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So what did create the meteorite on 911?

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:56 AM

Very good. I think this is a very valid question, and I would like to see some explanations for something like this as well.

Perhaps someone might venture a guess as to where all this extra heat was coming from to cause that. It was 4 floors compressed, but in such a way that it really does beg for a proper explanation.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Griff
No problem. I just looked up asbestosis...

I believe the most common cancer caused by asbestos is mesophelioma.

I believe that radiation from fission bombs (gamma rays and neutrons) typically causes thyroid cancer.

I do not know what types of cancer would be caused by a fusion device... I do not know what particle emissions are generated. (gamma rays, neutrinos and positrons?)

[edit on 27-3-2007 by Pootie]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Pootie
I believe that radiation from fission bombs (gamma rays and neutrons) typically causes thyroid cancer.

It wouldn't have been a fission bomb, but a pure hydrogen bomb (fusion). If it were a fission bomb, we would have known about it by now (radiation).

The only thing that can account for the metorite is a hydrogen bomb, no questions.

Even with the building on top of it and thermite reactions, can not force concrete and steel to mesh together in this way.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
The only thing that can account for the metorite is a hydrogen bomb, no questions.

The classic second generation "hydrogen bomb" uses a fission bomb for detonation... It would need to be some G3 or G4 hydrogen fusion device(s) for this to be the answer... Other than elevated tritium levels (proven) what else would we expect to see as evidence? Were there many of these devices? Were they/it used in combo with other HE or incendiaries? Just asking your opinion.

[fixed typo]

[edit on 27-3-2007 by Pootie]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Pootie
The classic second generation "hydrogen bomb" uses an fusion bomb for detonation... It would need to be some G3 or G4 hydrogen fusion device(s) for this to be the answer... Other than elevated tritium levels (proven) what else would we expect to see as evidence?

The old ones used fission to get the fusion reactions started. If you can get a fusion reaction rolling without fission then you've not only saved yourself some trouble with radioactive substances but you can also make the bomb a vast range of sizes, in terms of the yield, rather than just really big and even bigger.

I would point to these things as signs of exotic, highly exothermic (and monstrous) reactions in general:

The explosive lateral force with which the majority of solid debris was sent away from the collapsing buildings. Not even conventional high explosives do this, let alone thermite, or even torsion or what-have-you from gravity-driven collapse only, of course. If 80% of the mass is being sent "overboard", and not falling straight down, then obviously the collapse itself is going to slow down from less mass "driving" it. Since the collapses didn't slow down, despite not only decreasing mass but increasing static forces from stronger structure as well, then any gravity-based collapse theory can be discarded immediately because gravity obviously wasn't the force pushing everything out of the way, and outwards.

When you see steel flying through the air away from the buildings, trailing dusty material like a comet nearing the sun, you're probably seeing sublimating steel. I can think of no other explanation for it that satisfies all the observations. The idea is that neutrons are slamming it and causing such amounts of local heat upon contact so rapidly, that the steel turns to vapor before the heat can even transfer.

The spire also had a lot of this dusty stuff around it, that lingered after it sank, and gave a lot of people the impression that the spire had turned to dust. I suppose that would be partially true if we're seeing it sublimate, though the radiation would be decreasing over time.

All the lingering heat is another sign, as is any kind of molten material, obviously, and the "meteor". Elevated levels of rare metals, like you said, tritium. From all the heat underground, something could have been detonated underground. All the scorched and melted cars above ground, blocks away, may have been subjected directly to masses of electrons that generated monstrous currents and heat when taken into the frames of cars, maybe generating fire from frying circuitry or anything else that wasn't designed to dissipate a lot of power.

Those are the kinds of things I can think of, anyway.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
When you see steel flying through the air away from the buildings, trailing dusty material like a comet nearing the sun, you're probably seeing sublimating steel.

What kind of health affects would there be from breathing in sublimated steel? Have we seen any of these health problems yet? I'd look it up right now but I'm kinda busy (not too busy to post but too busy to do research). Plus, BsBray, you're a master at google compared to me.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:00 AM
Thanks BSBRAY... I meant fission...

So how/where would this device(s) have been placed to cause the top down detonation?

would it have detonated while falling down an elevator shaft? (just a silly example)

or would it be "shaped" to somehow cause the top down explosion of the towers?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:48 AM
Wow, this thread really took off ....

Griff, I was talking about piacenza's comment at the beginning of the thread where he says 'you can clearly see the beams cut at 45 degree angles'. I meant that the reason they were cut was so they could be removed from the wreckage, because he seemed to be implying that they were cut to aid in controlled demolition. least thats what I thought he seemed to be saying.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
The only thing that can account for the metorite is a hydrogen bomb, no questions.

So after scooping up and whisking away tons and tons of debris, THEY leave the one hunk of irrefutable evidence pointing to a nuclear detonation in one of the towers?

Then, after carefully manipulating the media to show only what THEY want to have shown...THEY let a news crew in to provide a closeup view of...again...the one hunk of irrefutable evidence pointing to a nuclear detonation in one of the towers?

Now I'm not saying that I understand the physics behind this "meteorite." I don't at all...I think it's fascinating.

But wouldn't you all agree, the treatment of this piece of "evidence" flies in the face of most proposed 9/11 theories...I mean, you HAVE to agree, don't you?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
But wouldn't you all agree, the treatment of this piece of "evidence" flies in the face of most proposed 9/11 theories...I mean, you HAVE to agree, don't you?

Yes, it does. That's why it is so interesting. Anyone know who was the deciding factor in keeping it?


posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:21 PM
Good point Essedarius, but remember that the tragedy of 9/11 is a 1000 headed monster, you cant control everything, the larger the project, the more variables, the more prone to disaster, discontrol or "leaks".

I remember perfectly that after 5 to 7 months after 9/11, just saying "inside Job" or less labeled you as a traitor to democracy, antiamerican, enemy, Taliban, YOU NAME IT !!!

So a lot of people who saw those horrorific events and knew something was wrong, just shut themselves up and believed the "official version" because it was easier, troble free and a lot of info was not verified.

Now after some years some are REWATCHING the whole crime scene and getting some details that due to shock they missed! This huge ball is one of them, maybe they aired it innocently and in th eprocess they opened another can of worms!

How the hell a shape and a melted ball can form in an event like that? I don t know, what I know for sure is the following.

1) The towers fell with more energy (and were destroyed/demolished) than Gravity or jet fuel.
2) After the collapses the basements were very hot for a Long time in an environment that could not support/explain those elevated temperatures.
3) Photos show melted steel and a lot of "mass" lost due to some "energy"
4) That ball is unexplainable in th elight of the official version.

John Lear has come with explanations that are too far out, but in the last year more and more of his theories are starting to sound posible ( I said Posible - Not true) so I am willing to entertain even the most weird explanations for the ball, because I think it was either technology so advanced we do know nothing about or nukes...

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
But wouldn't you all agree, the treatment of this piece of "evidence" flies in the face of most proposed 9/11 theories...I mean, you HAVE to agree, don't you?

Whats less damaging for them...trying to hide this evidence, and then someone stumbling upon it and brining it to everyones attention..

Or, let everyone see it, but don't promote it. Ie, just ignore it as nothing.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Griff
What kind of health affects would there be from breathing in sublimated steel?

I don't think anybody's ever really tried to find out. I did some searching on sublimated metals in general and the best I can find is studies geared around nuclear bombs.

People were coughing up blood at Ground Zero, or at least the ones that could breathe at all. That would make sense to me at least, if somebody were having essentially a bunch of tiny steel shards jamming into the pores in their lungs.

If we know the health effects of breathing in asbestos, we can compare symptoms and see what doesn't match the Ground Zero workers, and that would give us an idea of what everything else was doing to their lungs and bodies. Also Indira Singh has talked about specific symptoms that people have had that she knows/knew, and she included tumors and hair falling out, among other things, and I'm pretty sure asbestos exposure at least doesn't cause your hair to fall out.

Originally posted by
So how/where would this device(s) have been placed to cause the top down detonation?

would it have detonated while falling down an elevator shaft? (just a silly example)

No idea. The general placement of at least one of them would apparently be relatively high up in the North Tower. You can watch collapse videos and see something happen when crap starts flying out from behind the dust in all directions in an energetic cloud, bringing all sorts of dusty material with it.

And I have no idea if they can be shaped. I wonder the same thing. If they can then I have no idea how.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by bsbray11]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11Also Indira Singh has talked about specific symptoms that people have had that she knows/knew, and she included tumors and hair falling out, among other things,

This is dangerous territory. The only way this sort of data is remotely valid if it can be accurately compared to a statistically relevant control sample It's no good this woman going around saying that someone's hair has fallen out and it's all down to 9/11.

That's about as intelligent as saying that a policeman on duty that day got run over by a truck two weeks later so being exposed to the dust makes you get run over by a truck.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by timeless test]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by kix
...remember that the tragedy of 9/11 is a 1000 headed monster, you cant control everything, the larger the project, the more variables, the more prone to disaster, discontrol or "leaks".

I would agree whole-heartedly. (Of course, I'll take it a step further and say that an operation like 9/11 would be so prone to disaster and "discontrol" that it never would make it out of a back room meeting, much less into planning and operation.)

But, for the purposes of this thread I'll stipulate...

So the question is, why would THEY place a higher priority on clearing out the jumbled steel and concrete at ground zero, than on removing this irrefutable proof of a nuclear detonation?

John Lear has come with explanations that are too far out...

Stop right there and we can agree.

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Whats less damaging for them...trying to hide this evidence, and then someone stumbling upon it and brining it to everyones attention..

Or, let everyone see it, but don't promote it. Ie, just ignore it as nothing.

It's not fair to start selling THEM short now. THEY wouldn't try to hide the evidence, they would simply do it.

Remember, we're talking about the same people who had wired three populated buildings for demolition, infiltrated to the point of controlling NORAD and the FAA, and (until now) completely controlled the media.

If there was truly NO OTHER EXPLANATION for this item than a government-planned nuclear never would have seen the light of day.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
If there was truly NO OTHER EXPLANATION for this item than a government-planned nuclear never would have seen the light of day.

But why haven't they offered ANY explanation? We are owed that much at least. Don't you think?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Griff
But why haven't they offered ANY explanation? We are owed that much at least. Don't you think?


But I reckon that the explanation would have something to do with the "meteorite" being a byproduct of the amazing amount of heat energy that was produced by the friction of TONS of crumbling concrete and steel, combined with the sheer compacting force of the collapse.

If they offered such an explanation, would you believe it?

Maybe THEY didn't offer an explanation because THEY know that the only people who really want one never believe anything THEY say anyway.

But that's speculation on my part...

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
But I reckon that the explanation would have something to do with the "meteorite" being a byproduct of the amazing amount of heat energy that was produced by the friction of TONS of crumbling concrete and steel, combined with the sheer compacting force of the collapse.

Ummm... you ARE kidding right? I have to assume that you field of expertise is not in physics?

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Pootie
Ummm... you ARE kidding right? I have to assume that you field of expertise is not in physics?

I feel so exposed.

Okay, you got me...I actually believe that the OFFICIAL explanation would be something more along the lines of a directed energy weapon fired from a holographic ISI agent.

And yes, my field of expertise is in holographic intelligence agents.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
And yes, my field of expertise is in holographic intelligence agents.

Woah... that is a relief because your example above, where friction creatse this tremendous heat, is absolutely ludicrous.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by Pootie]

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