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Tesla Shield: Is this a scam?

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posted on Mar, 24 2007 @ 07:19 PM
By the way IMO Tesla was one of the greatest minds to ever have been on this earth. WAY FAR ahead of his time!

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Originally posted by shrunkensimon

One french inventor also discovered the same, and was able to cure ANY disease or condition by time reversal of cells.

Any proof of this statement ?


Antoine Priore,

A more technical explanation;

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 09:35 PM
I proved it myself. I buy specieal Neodynium magnets which heal tissue at accelerated rates. I use these magnets and taped them to my body with medical tape months after surgery that involved the removal of a cyst. The scar was big and red for months and it wasn't untill I used these magnets that I started noticing results. The magnets coupled with Tetrasil cream took the scar completly away. The skin is still a little harder than normal, but the scar is unnotcable. All this is 3 weeks.

Look up information on Magnetic Therapy.

However, the Tesla shield is a scam because of it's 300 USD price. I think magnets should be expensive like jewelery but not small magnets like the ones the Tesla shield should have. Rare Earth magnets that require 200 pounds of pressure or more to separate are very expensive.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 05:06 PM
From your own link :

The mystery of "L'affaire Priore" remains unsolved. According to available sources, no one has been capable of reproducing the effects of or reproducing Priore radiation.


Seems noone believes this guy, myself included.

The way I see it, if someone wears a magnet and it seems to help, more
power to them. Personally, I think it's psychsomatic.

Until Priore's results can be duplicated, it's just smoke and mirrors.

Thanks for the interesting read, though.


posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 05:26 PM
Seen this as well.
Is this a scam also?

Been tempted to buy one but I think there is a possibility it is a scam and don't want to be suckered.

Any insight anybody?


Shadwell (newbie)

It is a pity that you can't always trust testimonials about things like the Tesla Shield and the device above. There is always someone with a vested interest amongst them.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by shrunkensimon

Originally posted by Lexion
Originally posted by shrunkensimon

One french inventor also discovered the same, and was able to cure ANY disease or condition by time reversal of cells.

Any proof of this statement ?


Antoine Priore,

A more technical explanation;

Actually, a fellow you should talk about is Georges Lakhovsky not Antoine Priore. Lakhovsky was a true down to Earth engineer deeply grounded in scientific principles (the ones modern science has apparently forgotten about).

If you read Lakhovsky's book Secret of Life you will be amazed at the amount of things they have known about in 1920s, yet for some reason many people consider any year before WW II as some kind of dark ages.

Anyway, Lakhovsky invented MWO (Multiple Wave Oscillator) a device that basically harmonizes all the cells in your body all at once. In his book he displays incredible intuition about workings of a human body and connections between us and the environment and food we eat, first by presenting a hypothesis out of which he creates a theory that he afterwards proves in practical experiments.

Lakhovsky's focus was the cancer, as the most dreadful problem. Even back then many physicians were ringing bells about the escalation in cancer among population and wanted to do something about it.
On the other hand nowadays it appears all the doctors are totally docile and we have so called "cancer foundations" that collect vast amounts of money which is wasted into dead-end research that never produces real or tangible results - for a reason, they don't want to stop milking the cash cow else they'd all be out of work if they did "find" a cure for cancer.

I say "find" because many have in the past defined what the problem with cancer is, and I must say that Lakhovsky is a real star who does it so brilliantly in his book that we do not need to seek any further. He had done his homework and all the experiments to prove effectiveness of his treatments, yet it seems that factual data and clinical tests he amassed back then is totally ignored today (again for a reason, you don't want to cut off the hand that feeds you).

Georges Lakhovsky's work has been "peer" reviewed and published through his friend Professor d'Arsonval who had presented the works to the French Academy of Sciences back in the days.
The good professor had also worked with Lakhovsky in the Pasteur Institute where all the clinical trials had been done as well.

If you want to read a great book, then Georges Lakhovsky Secret of Life is it. You will learn more about vibration and frequency and how your body really works and tons of other details from it than from a dozen "modern" books and papers from physics and medicine.
Granted, they did not know about some things such as DNA back then, but you do now and you will be surprised when you connect the dots yourself - I know I was and it gave me an empowering feeling.

P.S. Sorry if this all sounded like I'm peddling the book, I am not affiliated with the publisher or the author. I am just so very thrilled to have read it because it did give me many clues and directions in my research.

[edit on 8-4-2008 by amigo]

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by truthsetfree2009

I think people actually buy that stuff.....out in Sedona, Az there is alot of shops that sell alot mind body soul healing devices.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 08:44 AM
I was hesitant about the Lifetechnology ad so I consulted my medical intuitive who has the ability to experience the effects of products on my nervous system. He replied that their products would increase prana or life energy in my energy system. He stated this without reading their ad for the Tesla Shield which I have been wearing daily for over one year.
Steve Mehl, M.A.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 09:56 AM
I would refrain from using that word 'scam' until at least trying out for ones self if the product does work. But of course that product is a bit pricey, even for me. I don't know too much about Tesla or his works. All I know is that those who are energy sensitive could tell if products such as this one works. And just because 'The Tesla Shield (TM)' contains coiled copper, normal folks like us will continue to experiment until mainstream science proves it doesn't work.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by amigo

My ex-sisterinlaw was diagnosed with a type of cancer I can't pronounce or spell but it was adrenal gland related (thats all I can remember) and I found Lahkovsky's name in an alternative medicine site. I sent the plans to her husband who built one in about three weeks. They used it for a period of time before she was to start regular treatment. The doctors after retesting her at her request and said they had found that they had made a mistake and misdiagnosed her. They said she did not have cancer but mearly an inflamation of the glands. I think the damned thing might have worked but I have no proof realy other than a gut feeling. I just know that if I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I'm building one for myself!!! Just in case !!!


posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 02:33 PM
I find it pretty funny how closed minded people are on a site like this which to even be here, implies some level of open mindedness. I can see people balking at the price but to call something a scam when one has never tried it means....your full of # and have no basis to talk about anything. Whoever opened it up and looked inside should not have been surprized to find a tesla coil in a device called the tesla shield. How do you discount evidence like the Kirlian photography taken of people wearing it which clearly shows a huge differential in the subtle energy body that surrounds people and makes up aura's? You can't, so rather than opening up your mind a little more to realize that perhaps something is going on outside of your limited knowledge of perception, you scream scam. I don't own one nor do i work for lifetech but the principles behind it seem reasonable given I have trained myself to see aura's at will and do energy work on myself every night before I go to bed. I can look in a mirror and see the light emanating around my body. Are their prices too high? Hell ya! Is it a scam? I highly doubt it. As for the people who were talking # about priore, the guy got a patent for it and for anyone who knows anything about them should know, you can't get a patent for something that does not work. Did Tesla discover zero point energy (free energy from the vacuum of space) and have his life destroyed for it? Yup. Have people since than managed to recreate it and end up having their lives destroyed by it? Sure have. Have there been a hundred cures for cancer since 1900? Absolutely. Is there a cure for AIDS? I know of at least one thats curing people of AIDS in a minimum of 3 days. Will any of that see the light of day from the establishment? That'll will be a cold day in the ficticious hell. Can cars get better mileage off ethanol than gas? Yes. I remember reading an article over a year ago on a contest that was done in Brazil to see who could build an engine that gets the most mpg off 1 gallon off e85 ethanol, the winner of the contest had an engine that got around 680 mpg off a single gallon of ethanol. The funny part is i've searched and searched and I can't find that article anywhere anymore, weird how that works.
For anyone who actually wants to experience reality, pick up a radionics device and see how your belief systems hold up in the face of something like a heironymous machine which was also patented (i.e. it worked). All you sheep out there should really stop listening to the bull# your fed and do some research for yourself on whats real rather than what you believe is real, the information is out there en masse. For anyone who actually wants to live a healthy life devoid of illness, stop going to doctors who turn you into a cash register for pharmaceutical companies, doctors only know what they were taught....and who taught them? The drug companies that run the medical universities on their education system. Find out what actually works for yourself rather than going to someone whose sole purpose is to put you on a medication that only relieves the side effects while keeping the illness in place. Google FDA suppression of cures and see what pops up. Google human invisibilty and see what pops up (the rosicrutians knew about and taught it to their followers, no machines necessary). Google astral projection and learn to experience the afterlife while you are alive presently in your real life. Google jim humble mms and never see a doctor again except for injury. Google radionics. Google astral viewing, learn it, and than go win at the races because, yes you can look into the past and the near future and have accurate results, use it on the stock market and eliminate speculation. Realize that your subconsious mind is 90% of everything that you are yet most people ignore it and believe that 10% on the surface in everything they do. If you open your mind, the system fails.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 11:41 PM
That's the real Tesla shield...


posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 12:37 AM
i bought one of these things 3 years ago for $90 while i was at home with a broken leg. In short, it works, it's not a scam. It affects all life around it in a small radius, makes food and water taste good like it says... plants thrive, etc. i lent it to a friend, who told me of the detox symptoms mentioned here, and gave it back because of the strong feeling in his case. Anyway, I lost it about a year and a half ago, and i'm considering buying another. It isn't just a copper coil inside the aluminum, there are also some kind of silverish metal beads on both ends. I couldn't help but look inside once the seal had cracked, and it still seemed to work fine.


posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by shrunkensimon

I am a Thermodynamic Physicist and have parkinsons disease. My Neurologist suggested that I wear a Philp Stein / tesla watch. (Googgle that or check out eBay for more details) I got one, (it was very expensive - even on eBay) but it DOES work AS ADVETISED.

If this thing is the same, I have no dpoubt that it is NOT bull.


posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

what tesla needed a pr guy look at his patents the inventor of radio ac electricity etc not to mention the stuff hidden by the iliminai lol kinda doc donk

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Lexion

Uh, that's not exactly true. But. I'm not saying how I know that. Whether or not this device works or not, and I have my doubts, it should be noted that most healing/health is a function of biophysics as opposed to medicine.

The difference between a living body and a dead body is electricity. Each cell is a small battery. Let me just say that I saw one device, one time, do the following:

An elderly 72 year old woman was talking on her phone, walked into her house and unaware that her maid had just mopped the floor, slipped and the point of her elbow was shattered and everything was halfway up to her shoulder.

Emergency room, orthopedic surgeon called in, told woman her elbow was shattered and crushed, beyond repair. Had to go in to more or less screw the parts back in place so that the swelling would go down and that they'd have to do elbow replacement in a couple weeks.

She used this thing that was loaned to her, and instantly she moaned and said how warm and good her elbow felt. Two weeks later, I saw her and she demonstrated full use of her elbow, and claimed that it was actually better than the uninjured one!

This wasn't the only "anecdote." Macular degeneration, one leukemia, one lung cancer, and one heavy smoker not only had his terrible smoker's hack clear up within a week, but he didn't catch a single cold, virus, or flu for four consecutive years, and prior to that suffered from variations of these three to four times a year.

This device touted as Tesla's is nothing like what I saw used.

I understand that I will be able to get my hands on one of these within the next few months. Absolutely can't wait.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by dooper

So.. Did you ever get ahold of this machine and where can we get one or at least get info on how to build one??

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Could you post the site for the rest of us?? I would be extremely interested.

Thanks in advance

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by dooper
Is the device you are refering to the Tesla Shield that is the subject of this thread??? Why would you write 6 paragraphs about something and never once mention what it is called????????

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:00 PM
There is no website. The developer spent hundreds of thousand of dollars and I think about three years of his life to get the science down pat.

As he told me, "Harm and benefit are interchangeable." That which can heal can quickly kill, merely by the slightest change."

There is no need for anesthesia either. He can put you to sleep without pain electromagnetically. Rather than wake up drowsy and disoriented, you just wake up.

As far as the connection to Tesla, no one in the world knows more of Tesla's work and has duplicated Tesla's work than this guy. I've seen him do things that absolutely, positively, violate known physics, and you're just watching, stunned.

Because we are friends, and because he is on to other discoveries, he offered me my own device, and when I said I needed several for my extended family, he offered the schematics so that we can build our own. I think however, that we will build a few extra and loan them to the St. Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis. The suffering of those kids undergoing chemo and such makes me want to puke. And these are some of the most courageous kids I've ever encountered.

Guys, we'll see. It isn't mine to give away.

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