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9/11 Commission proves U.S. is just plain LOST!

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posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 11:33 PM
OK, so I don't believe our government Planned and Executed the attacks on 9/11 but I am sure there is no doubt they didn't jump through any hoops to make sure it was stopped either. But what really has bugged me ever since that day is this STUPID A$$ commissions panel our government assembled to "figure" out who and why this happened. Well common sence tells me you make this panel up of Military and Intelligence operators who "HAVE" or "HAVE HAD" real world experiance with terrorism or dealt with acts such as this. But, what do we the good old USA do. We form this panel:

Thomas H. Kean - Don't know squat about terrorism!
Lee H. Hamilton - He knows law, not terrorism (and what he has in experiance is tarnished by being a "by the book" attroney.
Richard Ben-Veniste - Another attorney..useless!
Fred F. Fielding - White Collar Crimes lawyer..hmmm see a pattern here!
Jamie S. Gorelick - HEY!! she was the overseer of Fannie Mae's, good lord she knows how to get to the bottom of the biggest terror attack known to this country!
Slade Gorton - Well he did some Appropriations, Budget, Commerce stuff..woohoo!!
Bob Kerrey - Hey our 1st MILITARY veteran on the panal (3years Navy) but best known for his small business stuff, not investigating terror.
John F. Lehman - OK, this guy is a Veteran of the Navy as well. Great service to his country but NONE of his Naval experiance EVER dealt with terrorism or well combat for that matter.
Timothy J. Roemer - This guy..NO IDEA!
James R. Thompson - This guy used to atleast prosecute dirty public officials..KEY WORDS "used to"!

So as you can see, this panel is like asking The POPE, The President of Nigera, an Indian Tribe leader, and Manuel Noriega to be the referees for the next Super Bowl. Why is it the US Government puts people in charge of things they know nothing or very little about? If you think the way I's actually a very easy answer, yet SOOO frustrating!

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 12:06 AM
Maybe the members of the commission were picked because the powers that be knew they would ignore this......


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