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Santa Clara, California UFO 3/21/07 sighting.

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posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:19 AM
Well here it is what I know so far.

A good friend of mine's roommate saw a ufo.
-Early afternoon (day light, lightly cloudy).
-2 other people (friends) saw it.
-All 3 called someone on cell phones to describe it/situation at the same time ( I know this is a, at best, loose little factoid but every little bit helps. If not now than the future).
-The details are very specific and rare (I have read of 2 other such acounts in the last 20 years of study on the topic). I do not want to give those details. They are not mine to give and I dont want to provide any fuel to the jokers out there.

Heres where this is going. I'm looking for anyone who saw anything strange in the sky that day (3/21/07) in Santa Clara, California. Myself, I saw I saw a Goodyear blimp fly over head within the same area(8 mile radius) of the sighting at 2:00 pm. Its a regular thing for this time of year.

I will find out if any photos (cell phone or otherwise) were taken and will make sure they make it up here A.S.A.P.

I asked my friend to ask his roomate to write down as many details as she can remember. I understand that she is in a state of shock right now (24 hours later) so im not going to bug him about it.

If nothing develops from this, as far as any other people or photos, Ill post the details as I know them and leave it at that.

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 01:58 AM
How can you not post details...if anything PM me them, please!! Ive been hearing of alot of activity Im in in contra costa county and had the most intense UFO encounter that I have ever had about two weeks ago. There where three other witnesses in front of a convenient store. This craft was no more than 200 hundred feet over my head. Maybe we saw the same type of cratf?!

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:15 AM
hows it going?

i work over in a city very close to the SC valley area and was compelled by your re-telling of the story.

i would really like to contact you via email if you're willing to discuss more about this story... and especially if you come across any further explainations or details i'll be looking forward to hearing about it.


[edit on 23-3-2007 by chetinglendalevillage]

posted on Mar, 23 2007 @ 02:17 AM
As I said, The details are not mine to give. Dont get me wong, I want to give the details as I understand them but I feel it would be best to get the first persons description posted/reported first for the sake of clarity at the very least. I'll know if this person wants to take part in this or not in the afternoon.

[edit on 3/23/07 by projectionist]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 03:38 PM
Ok heres the details as I was told.

-Diamond shaped, about the size of a house.

-It had stripes (I do not know what color or how many)

-It hovered in one spot about 100 feet off the ground.

-Fire balls emitted from it at one point (i do not know how many, size or what they did)

-Area was suburban, nice homes. Santa Clara is part of a valley with about 1 million people. San jose Cambell are other cities in the same valley/county.

-Event lasted 15 minutes.

This is all I know, I will post more details if i find any more.

[edit on 3/24/07 by projectionist]


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