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Deja Vu - from a dream

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posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 12:27 AM
Mama, I dont know what to say because I havent had my city "targeted" in the media. I wish you well and hope you dont let this get to you to much. Its no good to worry about it, your giving in to what the terrorists want. Be safe.

I had a dream about me writing this about 2 years ago, and something really terrible happened not long afterwards. I dont recall the specifics of the dream, but I remember writing the exact post and shortly afterwards, (couple days) something extremely terrible happened. I remember switching the channels (news) and seeing nothing but alerts and buildings on the ground.

The strange thing is I never heard of this site two years ago and this isnt the 1st time this ever happened to me. Not with terrorists, but with other stuff. Everytime I have had a dream like this that I remembered later on when it occurs has come true. Not saying or claiming I have any ESP or anything, because frankly I dont believe in it, but it is really strange.

The italics part is when I remembered it.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 12:43 AM
All I can say is, fear not. Brace yourselves, we MIGHT have the worst attack (nuclear?) of "terrorism" ever. I suggest enjoy the holidays as long as you can, cuz worrying never helps! If I believed in God I'd pray, but I don't. I also don't believe in abriging free will of others, so praying that the attacks don't happen means asking God to go against the free-will of the "attackers", which he CANNOT do as he promised we'd all have free will, no exceptions. So all we can do is be vigilant, and be ready for anything.

Dreamz, can you remember any more details from the dream? Think hard! Don't tell me this may be our LAST safe Christmas, before the chaos of the end times begins! I didn't even get half-life 2 yet

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 12:46 AM
I also have this weird gut feeling that this is NOT a fluke. I kinda feel something is about to happen, which is why it's 1:45 am and I'm still awake yet, can't sleep. I usually sleep like a baby by this time. And it's not that I'm afraid, I just have this feeling of expectancy, like we're on the brink of something huge and world-shattering.. maybe WWIII, maybe nuclear terrorism, maybe huge cataclysm... I dunno.. but I feel that jitterie feeling and I don't particularly like it ;\ Make it stop!

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 12:49 AM
Haha, Im not trying to worry anyone, but when they happen the deja vu happens I will remember perfectly what happens in the dream as well as what I am doing at the time. Then the dream slowly fades out again. I remember seeing the red "FOX NEWS ALERT" type screen on TV. I just thought it would be interesting to post this on here because of the content of the site.

I seriously dont believe in predetermined future and I sure as hell dont believe I am a prophet. Like I said, not trying to worry anyone.....Just these things happen maybe once or twice every couple years. Anyways, better get to HL-2 in a hurry....hehe.....

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by lilblam
I also have this weird gut feeling that this is NOT a fluke. I kinda feel something is about to happen, which is why it's 1:45 am and I'm still awake yet, can't sleep. I usually sleep like a baby by this time. And it's not that I'm afraid, I just have this feeling of expectancy, like we're on the brink of something huge and world-shattering.. maybe WWIII, maybe nuclear terrorism, maybe huge cataclysm... I dunno.. but I feel that jitterie feeling and I don't particularly like it ;\ Make it stop!

My thoughts exactly! Sleep is the last thing on my mind right now. I just have the gut feeling that something huge is about to happen. Are you guys as ready for the rapture as I am, I am sick and tried of all this nonsense and I feel that the current government is only looking out for the best interest of their pocketbooks and not the public as a whole.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 12:55 AM
I do know what dejavu is, if that's what it really is, but I'm trying to connect the fact that it's not just dejavu it's a dream dejavu. Cuz dejavu is converging realities, that means our reality split and what you "think" already happened simply happened on that other reality and you sorta picked up some parts as a receiver would, or a sh1tty radio that can't get a clear signal
. But that's not the point. If it's a true dejavu that means there's a high chance sh1t hits the fan. The future is fluid and variable, but it is predictable and it CAN be manipulated. Therefore if a prophet is starkly accurate that usually means there's manipulation in process to create what he foretold and make it seem like he could really predict the future exactly. Because of the weird way time works, at least in this reality, I know that future can be foretold but not the exact time... but usually events can be felt before they happen, events of huge magnitude. We'll see...

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 12:55 AM
Sorry bushed, I am actually one of probably 2 people on this site that actually "trust" the government for the most part. I have a very differant view than the majority here. Im not ready for the rapture yet, because I fully dont understand it. I know a lot about prophecy in the bible, its just the interpretations I read vary so much.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 01:07 AM
I've always had a rather strong sense of intuition, dreams, and I'm usually somewhat on mark. That's why I'm so nervous. Around 9/11 I was having major problems with insomnia, for months, the night before I fell into a deep sleep and had nightmares(I rarely remember dreams unless they mean something). I went back to my insomnia for months after that. Today I suddenly felt something almost heavy on my shoulders and I fell deep asleep out of nowhere. The only dream I've had the past few months has been about a bomb in the dessert outside Vegas. I also saw a cave with terrorists, it was so detailed. I just moved here a month ago, I thought it was just my nerves about moving. It's not just me, everyone "has this feeling", even those that are usually skeptical. I've ignored my intuitions before and paid the price, but this time all I can do is speculate and worry.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 07:39 PM
My friend was mentioning that to me the other day. On how he supposedly had deja vu with 9/11 and me and him drivin around yesterday...I dunno.

My life has been a tiny bit off course lately for some reason. Like I've been wanting to do risque and somewhat reckless things lately, so I'm gonna stop.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 11:36 PM
i began having these kind of dreams/ real-life stuations a few years ago. they were more frequent then but i still have them every now and then. for a while i thought i was going insane, then i realized it must be a way that God is keeping me away form danger. i will have the dream, wake up not remembering what the dream was about, and then hours/minutes/seconds before the event i remember the dream vividly, even to the point where i know what each person is going to say. i also do not believe in esp, that is not what this is, i dont know what it is.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 11:48 PM
I have had such things as well, but not as dreams. Rather, things will instantly come to me out of the blue for no apparent reason. Sometimes my deja-vu can be so severe though, it feels like I'm repeating different parts of my life. For example, I was eating dinner one time with the family, and I'l just all of a sudden recognize the situation. Like I KNOW that pea was there before, I was looking in this direction before when I noticed it....and my friend TC sometimes can tell you what you're going to say, what he will say back, and then what your response to that would be. It's freaky

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 11:57 PM
This is a little off topic, but I did not figure it warranted its own thread.

When I was 7 or 8 years old, I had the worst "dream" of my life. I was walking down a street in a town that appeared a lot like the Nintendo game "Hogan's Alley" when I looked up into a window and saw a boy roughly my age staring back at me. A man rode by on a snowmobile, and the boy yelled "Hey, that thing can kill you!" I am almost positive that that part came from a conversation I had with my dad about a snowmobile accident that he had. The boy then looked back at me, and yelled my name and I asked him how he knew me. He said "Dont you remember me? Its Josh!". I then replied "Oh Yeah".. He said "Turn around!", and I did. As I turned, there was what appeared to be a doctor in scrubs with a white lab coat on. He walked toward me and I got afraid. I turned to run, and looked back but he was gone. I slowed to a quick walk, and as I passed a bush, he jumped out in front of me. I backpeddled, but his arm extended (much like Inspector Gadget- a show I had never seen) and a large claw imerged from his hand. It pierced my stomach, and grabbed my intestines and pulled them out of me. I felt the whole thing, and was in the most excruciating pain of my life. I tried as hard as I could, but I could not wake up. I finally fell backward and died, and sawthe "doctor" continue to tear my body apart and then moved on to Josh, the boy in the window. At that time, I woke up, and was so scared, I could not roll over and look around my room. I faced the wall until my dad came to wake me up 6 hours later. When he knocked on the door, I finally did turn over I saw a skull in my light shade on the ceiling. Ever since I have had a weird feeling walking up stairs alone, or last in line. I get shivers all over. Not sure why. Anyhow, 4 months later, I started 3rd grade. The very first day of class, I was assigned a seet next to a boy that I recognized from somewhere, but couldnt remember. At recess, he said his name was Josh White, and I totally flipped. I remembered the dream instantly. He was a very good friend for 10 years, but on his senior trip, his class (I had gone to a school 20 miles away in 7th grade) went snowmobiling. He died in a snowmobile accident the first day of the trip.

I personally still find it hard to believe in ESP or psychics, but I kinda force myself too. It only happened to me twice, but I will not go into the second time unless someone requests it. Both happened when I was a child, and have not happened since... What do you all think?

Sorry for hijacking the thread.

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by Milk]

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by chrisnolefan
i began having these kind of dreams/ real-life stuations a few years ago. they were more frequent then but i still have them every now and then. for a while i thought i was going insane, then i realized it must be a way that God is keeping me away form danger. i will have the dream, wake up not remembering what the dream was about, and then hours/minutes/seconds before the event i remember the dream vividly, even to the point where i know what each person is going to say. i also do not believe in esp, that is not what this is, i dont know what it is.

Thats exactly how it is for me. Its really strange to explain, but you did so wonderfully.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 12:22 AM
Well, children seem to be much more sensitive to the paranormal, but your story is quite fascinating, although sad. I'd like to hear your second when you get the time. I had a few worst dreams as well, although nothing has come of them...yet.
There was one that has happened only twice. I'm exploring a cave with a friend, and it suddenly goes dark outside. The cave glows with a red light. Then all of a sudden, a long, thorned, tongue of flesh zips out of a large hole in the wall, wraps itself around my friend, and drags him to the hole. a few seconds later, 3 hard, beak-like mandibles grind him up and swallow him. I can't move. I'm too paralyzed with fear. The tongue darts out again, this time catching me. I struggle, but to no avail. I wake up before the beaks clamp down, and immediately fall to the floor. Both times when I woke up with this dream, for a split second my feet were on the edge of the bed, and it seems to me that the rest of my body was levitating straight as a board. The really scary thing is, it's like I'm in a position like I'm being carried off the bed by a ghostly stretcher...

Dream 2 only happened once. I was in the future, a big city type area. Lots of glass see through buildings and stuff. I walk into a K-Mart type of store, with rows of shelves with household stuff and knicknacks...all of a sudden, everything electronic goes wild. There's a hydraulic elevator in the center of the store that moves people up and down, but now it's zipping up and down very fast. The people inside are tossed about. Then suddenly, the elevator goes straight down, crumpling like a can, and a wave a blood splatters onto the floor, the only remains of the people inside. A raised platform comes down and severs a man's leg. I run out of the store, and the street is moving and buckling like waves. Then I wake up. I don't understand the meaning of this one at all...all I know is that when I woke up, I sat bolt upright, just stared for a second, and screamed.

I don't know what these two dreams meant...or what they could symbolize. Care to share your thoughts?

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 12:55 AM
I had a crazy day dream like a month ago. I was staring at the stars and a large star/planet got my attention. It was moving and looked like a fireball the more attention I gave it the bigger it got, then the air felt warm and a could smell fire like the atmoshere was buring. I freaked then went inside to see if it was on the news. I snapped out of it once i got inside, but it got my emotions going and felt like it was the end. The rest of the night I was coming down off that emotional high.

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 01:10 AM
I really have no knowledge in this field, so I wont comment on the meaning of the dreams, but I will share with you the second "premonition" (not sure what it was really), and a recurring dream I have, and have had since I was about 10 (a year or so after my father died).

Dream 2:

I was about 12 years old, and was staying at a friends house. I had spent the day fishing, and was very tired, and slept hard and long that night. I had a dream that I was walking by the school yard where I went to school. I was kicking an aluminum can (we were having a can drive for the homeless, I can only guess that is where that came from), and a girl appeared across the street. She said her name was Laura, and I thought she said her last name was Katie, and I was confused. She said she would marry me, and that I was supposed to be with her, and not to forget. The next month, a girl named Laura joined our class, and I was immediately reminded of my dream. We became very good friends, and eventually "dated" (we were very young, I guess you could call it that). I thought I was in love with her, but I was too young to know, or even care for that matter. She moved away about 2 years later, and I have never seen her since. About 7 years later, my roommate's girlfriend was in town, and had brought a friend over with her. Her name was Laura Cady (pronounced Kay-Dee, sounds very much like Katie, and many people mistake it for such), and I fell in love with her instantly. We just recently got married, and I am in love with her in a way that I cannot even immagine trying to explain. I didnt remember the dream that I had untill about 2 weeks ago, when in the middle of the night I woke up in a cold sweat. I couldnt remember any dreams I had that night, and I wasnt scared, but I just remembered the dream I had when I was 12. I woke up my wife and told her the whole story, and she started crying. She had a similar dream the night before she met me. Weird huh?

Recurring Dream:

I have been having this dream as long as I can remember, and still have it occasionally to this day. It is very short, and doesnt scare me so much as it worries me. I find myself waking up, wanting to call friends and reletives to make sure they are ok. The dream starts out with me sleeping. I wake up to find that I am in the audience of a studio where a television show would be filmed. In front of me is the cutaway of a hostpital about 30 stories hight, and I can see into every room. I turn away for just a second, and turn back to find that every room has changed, and now all look alike. They are all white with a sink and a bath tub. I stare at it, and all of a sudden, (against a totally black and white background) green seeps out over the edge of the bathtub, and people stand up out of them. The figures standing in the tubs start to deteriorate and their flesh drops off. It is much like a scene in the movie "The Shining". I look and there are hundreds of thousands of rooms, all with the same thing happening in each, then I wake up.
This use to occur as often as 3 times a night. I never told anyone but my wife about it, and I only have it about once a month now. Interesting no? I find this subject to be fascinating even though I am quite the sceptic when it comes to this kind of thing.

[Edited on 27-12-2003 by Milk]

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 07:27 PM
I did have that recurring dream while napping today. Not as vivid as usual, and I didnt make it all the way through before my cat woke me up....

posted on Dec, 27 2003 @ 07:45 PM
i always feel i have deja vu, but no one really believes me. when i was 7 or 8 (now 16) i had a dream where i was walking in this trailor park( which i recognized as the one my grandmother lived in) and i saw next to this one trailor, two girls swinging on this play set. i woke up, and thought nothing of it.

cut forward 2 years, and the exact thing happens, and the 2 girls turn out to be my cousins, whom i've never met before. a short while after that, my grandfather died in the trailor they were next to. i can picture the dream in every detail, and it's all the same to the real life event.

somethign else weird, but i'm not so sure it's ESP or deja vu, or whatever, but it's kinda stupid -

if i think about a certain episode of a television show, within a week, that show will come on. it's happened all my life, before i started reading the TV Guide, and before the internet. i don't know. i'm paranoid.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 01:03 AM
are the kind of dreams im having the same as or connected to remote viewing
? or is that a totally different thing. i never have been clear on what remote viewing actually is.

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 04:17 AM

Thats exactly how it is for me. Its really strange to explain, but you did so wonderfully.

Ditto. I have had these kind of dreams since at least 1st or 2nd grade. They've always been quite mundane, never really fortelling anything of importance. For example, I will dream of grocery shooping and picking a certain item off of the shelf. Days/weeks/months later, I will find myself in that exact same situation, grabbing whatever thing it was off the shelf. Everything is as it was in the dream, down to the clothes I'm wearing and the people who are around me. The sense of deja vu I experience when this happens is almost nauseating.

I've talked to friends and family members about this and none of them have experienced anything remotely similar. Some have mentioned that perhaps a subconcious memory of the dream "guides" me to do certain things when I am in an environment I was in during the dream. But, the details are too exact for me to accept that theory. How would others, even strangers, be wearing the clothes they were in the dream, and saying things they did in the dream?

[Edited on 12-29-2003 by phydeaux]

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