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Terminator Project and Area 51.

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 10:53 PM
I'm betting that the trillion's missing went into the Terminator Program that the US Defense created a while back. According to website, they say these robots can be used ass soliders for the NWO.

Furthermore, they're ability to keep the program a secret from the public is highly likely. They've done it with UFO's and Area 51 happenings. There's no doubt they can hide the terminator program. Maybe a underground manufacturing physicility where the parts can be created and then hand built by numerous staff. They would ship them covert in crates pretending to be regular gun's and send them to Israel. So not only would they have Nuclear tactic's, Superior Airpower, now their only weakness is their number's on the ground, they can just build themselves terminators that can defend Israel from a Land Invasion. It will be the final assault on mankind and it will be something of "Shock and Awe." That's probably what they plan to do because they've been waiting 100 years to attack and there not stopping now. They have the worlds gold to finance their project for world domination.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:09 PM
Ummm... were exactly is the evidence that there is such thing as the terminator project, and why would the U.S government bother "terminating" people?

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:18 PM

Me thinks you've been watching too many Arnold Schwarzenegger movies lately.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:22 AM
in support of the original authors title of a terminator project. I dont know too much in regards to actual robotic soldiers on the ground but in relation to a skynet type of facility, NASA and DARPA have been working flat out to get an Artificial Intelligence satellite based grid around the whole world that will relay real time data, picture, videos and sounds all over the place, whilst controlling unmanned aerial platforms aswell as tanks submarines and the like.

For more information please click the short 20 minute film below

It would only take one bug as in the movie to turn the entire infrastructure against civilians and the like.


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:40 AM
Actually, the whole Terminator/Skynet terminology has been around LONG before the Arnie movies.

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