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Attention John Lear!

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posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 03:59 PM
I don't think he's going to reply after he was thoroughly owned.


posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 04:31 PM
What I'm about to say may piss a lot of people off, but here goes.

I think the majority of ATS's here seriously worship Mr. Lear as a God or something of a legend.

He's a qualified pilot, a patriot for his country, put his life on the line for that very patriotism, and messed up in his life quite a bit. It also appears he too has recieved the proverbial "short end of the stick" in life, just like the rest of us. Sounds like a good american to me.

I'm not demeaning Mr. Lear at all. His insight and knowledge and the time he has taken to participate in our discussions is invaluable. I appreciate Mr. Lear sharing his time, experience, and knowledge to help us get to the truth.

But seriously, he's a just a guy. I for one, think the way the OP asked for Mr. Lear's credentials was too blunt, but not wrong. The OP has a right to ask Mr. Lear personally what his credentials are. As a matter of fact, I think asking Mr. Lear to provide his credentials, instead of getting them off third party websites lends credence to the very values of this website - Deny Ignorance.

When Mr. Lear claims the things he does as fact, and not speculation (not everything he says mind you, but some he does state as fact - even against popular opinion, or solid educated opinions against his statement) he opens himself up to scrutinzed as a crediable source. I think this is natural, and its the way it should be.

I would like to say thanks, and although I'm aware that it must be a pain in the arse to consistently proove yourself to someone - it helps. So Thanks.

- zeeon

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 04:40 PM
Well said, and if the OP would have taken amoment to speak as politely, clearly, and concisely as you...well then the OP would not have had people jumping on him. I did not mean to jump on him either, but as you said, it's a matter of how you ask and not what you ask.
I for one disagree with most of the theories John Lear has, but he is a very talented man in his area of expertise (aviation). By no means in any way shape or form do I look to anybody as a God either, as you say...he's a person just like all the rest of us. I think your post was much needed and may lift the tension a bit as well!

Thanks and Peace, Mondo

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 04:58 PM
I have always wanted to read about John's life and now I have it. I for one would pay good money to read a detailed book on some of his adventures in the style of "Fate is the hunter" by Earnest K. Gann. John do you have some old memoirs around yet? That last line of yours where you describe why you were fired so many times had me rofling. I figured all the mishaps you had in your life boiled down to that. I am training for my Rotor PPL now and I have always been sorta fascinated by your history. You are an inspiration to us fellow slacker/lazy/screwup types

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Mondogiwa
Well said, and if the OP would have taken amoment to speak as politely, clearly, and concisely as you...well then the OP would not have had people jumping on him. I did not mean to jump on him either, but as you said, it's a matter of how you ask and not what you ask.
I for one disagree with most of the theories John Lear has, but he is a very talented man in his area of expertise (aviation). By no means in any way shape or form do I look to anybody as a God either, as you say...he's a person just like all the rest of us. I think your post was much needed and may lift the tension a bit as well!

Thanks and Peace, Mondo

Thanks for the compliment, and your insight.
You are completely correct. I just hate it when members jump on people - and as posted earlier - defend those who need no defending.

But thanks again, I appreciate it.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 05:37 PM
As i've said in the past, I may disagree with John's beliefs, but I don't disagree with the fact that he is a respected, decent person.

He always comes across as sincere and polite, regardless of the flak that he takes. Once again sir, you show this community why you are such a respected member of the UFO community. If I had any way above voted left, one would go to you Mr Lear.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 06:02 PM
i enjoyed the read about your pilot credentials but can you go into your UFO researcher story for thos of us unfamiliar with it?

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 06:49 PM
I find it quite interesting that whenever someone questions Me. Lear about his credentials, the validity of his claims or anything like that there is an avalanch of defense on Mr. Lears part.

I am not hear to question the man or make public my thoughts on his claims and/or credentials. However, I am here to point out some hypocracy in how many act.

Mr. Lear presents some very...'radical' He brings attention to himself and has become somewhat of a figure head in the ufo community.

Now, whenever someone comes on the site and presents some fantastic claim the community is quick to tear them apart and bark out demands for credential and proof. This seems to be par for the course around here and those who can not meet the standards thrown at them are either scared off, proved a hoax and sometimes banned.

I now sit here and wonder: Why is Mr. Lear defended so fanatically? Why is it that anyone else who would make claims which are as intense as Mr. Lears, if not less so, ran out of town while he is not?

And most importantly: Why is one member of this site requestiing his credentials considered rude and a horrible offense while questions directed towards other members is considered just fine -especially as it is usually presented in a much harsher and abusive manner to peoples other than Mr. Lear.

IMPORTANT: I am in no way defending and/or attacking Mr. Lear, the OP or anyone else. I am simply pointing out something that I feel should be addressed.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 06:54 PM
You cannot debunk Lear unless your are a debunker.

Belive or not belive or leave the forum.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 07:00 PM
Can't believe I'm doing this....

John has quite a history, no doubt.
I admire anyone that has flown the planes he has, and logged those hours.

On the other hand, his stories leave me a bit cold.

Flip side.

I'm well-versed in Caterpillar engines, fuel delivery and electronics.
Most that meet me have a first impression that I'm a drug addict / dealer.

Impressions are kind of funny.

Just my 2 cent,

PS : I'm working for Deere, now.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 07:17 PM
I do not worship Mr.Lear. From what i see, he answered the question (rude or not). Thank You Mr.Lear for sharing your credentials with us.
Someone said he will not even look up this thread...enough said.

[edit on 24-3-2007 by Bursuc]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 07:27 PM
It always floors me when he lists off all his accomplishments and still thinks his life was unsuccessful. Egads, if most of us did even a fraction of what he accomplished, we'd be too busy to think! His dad must've been really hard to please. Anyone that drives themselves to the degree he did all those years, has, somewhere, in the back of their subconscious, an authority figure fussing at them and never satisfied with the results.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 08:28 PM
Hi there undo -- stargates, just visited your linked site. Dunno?, are you suggesting JL's post above about himself is something John Lear may have stated in 2004 ? As I read on your linked site:

"John gave this summary of his career to the
Quiet Birdman Association in Las Vegas in 2004..."


edit: no one's perfect as a mirror will reflect (rsf)

[edit on 24-3-2007 by Dallas]

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 08:36 PM
You were at i take it?
ron "zorgon" posted that for john, so he can have instant
access to it and so people who are interested, can
read it. been to the john lear moon thread?

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Whoa...heh...makes me wish I did something with my life...oh well...

At any rate, I don't care about the asking for credentials, how it was asked, the JL defenders or debunkers.

What I'm curious about is, how and where JL made the connections to be able to gain access to the knowledge of all of the subversive/conspiratorial information of which he has spoken about here on ATS.

That thoroughly fascinates me, and I'd really like to know.
I mean, heh, I'll probably never know, but it's worth a shot to ask.

posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 09:29 PM
Thank you John for providing that information. Very interesting stuff.

I'm surprised so many people responded when the request was directed at you and I'm also disappointed by the immaturity of many members here. Uh, man this is embarrassing for ATS. I ask a simple question and everyone gets emotional.

Again, your time is appreciated. Although, I still think you're delusional.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 12:11 AM
Yeah man...seriously...
I agree.
Not only is JL totally capable of defending himself, many of these people are personally insulted that you asked what you did.
Heh, they need to get over themselves and realize that scrutiny is part of discovery.
Discovery is what leads to knowledge.
And knowledge is power, security and happiness (to quote Thomas Jefferson).

So, I totally support not only what you said, but in the matter of fact way that you demanded it.

(um...did I change stances here? I'm not sure...I think I had too many amaretto and orange juices tonight...)

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 04:40 AM
I always enjoy that bio. Can't get enuf of the right stuff

Cobra, if I may say this, methinks you believe in "The System". When you come to realize just how delusional it really is, your faith points will tip in John's favor. I'll put a shiny penny on it!

And a little twisted outlook never hurts either

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 07:35 AM
John Lear, if you come back to this thread could you expand a little on your contact with Howard Hughes? He's always fascinated me and I'd love to hear any thoughts or experiences you had concerning him.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 09:06 AM
Hey John,

That's a hell of a resume you have there and thank you for posting that. Sure, we can all read up about you in other places on the web but how can you beat getting it straight from the horses mouth right here on ATS where we can converse with you even?

Like someone said earlier, don't let the naysayers sway you as there are many of us who are with you and are very interested in what you have to say. I also appreciate your candor, patience, honesty and integrity here at ATS.

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