Who specifically inspired me?
Well, that one's a toughy. I'm going to have to start with my creator, since without Him, of course, I couldn't be here.
Next in line is my dad. He's been the inspirational driving force behind me since I was very young; always pushing me to be the best person that I
can be. He's instilled a sense of moral values in me that goes unmatched in today's society. He's given me what no other human can; the
understanding that I'm to do the best that I can in all that I do, so that when the time of reckoning comes, I'll have no regrets.
All of my countless friends, both in real life, and here at ATS. Without every single one of you all, I'd be a lot dumber than I currently am, and
well frankly, I'd be a much more boring person in general. The people that I interact with everywhere teach me things that I never would have learned
any other way. For that, no one will ever know how much I appreciate it. To me, this is but one more way for me to become a better person; to listen
to my friends, and anyone else that wants to bend my ear.
And quite honestly, that's one of the single greatest qualities of a good leader; the willingness to listen to those that made them who they are.
Without We the People, those we elect would just be another one of us peons. When they fail to listen to those that they are supposed to represent,
they lose the loyalty of every single person that voted for them. This is why I listen so keenly to everyone that talks to me, here at ATS and in real
life. Everyone has a good idea. It's just a matter of finding it and helping them to bring it to life.
But I've gotten
really sidetracked here.... back to our regularly scheduled programming... erm, I mean, opinionating...
Gene Roddenberry, and we all know why he's so important. He created the universe
that spawned one of the most unforgettable creatures: the Borg!! Many thanks go to him, since without him, well, you all know why he's so important.
We miss you Gene!! Rest well.
For my political interests, I'm going to have to mention my Uncle Lon. He's been a political man for as long as I've known him, and we've had some
heated debates about the rights of the elite few, and what should be done about them. Suffice it to say they were
VERY interesting. He drove me
into this arena that I find myself spending more and more of my time in.
Bruce Lee, for also inspiring me to become the best person that I can become. He, as well as my dad, trained me to take something from everything and
formulate a new, better understanding of the whole.
Each one of these individuals, in their own little way, created the person that is me. If there was one thing that I thought summed me up the most,
it'd be the ability that I have to take the best of all possible situations, and make something that fits everyone equally. I'm a great mediator,
and can settle almost any dispute where each side gets something that they think is important.
Which brings me to my main philosophy: Life is a series of compromises. Will you make the right ones or the wrong ones? In my view, there are no right
or wrong ones, as all of the ones that you choose are right for you at that moment, and they will forever change who you are. Each one shapes you in a
way that nothing else can. So, when change comes, embrace it like an old friend, because one day, when you least expect it, everything you've learned
will be needed at once.