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Kennedy Assassination: Coup d' Etat

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posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by maynardsthirdeye

Originally posted by Seapeople
I believe it. I know it. He sure was lucky though that he did manage to get that job, by the way. He alone could have taken the three shots necessary. And thats all that matters. Even if there was a conspiracy in the assasination, Oswald was a lone gunman.

To expand on that, there have been about 50 million theories on who and why. Each one of them is just as likely as the next because there is no evidence of any of them. We know oswald tried to assasinate someone before on his own and failed. We know oswald was a marxist who was pro cuba and pro russia. We know he was an attention seeker. The man was a high profile anti american. He tried to defect to Russia and Cuba. He was rejected. He was angry.

He did it. He did it alone, and honestly (even though some people claim that LBJ was involved), if the assasination had ties to Russia or Cuba and the american public found out in the middle of the cold war, people would have cried out for (real) war. If there is a conspiracy involved, it was to prevent the third world war.

How can you really be so sure?

How can you yourself really be so sure? You see, conspiracy theorists always think there is a conspiracy. When the evidence suggests otherwise, they immediatley claim the evidence was part of the conspiracy. So, in reality, I have no business arguing my case (and the case of many others) to people who wouldn't believe the simple truth if they made it themselves.

Not to long ago I watched a rather convincing 3D rendering of the shooting. The arguments that these people put forth are all based on only one thing. The video. Frame by frame the disected the video, capturing it into a full scale 3D model. I can't tell you what they found...or I will just be "relaying information to support the vast conspiracy"

Believe what you want, your not hurting anyone. (except yourself)

I mean honestly, the CIA had plenty of motive to want Kennedy dead. Oh I meant, the mafia. Woops, sorry I meant Russia. My bad, I meant the Cuban government. Darn I missed it again, I meant the republicans. Oh sorry, I meant it was a lone wacko who was an anti-american freek who tried to defect to russia and cuba, and had at least one lone assasination attempt that want a conspiracy already under his belt.

posted on Jan, 3 2004 @ 12:37 AM
What evidence points to Oswald?

The man was a terrible shot and he was so uncoordinated that he couldn't even drive a car

So few motor skills that he couldn't drive a car.

I find it hard to believe that he could shoot the President with a rifle that according to the FBI, was inaccurate at 15 feet.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 06:34 PM
And how could he get off the Sixth Floor within ninety seconds all while not being seen by anyone and not appearing out of breath?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 07:07 PM
enoc said:"The truth is ON THE ZAPRUDER FILM: Viewers see the driver of the limosine turn and fire! Today, the film is edited and the driver's kill-shot is not there. But the unedited, original, famous, Zapruder film actually shows William Greer shoot JFK! Greer was a CIA agent who drove the limo. The shot came from the front because the President's brains were blasted BACK. Jackie Kennedy ran for her life on the film."

That is most likely the shot that blew off the back of Pres Kenndeys skull. That shot came from the FRONT.

There were many reasons to have JFK killed, here's 2 below.

1) Executive order 11110, abolishing the privately controlled federal reserve.

2) disclosure of CIA activities and alien involvement.

"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office I must inform the Citizen of his plight."
~ President John F. Kennedy - Assassinated 10 days later!

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by maynardsthirdeye
What evidence points to Oswald?

The man was a terrible shot and he was so uncoordinated that he couldn't even drive a car

So few motor skills that he couldn't drive a car.

I find it hard to believe that he could shoot the President with a rifle that according to the FBI, was inaccurate at 15 feet.

Oswald was a terrible shot? Dude, the guy was a marine. He regularly scored in the high 40s (out of 50) at speed shooting. One of his scorecards shows 49 out of 50 from over 100 metres.
Your timing of the bullets is out too. Oswald had 11 seconds for his 3 shots. Again this was a Hollywood embellishment. 11 seconds was plenty of time.

You also overlook the physical seating arrangement in the car. The governor wasn't sitting right in front of Kennedy. His seat was actually lower and to the right. That's no conspiracy - the car was actually built that way.

I'm not saying that there wasn't a conspiracy. But your problem starts when you begin to believe everything that relates to a conspiracy and overlook the facts.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 07:27 PM
But that is not what the Governor claims. The fact is, he claimed that he looked over his right shoulder and couldn't see Kennedy. If Connally was below and to the left, he would have seen Kennedy when he turned to his right.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 07:30 PM
And by the way, Gerald Posner isn't a serious researcher. He openly lied to the U.S. Congress.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 07:34 PM

everyone is right here!

I don't care if Oswald was the best or worst shot in Texas at the time (quite an accomplishment in either case you would agree), he was allowed to walk in there to do it and nobody ever found out why he did shoot.

Frankly there were likely three people shooting, Oswald, the grassy knoll and of course the drivers companion in the limo (secret service).

No matter how you look at this the coverup has been immense and obviously stemming from the top.

People I feel are too wrapped up in the details or the how and not focusing on the why and the who pulling the strings in the background.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 07:38 PM
Anyone that watches the video can see with their own eyes that Kennedy is shot from different angles.

Why didn't the driver step on the gas after the first shot?

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 08:00 PM
Posner didn't lie about Oswald being a crack-shot.

As for the Lincoln's seating arrangement.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 09:13 PM
When someone lies on a case this serious, I don't ever take anything they say seriously again.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 06:40 PM
"This shooting exploit has never been duplicated, even by the repeated efforts of handpicked professionals from all over the world, yet the Warren Commission concluded that LHO had succeeded where they had failed in his one and only attempt. Interestingly, LHO's best grade for shooting while in the Marines was just barely (2 points out of a total of 200) into the middle qualification of "sharpshooter" and accomplished in 1956, some 7 years before the assassination. During his military service, he would have practiced with a Garand M-1 rifle, which is semi-automatic. On his last qualification prior to discharge, he barely made the lowest classification on "marksman".

The working of the bolt to rapid fire a weapon requires far more skill and coordination in maintaining the target than with a semi-automatic weapon. Let us remember that Oswald was so uncoordinated that he was unable to learn how to drive a motor vehicle.

Accurate shooting requires practice. All of those who failed to duplicate his alleged exploits have at least been graded as "expert", the next level above "sharpshooter", and there is no evidence that Oswald ever fired a rifle again after he left the Marines in 1959. Would you think his skills would have gotten better or worse over that time?

We must also consider the fact that LHO's Marine Corps qualifications were done by shooting at stationary targets. Being able to hit moving targets requires far more skill and practice than do stationary targets, especially when involving a bolt-action weapon and time has to learn how to maintain the target while working the bolt!

Taking all that into consideration, is it reasonable to believe that he was capable of the required shooting prowess? At best, the finest riflemen that could be assembled to try to duplicate the prowess were unable to do it. Could Oswald have secretly practiced somewhere, leaving no trace, to such an extent as to be BETTER than the government's handpicked experts? Could he have purchased ammunition secretly, yet not been secretive about the weapon? Did he also secretly purchase gun-cleaning equipment and a clip? "

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 06:48 PM
It was the agent sitting beside the driver of the limo that is who killed Kennedy.

Check the Zapruder film.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 10:08 PM

I don't know about LHO being the shooter, I think he was just a patsy ( maybe he took a shot from the TSBD, but I really don't think he took any shot )...

Go here ( *WARNING* these pics are graphic )...

This is a frame by frame look at the Zapruder film. Take a good look at frame z-312.jpg, then look just above and between the eye's of Jackie's forehead, you will see a white dot, this to me looks like the bullet is coming from the front...

Then look at frame z-313.jpg, there you will see the explosion of JFK's head, in the same trajectory as the bullet...

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 10:11 PM
I believe that there were multiple shooters. I one audio recording by a police officer, who accidently left his radio on, you can hear several shots, which appera to be coming from different areas. Also, the headshot appears to have originated from the grassy knoll, not from the school book depositroy. I do believe, however, that Lee Harvey Oswald was involved in the conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 04:38 PM
The evidence from the dictabelt is shaky at best.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Yoda

I don't know about LHO being the shooter, I think he was just a patsy ( maybe he took a shot from the TSBD, but I really don't think he took any shot )...

Go here ( *WARNING* these pics are graphic )...

This is a frame by frame look at the Zapruder film. Take a good look at frame z-312.jpg, then look just above and between the eye's of Jackie's forehead, you will see a white dot, this to me looks like the bullet is coming from the front...

Then look at frame z-313.jpg, there you will see the explosion of JFK's head, in the same trajectory as the bullet...

A bullet from the front does not make the front of the head explode. It would make the back of the head explode.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Yoda

I don't know about LHO being the shooter, I think he was just a patsy ( maybe he took a shot from the TSBD, but I really don't think he took any shot )...

Go here ( *WARNING* these pics are graphic )...

This is a frame by frame look at the Zapruder film. Take a good look at frame z-312.jpg, then look just above and between the eye's of Jackie's forehead, you will see a white dot, this to me looks like the bullet is coming from the front...

Then look at frame z-313.jpg, there you will see the explosion of JFK's head, in the same trajectory as the bullet...

The white "dot" appears to be the sun reflecting off her hair. You can see this in frame 311 as well, but not in frame 312.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 07:57 PM
You can't see the dot in Frame 311. Only in Frame 312.

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 10:03 PM
It's not a dot (311; more like a sumdge), but I still believe that the dot in 312 was infact Jackie's hair reflecting light from the sun, as previous frames show the reflected area countinues to shift. But we can never rule out that the dot could be a bullet.

[Edited on 16-1-2004 by TheConservative]

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