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Are we on a path of self-destruction?

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 05:32 AM
I have been thinking (and no, it doesn’t make a change
) and I was wondering about all this war and destruction, genocide and other unnecessary B.S. going on in the world today and then, on top of that, the thought that alien races are most likely here because they would, ultimately, takeover/want this planet for themselves. So, why not just wage all out war for the planet (??)- when they know that it probably wouldn’t take much for them to do that. But again, it may be a logistical nightmare for them (though we really are not sure about that) to wage full-out war here on earth. So, what is the other option?? Create a situation where humans start destroying themselves and their own planet!!! Why should they do all the hard work when people are dumb enough to do it themselves (unbeknownst) for the good of the aliens. Cheaper for them and less loss of life – more "little green men" to bring to earth to populate it.

Are we, as humans, wiping ourselves out?? Are we on a path of self-destruction and the “little green men” know this and will someday cash in on our self made Armageddon? Who knows? Unfortunately one cannot, yet, emigrate to a different planet so we are stuck here while we, as the majority, allow our governments (the minority) to do as they please and shape the path of our future(s) here on mother earth.

Pretty sad deal if you ask me. I bet the “little green men” are laughing all the way to the “bank”. I mean,, how many of these wars that have been waged have amounted to anything good? Even this Iraq issue – for oil (probably) – there are other alternatives and perhaps some won’t get us to 200mph in 10 seconds but it sure will get us there and back and we can build up, again, to the 200mph in 10 seconds scenario. We vote people into government and then they go ahead and prove how really stupid and brain dead they really are!

Any comments, thoughts, ideas?

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 05:40 AM
Of course we are.

As long as we are ruled by people who use religion as a control tool, we will always have an abundant supply of war-mongering zealots ready to self-destruct and kill.

There's no need for aliens to combat us, as we are busy working to kill each other more efficiently than the aliens could hope to achieve!

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 07:55 AM
Our star brothers wouldn't need to wait if they wanted to take over, would they? Think about it for a second.

They are most likely watching and thinking, what the heck are they doing down there? Are they really going to blow themselves to pieces? We gotta do something to stop all this, this is nonsense...

I believe they are watching over, and trying to bring reason to us, through various means...visions and dreams and contacts here and there.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by shearder
I have been thinking (and no, it doesn’t make a change
) and I was wondering about all this war and destruction, genocide and other unnecessary B.S. going on in the world today and then, on top of that, the thought that alien races are most likely here because they would, ultimately, takeover/want this planet for themselves.

I really don't think that "aliens" want to take over the Earth....Why?
what are they going to gain, the only gainers are humans...most alien life forms are far advanced and only want the people of this Earth top simply raise their Consciousness to a higher level of awareness. This awareness is the simple truth that most members are looking for in their own individual ways.

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by tock
Our star brothers wouldn't need to wait if they wanted to take over, would they? Think about it for a second.

They are most likely watching and thinking, what the heck are they doing down there? Are they really going to blow themselves to pieces? We gotta do something to stop all this, this is nonsense...

I believe they are watching over, and trying to bring reason to us, through various means...visions and dreams and contacts here and there.

Though I can agree with this to a certain degree, I don't believe that ALL non-earthly entities are going to want to stop this and perhaps there are more awaiting our demise than there are of those who would actually want to assist and stop mankind from destroying itself.

Well let's hope not though.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:01 AM
Does anyone here believe that humans were here before and destroyed themselves?Maybe civilization has evolved on earth before and destroyed themselves or evolved so much they took to the stars.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:17 AM
First off you must realize there is good and bad in most species.

As Tock said if they wanted to take us over they could do so without a problem.

From what I have been shown and told this planet is monitored and protected. We are allowed to have our wars as long as we aren't going to totally destroy our planet why???? because this planet is there Laboratory.

In the form they are now they can not survive here there is to much oxygen in our air however I will warn you that our atmosphere is being changed with the chemtrails most of you deny. Stubborn is what people are being, most will continue to say contrails and won't put forth the effort to open there eyes and observe.

Yes, the human race is destroying this planet but what is more amazing is we are allowing it by not standing together as one and stopping it.

Yup, we need the cars to get to work and slave for them big business owners, keep using that fuel. We want the plasma TV and game systems and all the new do-dads. Well, one thing everyone should be doing is planting trees to get rid of the CO2 for the first important thing.

I can see your kids playing there game systems now having great fun it's a shame one day they will be sitting there dead with the paddle in there hand because no one planted trees and the oxygen supply vanished.

Hmmmmm I wonder if the breathing apparatus that is implanted into the noses of abductee's will activate when the supply goes, interesting.

From what I was shown you have less then thirty nine years left, I would suggest you start planting for the Earth will be making it's own changes too.

I wait for the abductee's to realize they need unite as one to help save this planet.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:02 PM
I don't buy into any of the abduction stuff.
I don't think we are a lab either, that be just plainly wrong.
Conscious beings wouldn't do that to other conscious beings.

I believe we are in quarantine.
They will not interfere, because, forcing values on us would only work for so long before we go back to our old habits.
The change has to come from us, so it will stay with the generations.
If the current world status came to a nuclear war, I believe they would interfere before we wipe everybody on the planet.

My 2 cents.


posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:48 PM
Actually - what if there is not only one alien civilization but may . And they have regulations like our UN .. and we are too violent here on Earth in order to have the right to get in contact with then? However, if we self- destruct they could have the right to take over. Then , if some of them need our planet they can "fix" us in a legal way by helping us to move faster.. haha- that`s my theory .

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Does anyone here believe that humans were here before and destroyed themselves?Maybe civilization has evolved on earth before and destroyed themselves or evolved so much they took to the stars.


I researched that for a long while too... I came to a theoretical conclusion while reading various Hindi texts (Mahabharata) and others that we, in our ancient past perhaps had the power of the atom and used it... bombing us back to a stone aged mentality so we had to start again... and here we are.

I do find it quite odd that the father of the a-bomb quoted a passage from the Bhagavad-Gita:

"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky,
That would be like the splendour of the Mighty One... I am become Death,
The shatterer (destroyer) of Worlds."
(quoted by Dr. Robert Oppenheimer after the first experimental overground explosion of an atomic bomb).

If you read some of the Hindu stories - they read like a great science fiction novel - with death rays and atomic warfare, oh and lets not forget about the flying machines (Vimanas)!


(and no aliens are going to step in and stop us either as some 'assume')

[edit on 3/26/2007 by kroms33]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by shearder
Are we, as humans, wiping ourselves out?? Are we on a path of self-destruction and the “little green men” know this and will someday cash in on our self made Armageddon?

Without a doubt IMO self destruction is around the bend, in our lifetime... but PLEASE, don't get hyped up on the fiction hollywood dishes out about evil aliens coming down and reigning havoc. Think about it for one second - if aliens really wanted this planet for themselves wouldn't they have already taken control, which they could probably do quite easily, long ago? especially at the rate with which we are destroying their supposed future home. they should have stopped us in the forties or fifties long before overpopulation, mass mining, landfills, pollution, etc... became rampant. IMO they can't do anything for us except what they are doing.. abducting and educating certain individuals with knowledge and hoping for a 100th monkey syndrome to take place as well as collecting DNA to make a hybrid race in the event we do destroy ourselves and this planet.

Originally posted by shearder
Who knows? We vote people into government and then they go ahead and prove how really stupid and brain dead they really are!

my point exactly - aliens, if they exist, are probably just shaking their heads.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by kronos11]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by shearder
So, what is the other option?? Create a situation where humans start destroying themselves and their own planet!!!

That's actually quite a good theory, but it would be weird to think that the aliens would wait for thousands of years for us to die.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Does anyone here believe that humans were here before and destroyed themselves?Maybe civilization has evolved on earth before and destroyed themselves or evolved so much they took to the stars.

Absolutely! I have believed that for quite a number of years. I believe that we were far more advanced than we are now and humans waged a terrible nuclear war and this changed many places into deserts when they actually have tropical climates - the Sahara for example. We destroyed ourselves and, now this is where i believe that SOME aliens are here to help, some alien race/s came down (hence the rock carvings etc of alien existence - Gods if you will) and helped and removed ALL trace of nuclear type equipment etc and methods and 'documentation' of how to create them. So, yes, they have been sitting around (some) guarding and protecting - but again, i also believe they may be some races who would rather have this place for themselves. Now, though we have have too much oxygen in our atmosphere for them to survive i don't think it would take very much for them to change that, but again, those races protecting us wouldn't allow it - well not so blatantly. So they do it in secret - like giving our superpowers the ability to build new and highly sophisticated weapons to, once again, destroy ourselves! Hey, perhaps this is a laboratory as observe50 stated. They want to perhaps see what we do differently. So it's like all these great scientists - while experimenting they scr3w up and then scrap that and try it a different way. hmmmm... perhapswe are experiment no.2 or is it no.20000 who knows?!!

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by shearder
those races protecting us wouldn't allow it -

this is pretty much the case IMO.

Originally posted by shearder
I believe that we were far more advanced than we are now and humans waged a terrible nuclear war and this changed many places into deserts when they actually have tropical climates

yep... i definately feel that we have reached much higher levels of technological advancement before and f'd it all up.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by kronos11]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by kronos11
Think about it for one second - if aliens really wanted this planet for themselves wouldn't they have already taken control, which they could probably do quite easily, long ago? especially at the rate with which we are destroying their supposed future home. they should have stopped us in the forties or fifties long before overpopulation, mass mining, landfills, pollution, etc... became rampant.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by kronos11]

I agree with this to a degree. But again, perhaps they, for their purposes, do not need a perfect planet. Perhaps not one with air, trees and animals in abundance but a place to go for the summer
though said in jest, perhaps we look at this is a too human way. Our needs and comforts may be their poison and discomforts.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:18 AM

Though I can agree with this to a certain degree, I don't believe that ALL non-earthly entities are going to want to stop this and perhaps there are more awaiting our demise than there are of those who would actually want to assist and stop mankind from destroying itself.

Maybe there here for the entertainment..They could be getting a good laugh watching us destroy ourselves..Or even worse they could have an office pool going..They could be placing bets to see how long we last..

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by MAD Hatt3r

Originally posted by shearder
So, what is the other option?? Create a situation where humans start destroying themselves and their own planet!!!

That's actually quite a good theory, but it would be weird to think that the aliens would wait for thousands of years for us to die.

God point, BUT, are they really waiting thousands of years? With time travel or traveling at the speed of light, from their systems to ours may be a quick trip to them. So in their "time" they come here and have a look and pop back home and then "next week" (their time), they come back and 1000 or 10000 years have passed in our time. Who knows? Perhaps the reality we are living now is, and it really is, just a place in time and 20 years or 1000 years from now there are still aliens hanging around. because the "dude" that was checking us out last week has gone home and he is already on his way back to see us again in 500 years. I wonder if I made sense? When he saw us last week his time earth time was at a time 2000 years ago. And when he saw us a year ago his time there were still dinosaurs running around on earth. So we are kind of like bacteria growing in a petri dish hmmmmm... just a thought...

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by gotanybob

Maybe there here for the entertainment..They could be getting a good laugh watching us destroy ourselves..Or even worse they could have an office pool going..They could be placing bets to see how long we last..

Good point. Hey who knows.

Alien 1: Hey dude, I bet they find WOMD in Iraq
Alien 2: Nah, I don't think so - bet you 3,000,000 tacapuri atoms
Alien 1: You're on
Alien 2: SEEEEE, told you, pay up no WOMD!!
Alien 3: yeah but i bet that Bush fellow will still invade them so he doesn't look like a complete fundamental gungafoof
Alien 1 & 2: Your on
Alien 3: There, told you, he still invaded. Ok now his next move will be to B.S. the American public into believing that there is a real cause that he is perusing and.... etc etc etc

Yeah, i can picture that

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by shearder
God point, BUT, are they really waiting thousands of years? With time travel or traveling at the speed of light, from their systems to ours may be a quick trip to them. So in their "time" they come here and have a look and pop back home and then "next week" (their time), they come back and 1000 or 10000 years have passed in our time. Who knows? Perhaps the reality we are living now is, and it really is, just a place in time and 20 years or 1000 years from now there are still aliens hanging around. because the "dude" that was checking us out last week has gone home and he is already on his way back to see us again in 500 years. I wonder if I made sense? When he saw us last week his time earth time was at a time 2000 years ago. And when he saw us a year ago his time there were still dinosaurs running around on earth. So we are kind of like bacteria growing in a petri dish hmmmmm... just a thought...

Then why wouldn't they just travel back to the beginning of time and wipe out humans before they come to exist?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by crowpruitt
Does anyone here believe that humans were here before and destroyed themselves?Maybe civilization has evolved on earth before and destroyed themselves or evolved so much they took to the stars.

You know what can support this. Scientists are now realizing that at different times in our evolution, ancient ancestors of ours had different genetic traits at different times. There were many lineages living along side each other. Some of those primitive lineages died out because they did not have the same genetic mutations needed to adapt. If there were different lineages of human ancestors living at the same time, it could be possible that one of these lineages achieved a far grater genetic mutation than our direct ancestors did, making them advance further and faster than us, and in turn achieve great leaps in technologies before we could even have discovered fire. The only question is, what kind of an environment can spark such genetic change? Oh and yes, we are on a path of self destruction.

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