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The notions of aliens being present here (and allowing this...) is absurd

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posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Sorry folks, but there's no way aliens extraterrestrials would allow us crazy humans to build such power: A.I., space weapons, and so on. Are you kidding me?

After you watch this video there's really no debate:
"DARPA's iXo A.I. Control Grid: 'The Official Version'"

Even the Disclosure Project people make that statement. If there were seriously alien overlords our people wouldn't dare create such a threat.

And besides, most alien stories are riddled with "grey" sightings and so on. The problem is the first "grey" "sighting" was some 40 year sbefore the whole alien/ufo concept even hit the mainstream, and it wasnt some physical being that flew here in a ship.
Note: black and white pencil sketch = grey.

Besides all that, all the rest of the "sightings" could be, or more like, nothing more than people making things up or in mass hysteria (bored people in obscure towns etc) or they're actual sightings of US government technologies. In all probability, the entire charade was and has always been a CIA fear monger campaign to keep US scared and distracted from knowing what black technologies they have. And it's not like it'd be anything new: Cold War fearmongering, Terrorism fearmongering, 2012 doom "prophecies" (the latest UFO fearmonger parallel).

Here's another view: Aliens/UFO's are on TV almost daily, menawhile the REAL threats and conspiracies are completely blacklisted.

You people need to stop chasing pipe dreams and pure speculation and start facing the REAL and UNDENIABLE threats that we have here and NOW.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 04:39 PM
That was your video? "They Want Your Soul"?

It is one of my most favorites. I just showed that video to a web design group I run (strange topic for web designers to be talking about, but its a strange world we live in) Most of them enjoyed it and certainly learned from it. Just wanted to say to you BRAVO

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 04:48 PM
Thanks. Glad you get use out and enjoy it.

That link there goes to the new one I just released and makes TWYS look like childs play. This time I left no room for debate by using government quotes from start to finish.

We're talking godlike power here, and quite frankly if there were ufoships here theyd already have us under some sort of system like this, instead of it taking us some 5 decades, trillions of dollars and some high millions of man hours of ongoing R&D and incrementalism.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 05:00 PM
Not going to even bother watching it.
I don't quite understand how we can still be debating their presence.
After so many people coming out with all credible stories.

Whatever rocks your boat my friend. As long as holding to these beliefs makes you happy.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 05:18 PM
EDIT: It's not even an alien debunker video. It does however prove beytond the shadow of a doubt what our establishment has well underway for us, and those developments makes it seem absurd that there could be aliens here who would allow us to do it.

Then that just goes to show that you have irrational biases in your beleifs, like a Bush supporter who refuses to see something after you inform them how damning your material is against him.

I dont follow the ufo 'developments', but whenever i glance its the same old BS. If you're so correct then where's your materials to prove your point. Surely someone here can show some credible materials, and then explain how aliens are going to allow us to build unimaginable power.

I find it rather striking that you refuse to watch some REAL serious threat to mankind, forever (artificial intelligence / technological totalitariansism, etc), just because it might make your irrational view seem absurd.

This reminds me of how politically biased people "twirl the cognitive kaledescope" to literally lie to themseleves to maintain their irrational views, even when its their own guy himself contradicting himself. Perhaps you should start with my TWYS video. The political bias concept applies to all sort sof things besides just politics.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 06:26 PM
First off, calm down. Everything will be ok !

Why should "aliens" have to stop mankind from building weapons and having such technologies that you speak of?

Why are you so hyped up about that anyways?

Not everyone has "crazy" beliefs about UFO's.

I believe that most sightings can be explained, or the ones where a craft are involved, its probably of earth origin.

I don't think artificial intelligence is some sort of deadly weapon. Perhaps to a certain level... but anything can be taken to a higher level and made into some form of weapon.

Maybe one day we will create a board with a nail in it so large it will kill us all. I don't know.

Why don't we have better artificial intelligence in video games !

Absurd !

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 06:40 PM
Excellent tunes to go with an excellent video

I don't think most of those technologies can become reality until the techno singularity begins, which I 'think' is predicted at around 2050. I could be wrong of course.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:16 PM
That prediction is put out by Ray Kurzweil, who's a DARPA shill, and doesnt include their efforts (that include Google on the far reaching 'team'). He actually whitewahses the DARPA issue ala 911 Commission, and avoids addressing the Google issue altogether.

Look up Ben Goertzal on Google VIdeo. He's NIST and he tells it how it is, except even he doesnt mention DARPA/NASA/Google.

The SIngularity can coem virtually rapidly in the case of a "hard takeoff". I've scoured all the AI related .gov documents I could find for their idea of how to prevent the 'terminator' scenario... they dont offer even a single idea or concept, while the transhumanists best idea is to create "friendly" AI, as if that woudl matter once Broad AI can recode itself in its own language.

In any case, this is discussion for the linked thread.

Well according to the Disclosure Project, whos apparently some an authority on UFOlogy, weaponizing space is suicide because of the "alien threat".

Did you watch the video in that link?

It's more than just AI, but the power that AI will have (omnipotent), if the establishment gets their goals, would be something our allgid alien overlords would have a problem permitting. That'd be like giving the human masses mind empowering implants that society could collectively 'overthrow' the system of bondage and tyranny... before first establishing an AI overlord system to ensure power over us. Watch the video... "the network itself becomes the weapon". And assuming 'they' are indeed our overlords, why would they let us create something that could rapidly accelerate us into a threat to their control? But more importanly, how would our 'conspiatorial' leaders, you know, those who "know" abotu our alien overloards, ave the balls to challenge 'our alien overlords' power right in front of them.

This AI "revolution" isnt just something that just so happens to incrementing along, it's a direct and broad goal that combined with the other "enabling" technologies is costing US taxpayers trillions of dollars. This years Iraq war costs are about $170 Billion; the DOD budget includes at least another $400Billion. Everythings going to be ok? *cough* bankrupt nation/society[ We're getting out of 'alien' context here.

Look at the post count per forums topic here at ATS. UFOs have it by a LONGshot. All fo the serious issues, and everyone here's focused on HIGHLY debatable fantasies.

I've posted 3 other threads here over the past year or so debunking the "grey' aliens, and I doubt I'm the first, yet the grey fantasies still continue. It's no wonder that people have signs that say "I want to believe", but seriously, can we get some actual debate here to prove the aliens that apparently must be "REAL" considering all of the attention that's devoted to 'them'? Even just one solid irrefutable & undeniable example that could shed serious doubt on my arugments here?

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 08:05 PM
If these aliens are millions of years ahead of us, why would they give a rats ass one way or another about anything we do.

Go out into your back yard and find an anthill.

Do you care about anything those ants do?

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 08:22 PM
Well then if thats the case then why would they even bother wasting fuel to pay us a visit? It's not liek they're minign anything here for it to be worth their while. Perhaps South Park had it right in the "Cancelled" episode wher ethe Earth integallactic TV Reality Show gets cancelled.

And if they are here to dominate us, as many seem to beleive, then why dont they alrady have such systems controlling us already?

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 08:32 PM
And how can we even begin to imagine what Aliens think about, what their ideas, beliefs, morals and values are? How do we even know how they will judge our situation if they're out there watching us?

Tell me...

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 08:38 PM
Well, that was certainly quite a few swweping statements....

EDIT: It's not even an alien debunker video. It does however prove beytond the shadow of a doubt what our establishment has well underway for us, and those developments makes it seem absurd that there could be aliens here who would allow us to do it.

Then that just goes to show that you have irrational biases in your beleifs, like a Bush supporter who refuses to see something after you inform them how damning your material is against him.

Irrational? You mean like how irrational it is to assume that you know an alien's mindset and what they would "allow"

Usually, I wouldn't bother, as this thread was obviously started as flamebait...but a real case of pot calling the kettle black here.....

And to make the sweeping statement of sightings being mass hysteria, etc., last I checked, mass hysteria doesn't show up on radar, in gun camera footage, nor spark the government into numerous programs (such as Grudge, Sign, and Bluebook) to assess their threat....

As for telling members to "get a life", you have NO idea what many other members do, or their level of "life". Contrary to popular opinion, many conspiracy enthusiasts do NOT live in their parents' basements, wear tin foil hats, and read Catcher in the Rye over and over.... Many are likely making more than you (or I) and have lives that are enviable... There are Phd's here, ex-NASA folks, scientists, pros in their field, etc. I assure you, we have "lives"....

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 08:43 PM
It's always amusing to see people ask these stupid types of questions.
Just because it doesn't make sense to YOUR mind, it must not make sense to anyone/thing, ANYWHERE?

To make such statements and expect anyone to believe it, would have to make us assume you know who they are, how they think, what kind of intelligence they have etc etc. Which you obviously don't.

We are in absolutely no position to start making assumptions like this.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 08:55 PM
Unfortunately, the supposition of the starter of this thread hinges on motives that are obvious and available to a human. The notion of separate creatures with separate psychology and separate experience sets are precluded.

My dog probably views me with the same confusion. When i yell "Over There!" and point to where i just threw a piece of meat he didn't see me thrown, he slinks off like he is in trouble. Why? Because he cannot understand things on my level and inserts his own version of motive in where his understanding leaves off.

maybe we are here to walk a path, to live a script. Maybe our life is only "unknown" to us because we have temporal ignorance? This would explain why ET's stay uninvolved: we have a script to live and their interference is not written into this script. Does this make sense?

You cannot put your own motives in for a creature that you do not understand. It is like stabbing in the dark.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 10:23 PM
The mathematical probability that aliens exist is pretty good. If we are being watched perhaps they want to see what we our outcome will be. Kind of like putting a couple fighting fish in a tank and seeing who the winner is. Just for #$@ts and giggles.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:20 PM

It does however prove beytond the shadow of a doubt what our establishment has well underway for us, and those developments makes it seem absurd that there could be aliens here who would allow us to do it.

what makes you think aliens would be so up in arms about something like this, because obviously this is what holds this opinion of yours up on two legs

say for an instant you see aliens as a step up on the universal foodchain above us and think of there treatment like us , similiar to how we treat animals (we experiment and do tests on some of them to "theoretically better are own lives thru finding out what is safe and what is not and in some cases feeding us) it is not that we hate the animals but we see them as expendable if it makes our lives easier, maybe the aliens just see this as necessary to keep humans in the dark during a period when some beleive we will have an expanded consciousness.

and even if that doesn't fly with you say aliens altered our DNA so we could basically make there lives easier for them i.e preforming more tasks and being better slaves, what would they care when i'm sure they have there own issues to deal with ; besides if there are aliens it would be comparable 2 us humans caring about animals fighting each other in the wild.

as long as what are gov't does to us doesn't put them in jeporady so be it.

Look at the post count per forums topic here at ATS. UFOs have it by a LONGshot. All fo the serious issues, and everyone here's focused on HIGHLY debatable fantasies

AGREED how bout spending more time on this

but i think people either are in the dark or if they know they realize the way the "matrix" is so well developed that justice for those types of people guilty of the child porn/ritualabuse/kidnapping rings will be surpressed at surprisingly every turn by those placed highly in this REAL LIFE CONSPIRACY and is "known about" by globalist politican puppets.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Ah the irony. The only truly 'absurd' thing in this thread (as has been pointed out by others) is the OP's belief that any kind of solid conclusion can be reached based on speculative motives of alleged beings.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:56 PM
That's a good video, gonna watch it again, well done. Unless someone has developed technology that can pass matter through matter, they're here. Everything else could be imagination, but wasn't alone for that one. That doesn't mean authority isn't interested in developing a mythology of collusion or that mass hysteria hasn't played a part. Hysteria is the improper word, I think, since the desire to belong is a more powerful human need than hunger. All the animals on this planet are related to us genetically. We have all descended from the humble sea sponge, according to some paleontologists and there is probably much more psychological similarity between a human and a dog than between a human and a creature from another gene pool. Probably the source of much confusion is the matter of ethics and morality as it relates to the UFO phenomena. Perhaps why so much of the anecdotal evidence reports the 'aliens' replying to the question "Who are you?" with "Who are YOU?"

"You're kindness will not leave you."

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:12 AM
I partially agree with the OP. However, the video is too flashy/noisy for me. If there was just a direct step-by-step informative parts rather than tons of stuff mashed together with rock music, then I would watch it and feel educated.

It just looks like a bunch of stuff plastered together to look zomgcool

As for aliens on Earth or that kind of thing, no proof of it so far. Nothing concrete. So it's a useless arguement. Prove me wrong if otherwise.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by CidCaldensfey]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
And how can we even begin to imagine what Aliens think about, what their ideas, beliefs, morals and values are? How do we even know how they will judge our situation if they're out there watching us?

Tell me...

Are you suggesting that they didnt evolve through a sort of reward/depression sort of system? I'm not. Every example of life that we have follows this most basic rule. Another important thing is emotions, which goes right in there with our lifesystems fundamental rule model. If such beings not only exist but found there way here it's not too much of a stretch to assume they're relatively similar to us. Emotions combined with the positive/negaitve system are more than just some certain aspects we jus tos happen to have: they're the reason we're able to exist and why lifes worth living. Also while on the subject, the 'they created us concept' damages they 'they're as mysterious as god' concept.. unless perhaps we're a simulation, which pure speculation and therefore a waste of our time when very serious issues are at hand.

Are you aware of any one example of a ulticelled organism not follwing these rules? Just because something 'evolved' on another planet doesnt mean the most basic rule sgoverning life are going to be dramitaclly different. And that's sticking to the raw science view; even earth "evolution" is widely debated and disputed. Or are they ether? I never said Crowley didnt actually summon "Lam", but the UFO ships coming beign our sort of deity techno overlords (which is a widley held view amongst those who hold) is off.

I mean assuming they're here is already a stretch. Since we're apparently going to stretch, we might as well assume that they're not only posthuman equivalent entities (which if they're actually here thats highly probable), but while we're at it we can throw the we're all in a posthuman ancestor simulation. From their we can go on to assume we ourselves are but mere software simulation sheep here to fill the world of the "visitors'. There's hardly any difference in speculation factor. Look up Nick Bolstrom.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]

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