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Entities Created From Our Minds! Birth of Bigfoot and The Loch Ness Monster.

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posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 08:06 AM
i've been a dedicated witch since my teens, and being a skeptic have always approached the practice of magick with a scientific and psychological mindset.
i can't deny that many of my practices were gleaming successes (running out of cigarettes one night i performed a quick luck spell. the next morning my mum had set a pack of ten by my head as i slept, and when i went to the cutlery draw to get a teaspoon i found my dad had hidden a pack of 20 there for me! yes, if you're analytical it could purely have been a very convenient coincedence, but perhaps that's all mind magick is - prodding people's brains to dwell on the subjects you want them to.
i could give you more examples of successful 'spells' if you like, but i won't bang on about them now.)
my point is, i've tried thoughforms out and been 'successful' a few times. although my perception of successful could purely have been wishful thinking and conditioning myself (brainwashing?) to believe.
as such, i have limited belief in their validity as self-created demons, capable of gaining their own intelligence.
there are scientific issues to study before any half-cocked attempts are made at creating one. i.e, discovering more about the transferrence of energies from body to object, human brainwaves in relation to psychic abilities, telepathy, and an in-depth combing of articles on the power of suggestion.

i really suggest if we're going to form a shared experiment, we should form a study group on this subject first. as already stated in another post, messing with brain processes and mental health can be very damaging.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 01:16 AM

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 08:10 PM
I've recently come across this idea and its unwanted side effects after reading this article yesterday-

here's the exact excerpt -

"Graham McEwan has suggested that such 'creatures' are quasi-animate thought form manifestations created by the unconscious mind of a lonely traveller. The veteran explorer and mystic Alexandra David-Neel writing in With Magicians and Mystics in Tibet (1931) tells how certain Buddhist monks can create living thought forms called tulpas. She claimed that she managed to create one of her own, the image of a fat and jolly monk who was seen on at least one occasion by an independent witness. She warns, however: "Once the tulpa is endowed with enough vitality to play the part of a real being it tends to free itself from its makers control". In the case of her tulpa this happened and she described how the monk became thinner and less jolly and how slowly 'his face assumed a vaguely mocking, sly, malignant look. He became more troublesome and bold. In short he escaped my control.'

In my more frivolous moments I wonder whether Mark Chorvinksy was sort of right after all. Maybe 'Doc' had made the whole thing up, perhaps after he had been reading John Keel's classic The Mothman Prophecies (about a similar apparition in West Virginia during 1967), and had decided in a spirit of genuinely surreal mischief that it was perhaps time that Cornwall had something similar to counterpoint its very own sea monster. Perhaps this very act of creation helped form a tulpa which then got out of hand. If so then I suspect that Tony was as surprised as anyone else when other people started to report sightings of the creature."

I've always had my own suspicions that thinking about something opens an opportunity for it to exist in reality. First it exists in your thoughts, and if thought about for long enough hard enough, it can transition to your reality. If this is possible why is it that, like mentioned previously, do we not have an actual fat man dressed in red making trips across the world on Christmas? All sorts of other strange things that a lot of people believe in would be running around as opposed to just the random mothman/shadow people/fairies and others that have been though up over the centuries. Also after bringing it in, how could you possibly avoid a situation like that of all the others, where they immediately gain independence from their creator and form their own thoughts and personalities, regardless of what they were created to be like?

I'm thinking thoughts may actually create a dimension on the same frequency you're outputting (if our universe is holographic). If you feed enough thought and concentration into the frequency you may concrete it. Others having thoughts on the same frequency in the same area may gain access to your creation. If then seen by an individual on this frequency and acknowledged as real, they may spread its rooting into our reality, actually concreting its existence. Again, this is all just my speculation but as we don't know the full extent of the effects our thoughts and feelings have on what is around us or our realities, I think my theory is just as valid as anyone's at this moment.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:47 PM
I have some experience with servitors(yet another name for them
). I've attempted the creation of at least 6. Can't say I've been very successful though. My biggest problem is probably that I'm not sensitive enough to spirits and energy.

Most chaos magicians seem to use sigils when creating servitors. I haven't been very fond of the sigil method(just personal tastes). My usual method has been just visualization of the entity and its intent. I also try to give the entity energy through energy manipulation methods I've learned. For a few I've used a material base(stone, wood carving, etc) to help me focus when giving the entity energy.

My last attempt was in 2005. I used a stone as the material base for this entity. A three tailed fox was chosen for its form. The servitor's intent of helping me to be successful was a bit broader than most would recommend. I still carry the servitor's stone around with me. I mostly ask for the servitor's assistance when I need help with a challenge. For the most part the only signs of being successful with this entity's creation I've had are feelings of energy in the stone and being drawn to the stone. The stone also disappears at times, but that could be me just losing it

I've had one freaky experience with this servitor. I normally keep the stone on a shelf in my room, but sometimes I'll forget and leave it in my pants pockets. Earlier this year I was woken up by what seemed to be a frantic voice screeching "Let me out! Let me out!" over and over again. The idea occured to me that it might be the stone in my pants on the floor. When I removed the stone from my pants, the voice stopped. That is the only interesting experience I've had with a sevitor. The stone disappeared shortly after that and I found it a few months later. Nothing that significant has happened since, but maybe the servitor lost too much energy during its time being lost.

I've been talking with someone online about creating an egregore, but I'm not sure if it will happen.

Originally posted by TheBandit795
I've decided that I'm going to attempt to create one again soon. But with much more effort than I did before, and I keep it alive instead of letting it die (by not bothering with it) like I did with the earlier ones.

Perhaps with your help I can do it much easier. There are members here who can draw very good, so that may also be of some help.

As for what it will do: I'm thinking of some possibilities (but have a preference for the first one at the moment).

One is to help enhance concentration and focus to an extreme high level (being in the zone), to give you a state of being the opposite of of having attention deficit disorder.

Another possibility is one to heal physical and mental diseases.

Another possibility is one to help increase physical wealth and greatly enhance financial success in any financial venture taken.

So the model could be a drawing with tools to do his job; it can be humanoid, animal-like or symbol-like.

It could hopefully be an extremely powerful egregore if members agree to help me create it.

Btw... We can also strengthen the existing one on ATS to be more powerful in making the message happen that it was created to be a model for. (Guess which I mean?

[edit on 18-4-2007 by TheBandit795]

Bandit it's been awhile, but did you ever work on this thoughtform?

[edit on 12-8-2009 by kitfox]

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:37 AM
John Downes - Center for Fortean Zoology, UK - and many others have considered this reality for years (myself included).

I believe there is a hierarchy that a bigfoot should be identified against, some are REAL, which is where we got the idea and the basic 'fiend' from, some are imaginary but daemonic in nature, and some are human-made tulpas. My unpleasant theory suggests that this may be the honest case for today, that the majority of the cases stated are tulpas caused by public consciousness, rather than real flesh and blood animals.

I'm sure there are Yeti available in the darkest reaches of the ice caves and maybe the odd orangutan-like Skunk-Ape, or Orangpendek but almost all other cases in 'mainland' (discounting Canada!) US UK, are daemonic or tuplic in origin.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 07:29 AM
wow! what an interesting thread! i read a really interesting bookby John Keel a few years ago. in it, he puts forth the idea that there are these entities all around us that are comprised entirely of energy, thus, we can't see them. Unless there is something happening that would put more energy in the air, could be an electrical storm, any thing at all. this may give them strength to manifest themselves into something we can see. Keel believes that these creatures can choose any form they want, and that they may be capable of pulling an image straight from the mind of a nearby person! as an example- a man goes into a remote forest and has a brief but clear sighting of a bigfoot. he immediately rushes back to town and gets a police officer, goes back to the site where his sighting occurred, but there is no evidence that anything was ever there, no footprints, no hair, nothing. there is no reason to believe that the man is lying, but the creature he saw doesn't really exist. that is, the image that the man saw was merely a facade chosen by an entity with no physical form, and thus, unable to affect the world around it in the normal way. the facade may very well fade away very quickly after it is seen. i have a personal experience that i will relate in a little while that makes this sound plausible to me.

also i suppose i should point at that i take Keel's writings with a grain of salt, and don't necessarily believe this to be true, but only that it COULD be true. just figured i should clear that up.

[edit on 15-8-2009 by Rockmotron]

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