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thermite video ( opinions wanted )

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posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 11:34 AM
just wondering if the thermite issue has been debunked?

found these 2 video's and spliced them.

funny they are taken from the same camera but you never see the video as a whole.

it appears to be some kind of white hot metal , but I'm no expert.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 12:44 PM
Some will tell you that that is molten Al you see dripping. The problem is that molten Al appears silvery and shimmery almost the instant it is poured.

Others will tell you that it is "spontaneous thermite" caused by the Al plane rubbing against the steel/iron in the building. There is a long paper floating around re: "spontaneous thermite" and it does not support this argument as the reaction would ave occurred on impact and arrested long before that video was shot.

Really, you would not see "thermite" you would see the byproducts of the thermite reaction, molten steel/iron and Al2O3 (as white smoke) unless other reactants/catalysts are added which could impact the color of the smoke (S, etc).

Steven Jones et. al. have published research to show that on a bright day one of the the only metals available that could glow that color would be steel/iron and that the temperatures required to liquefy steel to that orange color would not be available in a hydrocarbon fire. You would typically need a blast furnace or something else... such as thermite (not likely), thermate (more likely) or some nano aluminothermic (most likely according to them). High explosives could also achieve this temperature but the video shows no explosion. You can find much of this research and rebuttals of Judys crapola here:

The infamous Judy Wood did an experiment where she "shows" molten Al to be glowing orange... HOWEVER, it is in a tungsten container with constant heat being applied, NOT being poured or flowing which exposes exponentially more surface area to the open air. Her expiriment does not duplicate the circumstances of the day:

1. pouring or flowing.
2. heat source removed
3. bright day

If you look closely at her expiriment photos you can easily see that even with constant heat applied, the Al has a difficult time staying orang. Look at the top of the "bubble"... It is "darkening" even though constant heat is applied.

Judge for yourself.

[edit on 21-3-2007 by Pootie]


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