posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 07:27 PM
I've heard bout this a while ago and it sounds very interesting.
Basically, you have a star named after you or someone else, and you can send a message that will be broadcasted into the skies by a deep space radio.
Even with the enormous number of stars that can be named, I'm surprised that they're offering it at such a low price.
The only problem is that the site mentions that if you name your star, it won't be recognized mby the scientific community. It's only "registered"
in the company's records, so no one else can steal it.
It would be a shame to know that all the SETI signals that we've been processing are actually signals sent from us.
I also found another site that offers other interesting space gifts. You can send cremated reamains of yourself or someone else into space. Luckily,
the remains will be stored within a sattilite and vaporized when it returns earth, otherwise, there's gonna be all this nasty space debris floating
And something more elaborate
Send your picture, message, or even DNA into space!
Maybe the mass DNA mailing could account for the number of species of aliens there are.