posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 04:26 PM
I have some questions concerning this video, and I also think some facts are contradictionary or false:
1. Adam Weishaupt were a Jesuit, but he broke with the Jesuits when he became "liberal" in both politics and religion. He created the Illuminati as
an act against the European nobility, the feudal state, and this is public information.
2. Then there was the quote about how they wanted to institute the most horrible system, like "communism" (the USSR was stalinist) and fascism. If
they wanted this, then why did the US wage war in Europe during WW2? Why then the hostility against the Soviet Union during the cold war (McCarthy
etc)? Why, in extent, drop the atomic bomb on Japan instead of waging war "on the ground"?
Furthermore - the Soviet Union and China together constituted, what, a third of the world during the Cold War. Two, huge, one-party states - and more
on the way in South America, Africa and the Middle East - yet, those were prevented through US-financed coups (Iran, Chile, Afghanistan etc). Besides,
why the split between the USSR and China? Why the collapse of the Soviet Union? It doesn't make any sense.
3. What basis are there for Bush having the bloodlines all the way back to ancient Egypt?
4. The video mentioned something like "that is why every country is set up the same". Uh, yes. That is because Hitler and Mussoulini were defeated
in WW2, and the Soviet Union collapsed. Countries are similar, but not exactly the same - and why wouldn't they be? Especially now, when the whole
world is on one and the same global market.
5. The Russian czar went against the Leauge of Nations? The leauge was set up after World War 1, in 1918 - the Russian czar was imprisoned during the
wartime. It would have been very hard for him to say anything, specially with the civil war going on there at that time.
6. What is the basis that Hitler was a British agent? And again, why wage war against Hitler when he was well on his way to "nazify" Europe?
7. The European Union may be the closest thing to a conspiratorial "unification" - but what about the European Constitution that was voted down some
time ago? Only two nations, through vote, turned down that constitution - a document that would have made the EU an incorporated superstate,
with NO MENTION of ANY human rights, let alone the complicated language it used. And they voted it down very close to the 50/50 line.
Why didn't they just manipulate the vote to make it happen? It's like throwing away a gold watch just because the time isn't right.
8. Also, what basis are there for the quoted Jesuit "vow"? In what document can I find it?