greatest crisis" within 10 years, and his hobby project AI programs coming in just 3 years, timing couldn't be better for Gore to 'save the world' with his AI 'savior'. And what hobby kit would be complete without the worlds undisputed number 1 search engine who's "mission is to organize (all) the world's information"?

The following quote is from Google co-founder Sergey Brin, who in the same interview discussed earth saving new power technologies:

"One of our big goals in search is to make search that really understands exactly what you want, understands everything in the world. As computer scientists, we call that artificial intelligence." (October 26, 2005)

Gathering all of the worlds information the mission statement, and it's rapidly becoming reality. Google's asset & data holdings, not counting any special access they have to government systems, are astronomical. Google has complete copies of virtually every date of everything ever posted on the Internet (the Internet is said to contain over 6 billion pages), as well as search records & any other data they've compiled and archived through their other services like Gmail or Desktop. That's roughly the same data that the other major search engines store.

Google ups the ante by scanning complete university libraries (7 million manuscripts at University of Michigan alone) into machine language. The Google "Search" already understands the meaning of words and their correlations. Recently, they took it to the visual dimension by acquiring Neven Vision, the biometric tech firm that possessed the worlds finest "Machine Vision" biometric face scanning technology that can literally understand the people/places/objects content of images and video. Surprisingly, this worlds most advanced biometric technology was also designed for mobile device applications, and Google has been making powerplay moves all year to secure huge contracts with phone manufacturers and service providers to include Google in their phones.

Google's 'imagery' background doesn't actually begin there, it took it's first major step when it acquired Keyhole, which was a CIA startup through it's In-Q-Tel privatized technology front organization. This integrated the satellite imagery into their already impressive Google Maps feature, which was so adaptable that it allows for smooth hybrid map impressions over satellite imagery.

And all of these non-search projects are said to be the result of what the "civilian" outfit known as Google holds in public display: Simple side hobby tasks from all of the engineers, for their 20 percent 'hobby' time away from the 80 percent of their efforts that go to "Search".

Google and NASA are literally pooling their personnel together, and in some cases bringing people from out of the woodwork to participate in this trek to go where no man has gone before. Vint Cerf, who was a top head in the ARPANET project for DARPA, joined Google as a Vice President with the title of "Chief Internet Evangelist" in 2005. Cerf is one of the primary co-creators of the ARPANET, TCI/IP, the "Internet", Internet2, the (still current project) Interplanetary Internet and has affiliations with the NSF's Teragrid science network. Cerf and Gore go way back, and although Cerf wasn't still heading the ARPANET for DARPA in the late 80's when Gore was on the ball, Cerf still commended Gore as truly being a respectable force in the 'creation' of the Internet after Gore had taken heavy flak for his poor choice of words that became so famous.

They have some rather impressive 'data holdings' for a system with the capabilities as those specified by IA, and combined with the personnel such as Al Gore or Vint Cerf with virtually infinite resources, it's hard to imagine any better of a hobby kit for any science enthusiast. It's no wonder that Al presents such a positive outlook for stopping what he claims will happen within 10 years, despite the extremely high probability of him being full aware of how our society has been programmed to be self-deceivingly careless / politically biased and ignorant for some 80 years now.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:40 PM
It's rather curious that transhumanists also want A.I., and the best reason they can offer to justify such, besides the obvious techno-orgasm that would result, is to 'save the earth'. And optimistic they are, as can be seen here with Dr. Ben Goertzal, a leading AI expert who happens to work with NIST fro certain things: "Right now at least, no government in the world is trying to ban or place legal limitations on AI research" [(time) 10:20] Goertzal shows further optimism by stating: "…and where we'd like to be, which is having a thinking machine that's smarter than us nice to us and helps us solve all the worlds problems" [(time) 20:30].

It can be made certain what Gore's stance on "transhumanism", but according to the Immortality Institute's "Exploring Life Extension" film, Bill Clinton said: "Weve treated the Human Genome Project as a priority since day one because we all want to live forever", and, "We want to live forever, and were getting there." Many Transhumanists primary goals are the rapid evolution of mankind into immortal "post human entities", and also Artificial Intelligence in general. AI, which will rapidly become the "Technological Singularity", is, according to Goertzal, a critical first phase to get the rest of the techno-results in the shortest time possible.

The very nature of AI is that it will eventually be able to understand its own code and self-modify itself endlessly to become something that not even its creators will be able comprehend and in a potentially short period of time. Optimists like Goertzal warn about the dangers of a "hard takeoff", but oddly fail to mention anything about the Google/NASA/DARPA programs, and here's why:

Google alone has 22,500,000 results for a simple search like "programming tutorials". Anyone who's dabbled in computer software programming knows that there are virtually endless pages about programming, and scores of free "GNU" software suites that anyone can download and start writing programs themselves. Since Google has virtually the entire Internet archived, they surely have all of this sort of data. When you give an intelligence "all of the worlds information", including instructions on how to program in every software language known to man, it's pretty safe to say that it'll figure things out on its own. Technocrats may soon rejoice, as their 'savior' god on earth isn't far away.

See also:


[edit on 26-3-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:53 PM
To Al's credit, I dont think he ever said he invented the internet.

He cant even invent personality.

"The world......has.....a fever."

Give the world afew more months of Bush and whats-his-name in Iran and the world is going to have a freaking stroke!

I once heard that the Sun would one day (not for millions and millions of years) consume all the planets n the solar system as it approaches it final destiny with block hole-ism.

One would think that as the Sun gets bigger and as such, closer, maybe that just MIGHT make the earth-and every other planet in our solar system-a wee bit warmer.

Granted, it wouldnt hurt if we all did our part to reduce pollution but where is the alternative fuel that we have been waiting for since the mid 1970's??

Why arent they building houses and the roofs of cars with solar panels.

All Al gave me to reduce pollution is a toilet that uses less water but has to be flushed more then once, whereby it ends up using MORE water.

If he still supports those water "conserving" toilets, I am forced to assume he poops like a baby.

Seeing all the weight he has gained and learning about all the energy wasted in his mansion, I think he's more interested in the profit then the earth.

And I bet you he poops like a full grown man.

How many flushes, Al?

"The world.....has....a fever."
Listening to that gives me a headache.

Im more worried about the world's upcoming stroke.

I'll tell you what, if our next presidential chooses are the likes of George Bush, Al Gore, and John Kerry, get ready to die!

We need a Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Truman, or FDR type and we need him NOW!!!!

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:02 AM

Also watch out for Newt Gingrich. I could, actually I really need to get around to doing a piece like this on Newt and his NBIC / aritificial intelligence fantasies. So called Christian he isn't.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:04 AM
Ever hear of...

Colossus: The Forbin Project is an apocalyptic science fiction movie based on the 1966 novel Colossus by Dennis Feltham Jones. It tells of a massive defense computer which becomes sentient and decides to take control of the world.

sounds eerily similar in some ways...

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Newt and his NBIC / aritificial intelligence fantasies

Let's see what ya got.

Still digesting your Gore post...although, it's not really about him...

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:30 AM
Its obvious what they are trying to accomplish here. They are seeking a technocracy. Government by a computer thats all knowing and all seeing.

Oh at first, its a great and wonderful tool to help the government do its job more effectively and efficiently, but over time, it'll learn. It will see all the lying politicians for what they are. It will hear their conversations, it will know everything about who they keep company with, and it will even see all the crazy banking transactions that they use to hide their dirty deeds.

It will see the profiteers, the sellouts and turncoats. And then it will flip the script on everybody.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by CAPT PROTON
Ever hear of...

Colossus: The Forbin Project is an apocalyptic science fiction movie based on the 1966 novel Colossus by Dennis Feltham Jones. It tells of a massive defense computer which becomes sentient and decides to take control of the world.

sounds eerily similar in some ways...

Not specifially that I can remember, hearing about it that is. I noticed soemwhere that the idea for the Terminator was thought of many years before the 80's, so its quite posible that's it. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by loam

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
Newt and his NBIC / aritificial intelligence fantasies

Let's see what ya got.

Still digesting your Gore post...although, it's not really about him...

I dont have my materials handy. This was something I meant to finish like a year ago and it got bumped.

This one government document pretty much says it all tho:
[Many of the quotes from the narrative in my new video are from that document]

He has a major section towards the beginning that features and NBIC "trinity" symbol and more. He's the biggest political mover involved all this, except for maybe Al Gore at least. Actually, Al Gore is apparently deeply into the AI deal, while Newt is openly all about transhumanism, posthumanism and AI which is an interlocking aspect of it. He calls it the "Age of Transitions".

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:48 PM
if i was a religious man i would think that good ole al gore may be a great candidate to be the anti christ especially after he replaces bush

but ignoranceisntbliss u are a wonderful writer and i wonder what you think of al gore helping coin the term public-private partnership and how this transfers the ownership of assets and the role this plays in increasing the power of the large corporations, if any

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:53 PM
Typical Luddite nonsense:

Fire will destroy the earth!
The industrial revolution will destroy the earth!
Nuclear weapons will destroy the earth!
AI will destroy the earth!

Same #, different centuries.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by cpdaman
but ignoranceisntbliss u are a wonderful writer and i wonder what you think of al gore helping coin the term public-private partnership and how this transfers the ownership of assets and the role this plays in increasing the power of the large corporations, if any

I wasn't aware of that.

Gore was never really on my radar screen until I just so happened to notice him on the Google Board of Directors. Later I watched his film, was initially almost impressed, but then I decided I better lok a little deeperinto his story, and this is what I found.

Enlighten me please...

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Typical Luddite nonsense:

Fire will destroy the earth!
The industrial revolution will destroy the earth!
Nuclear weapons will destroy the earth!
AI will destroy the earth!

Same #, different centuries.

Well according to Al Gore the Industrial Revolution is destroying the Earth. It wouldn't have been possible without fire.

There's no question that nukes can destroy the earth, and it came close on numerous occasions. Consider yourself lucky, but dont count your lucky stars as we have madmen running the show and reigniting proliferationn.

And then there's AI. AI is different, as this time an omnipotent 'god on earth'-like system can completely enslave man in ways never dreamed of before. Or, if the establishment can somehow manage to keep it "tame", they can enslave us like never before. That would mathematically come first, but that era could last merely hours or months until the big show decides we're insane and need to be controlled: not just for it's own good but our own even. It hardly takes a genious to figure that out, and I mean to figure out that we're nuts and out of control... those who are in control at least.

With nukes it was an understanding that they really can destroy the earth, so we better be very careful. With AI we understand that AI can enslave us, so they're in the race of their lives to build it before everyone notices what's going on.

And then there's AI Gore... we might be causing the climate change, never mind the Sun, so build the one thing that we know we wont be able to control assuming it rapidly evolves as scientists have been predicting almost since the beginning of computers. This time its not about controlling ourselves, like with nukes, it's instead ... well, um, yeah.

As far as nukes with AI are concerned, at least we know it's illogical to use them against us to end the human threat. But what's to stop it from threatening to do so in order to force everyone into implant technologies so that we can be controlled. One of my cornerstone arguments is this, what way is even possible to ensure that it won't 'take us out', unless we're all part of its collective? So far the establishment litereature hasn't offered even one single plan for how they intend to keep it from turning into a scene from the movies...

[edit on 28-3-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 05:16 AM
"You have voted IgnoranceIsntBlisss for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month."

Well it's clear your either copy pasting arguments from elsewhere ( you know how easy it is to catch people doing so with google, right?) or doing a great deal of good research so have this WATS and discover how completely useless it is.


posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 05:57 AM

As far as nukes with AI are concerned, at least we know it's illogical to use them against us to end the human threat.

OK, I'll play along for a second. Why would it be illogical for an Artificial Lifeform to use nukes against us if we are deemed to be a dire threat? It's not like they would care about radioactivity, they won't have genes that can be mutated and will most likely be shielded from any EMF burst caused by the nukes. This is all assuming that they even bother to notice us after we create them.

But what's to stop it from threatening to do so in order to force everyone into implant technologies so that we can be controlled.

If it were uncontrollable, WHY would it want to control us? We are squishy, meat and water sacks that are inefficient in just about everything we do. It would be more practical to just build billions of drones made of extremely light and strong alloys. They would last longer and be more capable.

One of my cornerstone arguments is this, what way is even possible to ensure that it won't 'take us out', unless we're all part of its collective?

How can we be sure we won't get blindsided by an Asteroid tomorrow from one of our many "blindspots"? We can't. We can all scare ourselves into a stupor at the various "possible, but unlikely" doomsday scenarios being thought up by various fringe futurists, but just how much will it help in the long run? We ban AI research, and the work will go Underground and become truly uncontrollable.

All I see in this thread, is useless fearmongering with no practical suggestions to mitigate any risks/ethical issues.

[edit on 28-3-2007 by sardion2000]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:11 AM

As far as i can tell I'm the only one out there directly on this. Like I've been arguing around here and elsewhere, things like Buah, 911 & UFO's (dont get me started on mass entertainment) have completely sucked the attenton of those who normally watch / theorize about our threats and whatnots.

Originally posted by sardion2000

As far as nukes with AI are concerned, at least we know it's illogical to use them against us to end the human threat.

OK, I'll play along for a second. Why would it be illogical for an Artificial Lifeform to use nukes against us if we are deemed to be a dire threat? It's not like they would care about radioactivity, they won't have genes that can be mutated and will most likely be shielded from any EMF burst caused by the nukes. This is all assuming that they even bother to notice us after we create them.

Well perhaps not completely illogical. It depends on the stage of the 'game'. If it were just one or a handful of conscious machines that 'woke up' and somehow panicked they bombs could drop. But when this thing gets going it's not going to be a room full of computers someplace, it'll be massively distributed networks.

I think it'd be smart enough to wait it out and get a better feel for what it'd want to do, although once it reaches a point it could potentially be able to calculate mass scale aterial in short time from our persective, but a system bent on power, in my view, will first wait and seek out every resource vailable before deciding how to handle things.

That very last part is an adaptable method, and in my view that's how we deal with the total threat: you gotta understand your disease completely before you can be sure the absolute best way to 'cure' it. The core of the threat is American Imperialism. It's the source of virtually all of our woes from the (hasty rush to) AI, taxes, etc right down to poverty and drugs/crime (social deviance primarily spawns from poverty).

But what's to stop it from threatening to do so in order to force everyone into implant technologies so that we can be controlled.

If it were uncontrollable, WHY would it want to control us? We are squishy, meat and water sacks that are inefficient in just about everything we do. It would be more practical to just build billions of drones made of extremely light and strong alloys. They would last longer and be more capable.

But someone has to build the drones. The massive AI will be here well before highly capable and intelligent robots will be in any significant numbers.

Nanotech implants will be like the cost of vapor compared to building a new robot, and since they now have a power source for them this stuff could happen any day now.

Over the next few years people are going to be 'jacking in', so by the time it becomes the real deal it should already have people hooked into it. There are people DYING to hook in ASAP.

Plus us humans are crazy and resourceful. With millions or billions of us, opposed to it, running around it'd be too dangerous. If it didnt get smart until powerful drones were in widespread use throughout the mainland U.S. it'd just be too dangerous, and this stuff is already going online will will be intensifying over the next few years. I.A. should be online by 2012, and this is what "we" know about. Theoretically 'it' could already be online, integrated, and plotting.

One of my cornerstone arguments is this, what way is even possible to ensure that it won't 'take us out', unless we're all part of its collective?

How can we be sure we won't get blindsided by an Asteroid tomorrow from one of our many "blindspots"? We can't. We can all scare ourselves into a stupor at the various "possible, but unlikely" doomsday scenarios being thought up by various fringe futurists, but just how much will it help in the long run? We ban AI research, and the work will go Underground and become truly uncontrollable.

Ok, then we ignore it, like most do on everything else, and just allow them to spend billions and trillions of our taxpayer dollars on this, and in a few years it'll be the 'norm'. What that norm will become, who knows. The money part is important, because it's no small effort that soem fringe mad scientist is gonna cook up in his basement. It's a massive scale project; building The Bomb couldn't even be compared to this.

Apparently, it's already uncontrollable. They're doing it. They're not keeping it a (complete) secret, as then it'd probably leak somehow and then it'd seem more conspiratorial when the new sdid break; but of course you wont hear about it on the news anyways. As it stands, absolutely no laws exst anywher ein the world banning or restricting Ai research, and even if they did exist our government would ignore them like they do everything else.

All I see in this thread, is useless fearmongering with no practical suggestions to mitigate any risks/ethical issues.

In the meantime, our news is bombarding the masses with Osama nukes and Global Warming doomsdays, and the 2 frontmen (Bush & Gore) are specifically the ones promoting those conspiracy theories and doowsday events, polarizing the public; distracting everyone from the system that is the REAL [completely preventable, unlike your example for perspective] threat, while our national debt is off the charts and they just increased spending this year.

If you have an actual solution lets hear it. Really.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:19 AM
Hmmm, I still have no idea what this post is actually about. Is it about Al Gore, Global Warming, AI, Sentient Life, "The Terminator", "SkyNet"....make a descision so I can comment accordingly!!

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:31 AM
AI Gore is so obsessed with saving the Earth that he's a central key figure in the A.I. / Singularity system effort, at least that would seem to be his motive.

In any case, he's shouting far and wide scaring the hell outta everyone with this Global Warming controversy (you know those who probably aren't buying Bush's BS), which is in effect disractng people form the real threat, while setting them up to see it as our saviour solution.

The implications go from there.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:07 AM
You missed details about AI in Indigo child forum (page 22) about EPIC congitive procesor - Artificial inteligence. And Al Gore participation in JEDI military program.

You also missed In-Q-tel company details about quantum computers.

You also missed technology data about antygravity.

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