posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 06:58 PM
The scab must've had an amazingly strong constitution to be able to last even the 20 16-hour shifts. When I was younger and stupider and more gun-ho
in nursing, I used to work 2 of the 16hour shifts a week. Took the rest of the week to recover. I thought it'd be great to only work 2 days a week
until I realized I was spending the "free" 5 off days laying on the couch dreading my next shift, too beat to get up and try having a life.
With the median age increasing, more AIDS, hepatitis (and other chronic, debilitating diseases) on the rise, the critical nursing shortage, the
failing insurance companies, etc., etc., the bioethicists will no doubt conclude that it can all be rectified by one stroke of the pen: Let the
people die. It's coming, brother. It's already started. If you get brought into the E.D. with a glasgow of "3", do you get admitted? or
pronounced "dead on arrival"?
At one of the hospitals where I worked, a riot nearly broke out during a meeting between nurses and administration. The nurses were venting their
frustration at being expected to do the work of 3 people, not getting hazardous duty or combat pay and all the other things that nurses complain about
when one of the administrators opened her big mouth. She said, "how hard could it be? given enough bananas, i could train a monkey to do your
jobs." !!!!! She had to be quickly escorted out of the auditorium under security protection. Good thing we weren't outside or the rock-chucking
would've altered her perception on that topic.
In a society where the priorities are skewed enough to justify a million dollar a year salary to some sweaty guy bouncing a ball on court, it's
understandable that life-saving nurses can't get a quarter an hour raise. For me, it's not even so much about the money. It's the total lack of
respect. I've seen doctors yank telephones out of the wall and throw them across the nurses station at the nurses, I've seen doctors slap nurses
across the face, yell at them like idiots, call them idiots, reduce them tears in front of their co-workers. And that's just the doctors. The
patients are getting unbearable too. Act like they're at the Hilton Inn on vacation. I'm especially irked when they think they know more about
nursing than I do because they've watched every episode of Scrubs. Don't even get me started on the patient's family members and visitors.
Word to all you people who may be visiting a loved one or friend in the hospital: please bring your own blankets, pillows, towels, washcloths,
thermos of coffee, aspirin, phone, snacks. Above all, remember that the nurse realllllllllllyyyyy doesn't care about the health history of your
aunt's neighbor's cousin twice removed.
Thanks for letting me vent and I wish you luck on your negotiations FredT.