posted on Mar, 22 2007 @ 06:19 PM
I'd rather beef up the Type 42s we have now and sell them instead, keeping the Type 45s for us alone. Possibly our true allies (the US, Australia,
Canada, New Zealand etc.) if they want to buy them.
I have no objection whatsoever to our defence budget increasing to allow Britain to develop its own ships, tanks, planes and so on and - just as
importantly - develop enough of them. Taxes are high enough to fund this - get more people off welfare and put the money saved into the defence
budget. If you didn't want to do that then scrap the ID card scheme - saving an instant £5billion at least - and put the cash saved on that
into defence procurement. Six Type 45s isn't enough. Twelve is the minimum we should have (which we were originally going to procure). And the sad
thing is that it isn't going to be the current government that suffers, it's going to be governments ten, twenty, thirty years down the line who
feel the pain on this one. The world is only going to get more and more dangerous, with terrorism and rogue states such as the North Koreans and
Iranians becoming more and more threatening. We've also got the rise of China to deal with. And I would also point out that we should learn from
history. Remember that Britain is an island? Remember the U-boat menace? A powerful, modern Navy is as important - if not more so - than a powerful
Army and Air Force for an island nation such as ours.
This is one major area where I disagree with the government (or, more accurately, the Treasury) - they really shouldn't be allowed to dictate the
defence of the nation with their cost-cutting exercises and power plays.