posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 12:03 PM
I recently watched a video..which left me deeply distrbed. I dont know if its been used here as a thread before and if it has please accept my
Can anyone out there tell me anythinbg about Emery Roberts..the agent incharge of the secret service agents protecting Kennedy the day he was shot.
The video only lasts two and a half minutes but clearly show Emery Roberts stand up the car and tell the secret service agents to get off the
presidential limo shortly before he´s shot.
You also see one of the sercet service agents who i belive to be Clint Walker repeatedly shrug his shoulders in disbelief.
This was a direct breach of all the standard security operating procedures of the day.
I´d like to know if anyone ever questioned Emery Roberts about his actions that day.
His orders left the president alone in a open top car traveling at between 5 and ten mile per hour in known hostile territory....and the rest as they
say is history.