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More WTC buildings wired with explosives besides WTC 1,2,& 7 !

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posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 11:21 PM
It is possible that more buildings were wired, but may of not went off.
Do we have any records of building inspections?
There could be evidence showing that I-Beams were cut so that they could fix explosives to them, has anyone checked the major tall buildings in New York and throughout the U.S.?
Controlled Demo Inc. was used in the clean up of the WTC bombings.
Controlled Demo Inc. was used in the clean up of Oklahoma City Bombing.
Were there any pictures of I-Beams at Oklahoma City building Debris?
We need to ask these questions and try to find more evidence.
It is my theory that "There are stil building in the WTC are which have been rigged with explosive before 911 which are still standing."
What about the Empire State Building? has anyone checked it for explosives?
Being that Conrolled Demo, Inc. seems to be around when things happen would it not be reasonable to keep track of there whereabouts and activities? Like where are they right now? What jobs are they working on now, and for that matter all the top Demo Contractors for that matter.
Lets do some investigation on these ideas. I'm going to be searching for the video interview with Relative/employee from Controlled Demo Inc. who discusses Oklahoma City Cleanup.
If anyone has a quick easy access to it please post it here, it might take me a little time finding it. But I know I have it.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:21 AM
Check out this article, perhaps nothing but it does seem a little suspect.

'Is The Capitol Building Next, Or Do The Tunnels Go Deeper?'

It was believed that the Capitol may of been a target on 9/11, and was evacuated, as was the treasury and the Sears building.

Thing is, perhaps this is another aspect of the 911 operation that went wrong. Perhaps the Capitol was also rigged and set to blow but because the airliner never made its target they had to abort from fear of not only having no excuse for its destruction but for raising more suspicions about the WTC collapse.

[edit on 25-3-2007 by Insolubrious]


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