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are humans born with knowledge???

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:43 PM
I think the vast majority of people are born "normal," meaning they will develop normally over time - learning little by little as time passes. Consciousness itself evolves. You brain starts evolving and learning from the time you are born and continues until the time that you die - given of course that there are no medical issues. On the other hand there does seem to be evidence that there are abnormal people called prodigies. Some child prodigies can master arts and skills with little assistance at very young ages sometimes without any prior knowledge of the skill itself. A prodigy defies the normal learning curve. Prodigies are vital to the human race. Prodigies often push their art or skill field far head of where it was when they started. I can't explain if these people have some kind of retained knowledge or if their brains are just working in different ways.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Since it forms in utero, our brain begins as a blank slate IMHO

what about all those claimed "past life" experiences???

are they from the soul then???

now this is getting interesting

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:05 PM
I've been wondering, since some people claim to retain memories of their past lives, has anyone ever claimed to be something other than human in their past life? According to the Buddhists' version of reincarnation.... one can become animal, plants, human, depending on what rights and wrongs they've done in their last life.

Now that would be interesting

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:19 PM
Ayamatma Brahma

Saraswati Mantra for spiritual Knowlege
Eim Hrim Srim Klim Sauh Klim Hrim Eim
Blum Strim Nilatari Saraswati
Dram Drim Klim Blum Sah Eim Hrim Srim
Klim Sauh Sauh Hrim Swaha

Gita: The way of Knowledge
Fixing their minds in Him, at one with Him, abiding in Him, realizing Him alone as the Supreme Goal, they reach a state from which there is no return, their sins having been destroyed by their Knowledge.

Learn it by prostration, by inquiry, and by service. The wise, who have seen the Truth, will teach you that Knowledge.

Jesus, The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 4
When the angel of Wisdom governs your deeds, then is the path to the unknown realms established, and order and harmony governs your life.

Aum Shanti Aum

Once one realizes 'I AM'; that is, tattvamasi, then there is nothing left to be known.


Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 11:51 PM
We start forgetting true knowledge when we learn about this reality,the two don't mesh.When true knowledge comes around,reality smashes it instantly,in this way reality acts like a living being and protects itself

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:53 AM
Isn't it strange how babies have that innate way about them that seems to say, "I know a secret?" Dolphins and babies are both quite amazing creatures. It is almost as if they know something that the rest of us, for whatever reason, do not.

Of course, the question arises, if we know some "secret" when we are infants then why do we forget it as we age. I honestly do not know. I suppose that life gets in the way of the true beauty of the world and universe around us.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:00 AM
My understanding of this matter relates to humans definately having knowledge when they are born.
You just have to look into the eyes of a few minutes old baby and you can see depth in them. Most of the time this slowly fades as the soul is introduced into material needs and requirements.

I believe that a baby actually has ALL knowledge at birth as it has just come from the creator. It is society that drains this Ultimate knowledge away from the new human and replaces it with self doubt on this Ultimate knowledge.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Valorian

I believe that a baby actually has ALL knowledge at birth as it has just come from the creator. It is society that drains this Ultimate knowledge away from the new human and replaces it with self doubt on this Ultimate knowledge.

I am inclined to agree with this sentiment. Of course, for whatever reason we are not born knowing how to speak as infants, or do we just choose not too? However, if an infant indeed did talk, I suspect that we may very well be stunned at many of things it would have to tell a very spiritually infant humanity.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:23 AM
Most people don't remember their dreams at night...
Yet we still had an experience which provided knowledge.

Some people awake from comas with amazing abilities that they didn't have before the coma, such as playing musical instruments.
Where did that knowledge come from?

Knowledge is recessive and awoken through living life... like a dream slowly remembered during the day. Its always there just not always accessible. Thats why we must relearn life each time we live.

It teaches us new lessons and gives us different perspectives on old ones which is stored in the soul or ultimate self.

I agree with the poster who said that babies are born with all of this knowledge and they forget it over time. Like when you wake up from a good dream in which you remember all the details and then slowly the vividness of the dream fades away. This is why the illusion of the blank slate exists in babies.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by xEphon]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:03 AM

while we live our lives, we become corrupt by society and thus we forget that knowledge...

does this sound right???

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 06:05 AM
Any parents out there?
No matter what you many have read or what the official line is.....
Watching a kid grow up is enough to convince you (me anyway) that we don't come into this world with nothing......
Kids have their whole personality in seed form from day 1 and it unfolds.....

((((((((Of course im not denying that invironmental factors play a big part but i think people who tend to bring up this point have a diametrically opposed view...
I.E. that it is obvious that a circumstance moulds an individual....

Where as the mystic, spiritualist or occultist would tell you that the circumstance is actually attracted by sympathy of vibration to patterns of energy latent in the aura of the individual. (the individual attracts the event)

So that the truth would then suposedly be quite the opposite...
I.E. that the person was (perhaps unwittingly) moulding/attracting circumstance to for arguements sake you could at least say that both view points, in light of this would be equally valid depending on your perspective))))))))))

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 07:11 AM
I do remember about 5 years ago that a genetisist was trying to determine whether or not DNA has the capacity to store information such as knowlege. I cannot find any articles on such experiments. If anyone could find an article or two it would greatly be a appreciated.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:13 AM
Humans are born with no natural instincts. We only come into this world with survival reflexes. Everything else we learn.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by testrat
Humans are born with no natural instincts. We only come into this world with survival reflexes. Everything else we learn.

Survival reflexes are natural instincts.
I personally think instincts are an innate form of knowledge. Without them how could the human race ever survive?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by maria_stardust

Survival reflexes are natural instincts.
I personally think instincts are an innate form of knowledge. Without them how could the human race ever survive?

I will disagree. For example, a survival reflex is if someone is going to poke you in the eye you blink. A human has no natural instinct to fend for itself, find food, or even mate. All of these are learned throughout life.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 11:24 AM

We are animals like them all. We are born with instict. You mean to tell me, a new born baby won't eat? Are you stupid? We don't eat 'cause we're trained to. We eat 'cause we're hungry. What we eat is trial & error of early man.

We ARE NOT born with knowledge! Einstein wasn't born a mathematician. Infact, he flunked math several times. take Feral Children(Children raised without any human contact who are, in most cases, raised by animals to some extent) for example, they are not smart...scientifically or technologically. If they grow to full adults(No reported cases, they're usually found by some human & taken away from the life they know) with the life the are accustomed to I doubt any form of great advances would occur. However, I do not believe this is always the case.

You're not born with a gift of knowledge. You're born with a mind of curiousity. Some people are naturally more curious that others. Einstein was one of those people. Da Vinci was one of those people. If Einstein knew nothing of mathematics do you really think he would accomplish much? I doubt it. His curiousity would have been geared toward something else.

If Einstein were retarded in some form, do you think he would be less curious? No, he would not. However, he may not be able to think to the degree that he initially has.

See where I'm going?

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 05:12 PM
has anyone read any of the books by dr brian weiss? im still quite skeptical about the things he says, only because it seems quite far fetched but its So interesting to consider past (and future) lives, which he claims we all have. in this vein of thought- we are born with knowledge and amazing perception of what is going on around us (he claims we can be regressed to infancy and recall amazing details of what was said and what ocurred around us).. therefore we retain, on an unconscious level, the memories from past lives, as our souls travel through existance in the form of different humans in time, as we go learning to love as we go.

so, dr. brian says yes we are born with knowledge.

could be right!

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 05:14 PM
They are born with inspiration.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Just to comment on this

Originally posted by ThirstForKnowledge
I've been wondering, since some people claim to retain memories of their past lives, has anyone ever claimed to be something other than human in their past life? According to the Buddhists' version of reincarnation.... one can become animal, plants, human, depending on what rights and wrongs they've done in their last life.

Now that would be interesting

Yes, otherkins and therians both claim they were not human on at least one of their past lives, therians claim they were animals (Earth animals), otherkins say they were different species, including many called mythical (elves, fae, dragon, etc)

On topic now...

I do believe that some people are born with some kind of knowledge, but normally we are a blank slate when we are born, past life memories are somewhat rare and I believe can be quite detrimental, at least sometimes, for reasons already talked about here, we are supposed not to remember our other lifes... Prodigies, gifts and/or easiness to do something wouldn't be so detrimental so I believe that's why they are 'less rare'

Maybe some more people are born with knowledge but either forget to adapt to their surroundings or forget because they don't know they have it and never use it (does it make sense?)

But I think the common thing is to be born with little or no knowledge at all, only instincts, etc.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
animals are born with instinct and some humans claim to experience past life regression...

can one argue that humans are born with knowledge

let's talk...

Its true, yes, I have many skill I developed during previous lives,
eveytime someone is said to have a "God give talent" it's something they learnt in a previous life,

[edit on 19-4-2007 by Harper_]

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