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Who exactly is keeping the UFO Topic Secret ?

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posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 03:45 AM
I was reading the book called Disclosure by Steven Greer. On page 236 General Lovekin states that secrecy is enforced because the global economy would be destroyed. He mentions certain capitalists have designed the world economy to keep them in power and disclosure would mean an end to their control.

If this is true, Im guessing this general is referring to the NWO ? The rockefellers and rothschilds of the world are the ones hiding the crashed saucers and the zero point energy boxes ?

Personally I felt safer thinking this was all under the goverment's control. Eventually it would be released but i cant see the rockefellers doing such a generous act. From what ive read and seen on the man, he doesnt give a rat's behind for people.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 04:02 AM
The gov't no longer keeps these things secret. "They did it". As a joke, from what I understand. Seriously, the official coverup now consist of the description of observed phenomenon as being something in a "we did it" sense.

Balloons, rare elementals, postured dyes, and the like have all been thrown at us. This is an attempt to distract themselves from the plane of existence. I argue, they don't have that far of a stretch.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 04:10 AM

For a more balanced view on the possibilities of the UFO phenomena being kept a secret I would forward that....

Back in the late 40's there were Gov. organisations setup to investigate the subject matter but it was quickly wrestled over to the private military contractors and out of the hands of future governments as they change with the wind and are vote seeking fools who can compromise important secrets with Indictments and Impeachments.

These private companies have protected the secrets since then and hold onto the technologies like water tight patents, they use compartmentalized Government units to protect this information and they aren't bound by the nations laws.

In a nutshell, I believe once a vast portion of humanity is killed off ( 95%) and once Oil is no longer a money spinner for the Elites will they come forth and screw us to the wall with new technologies.

posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 04:35 AM
When it comes down to it, the rich and powerful could not maintain the secret if it weren't for the cooperation of the governments of the world. Yes the richest among us have the most reason to hide the secret, but in the end, its basically a mish-mash of classified government agencies doing the daily dirty work. There are some people within our governments who are not rich who feel the need to maintain the secret whether they're lied to or not concerning the validity of remaining silent to the public.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth
These private companies have protected the secrets since then and hold onto the technologies like water tight patents, they use compartmentalized Government units to protect this information and they aren't bound by the nations laws.

In a nutshell, I believe once a vast portion of humanity is killed off ( 95%) and once Oil is no longer a money spinner for the Elites will they come forth and screw us to the wall with new technologies.

IMO, I think you are perfectly correct in that this new technology is being controlled by the military/industrial multinational conglomorate elites, however, I don't agree with "I believe once a vast portion of humanity is killed off ( 95%)"!

Why would they want to kill 95% of the people before they start disclosure? This makes very little sense for many reasons!

  1. The smaller the population the lesser the potential revenue.
  2. Small population= Small controll
  3. Even "monsters" have some sensitivity and feelings toward society.

I think the world will start getting full disclosure (1)when most (80-90%) of our natural resources have been used and (2)when the new technologies have been thoroughly(covertly) researched and new prototypes are on the verge of being developed!

In the meantime secrecy allows for these black projects to have unlimited resources by keeping the people guessing and the limelight off their backs!

If congress had full oversight their budget would be severly limited by today's standards and needless to say research/progress would be slowed substantially!

This is my speculation and I am not stating anything as fact

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 06:49 AM
I believe you have asked probably the most important question of questions once anyone get's past being suspicious or reasonably skeptical that EBEs exist and are here now, admriker444 I salute you. I won't write ten paragraphs on my thoughts re who's holding the ball of complete EBE knowledge within the secret government (SG), which has associates in many countries. It'd be too boring so anyone wishing to fill in some blanks please do so, I'd appreciate it.

The who and the why are critical issues within the ufology field and to my knowledge has no clear identified SG source in the USA that amounts to more than a Pentagon box number of the Navy, or direct sources in the know in various countries.

It seemed clear to me when Maj Hector Quintanilla (Prj Blu Bk) announced publicly in the early sixties that the military interest in "ufo phenomena was was two-fold; does the ufo phenomena represent a threat to the security of the United States and can the ufo phenomena be channelled into research and development?".

For me that was the critical statement which showed the two types of formal military interest in UFOs, from the US Military. General George Marshal in an interview after retirement said they are here but our atmosphere is poison and cannot be breathed and in some EBE forms.

Well then (EBE), we'll create a hybrid offspring on mixed EBE and Human DNA and after a number of cycles the hybrid will become tolerant of earth's atmosphere and in time dependent. But his/her knowledge will be taught by the EBE race.
Seemed to me the biggest fear of the military was the EBE race penetrating in time, all gov, sec gov, military and mainstream population. Say, your next door neighbor, and you won't know the difference and neither will the sec gov.

This may be one of many reasons all Secret and above stuff is compartmentalized. It's to keep information from being gotten by a non-definable earth based hybrids from debriefing (telepathy?) anyone working with or in the "need to know" top secret knowledge. So know-one-knows it all.
Except the top brass the guy at the top of the pyramid -- all seeing eye in the sec gov. And their no doubt terrified and under lock and key, ie living in lead shielded complexes. Would think the highest ranking military people are worried too, ie are there hybrids working in the higher ranks?

My GUESS is the Top seed over at the NWO/Sec Gov and others are the people holding the strings for all things alien. Liaison information is passed on From: CIA/NSA/DIA/OSI and some if not all the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The President is excluded from EBE/UFO knowledge and participation unless a sec gov Bill needs to be initiated, approved and signed.

Seems far out there I know and agree. I'm just scratching the surface too.


posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 11:03 AM
To find the answers to the OP question, I would recommend two very different, but quite complementary, books:

The first is one I've never heard mentioned here at ATS, but is relevant to the discussion, esp. regarding the end of natural resources. It discusses the fascinating time line of depletion of many economic and strategic resources (oil, minerals, etc.) - in the U.S. mostly, but applicable worldwide. The end is sooner than you might think - and it ties in to the discussion in the posts above (though this book never mentions ET/UFO 'policy'). You can find it at Amazon for less than $1: At The Crossroads, by Eugene N. Cameron.

The second book is a thorough and enlightening discourse on the precise reasoning and methodology behind the public/private dynamics of ET "disclosure" (or, more significantly, the lack thereof). Lots of connections to MJ12/PI40, Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, JFK, etc. The book and its author are periodically cited at ATS and similar forums. A bit more pricey - even used, you can find it at Amazon for about $20: Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence by Michael E. Salla.

Good luck - and thanks for an intriguing OP! Keep looking up!

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:29 PM
The answer to this question I believe is quite simple if you as an individual really unbiasedly look at what exactly you are. You are an organism which craves money and sex. While you may be curious as to what UFOs represent it does not dictate your fundamental needs like money and sex do. As a biological organism you naturally seek food, water, and shelter--which in modern society are provided by your income (money). Next, you naturally seek a way to propagate (sex).

There are many people who are curious about UFOs and wonder exactly what the UFO phenomenon represents (i.e. if they are ET's what is their purpose)? But on a fundamental level, 99.9 percent of us are too busy with our everyday lives to really care that much!

If an unexplained object flies over your city tomorrow, it's logical that a certain amount of "buzz" will follow. The buzz includes curiousity, fear, excitement etc. Time makes all those feelings disappear soon enough as your fundamental being shifts back into money - sex mode. The truth is that your relationship with your co-workers (for example) impacts you more on a day to day basis than space aliens. Eventually your mind (unable to find a definite explanation to the puzzle) will shift back to day-to-day mode.

So you see it really has less to do with some conspiracy or shady gov't than it does with who we are at a fundamental level. There's no secret to keep. The enigma sweeps itself under the carpet (so to speak).

That being said......... let's ask the question: Are there high ranking officials who know more about UFOs then they lead us to believe? And if so why do they keep it a secret?

The simplest answer is YES and National Security.

Do you know what would happen if defense officials revealed that they've been keeping a lid on UFOs for decades?

First, the news would immediately paint the gov't as even less trustworthy (than we all assume they are)! The gov't is as scared of the masses as the masses are of the gov't! They don't want to piss you off, they want your cooperation! So let us suppose that the majority of americans shrugged it off saying "we knew it all along... but we forgive our gov't for not being forthcoming with the information."

Next come the tough questions. The media would go wild and they would start asking questions! "Who are they?"

What if the gov't answered this question with "We don't know except that they represent an extremely intelligent form of life." How do you think that would make the average american (or world for that matter) citizen feel? Do you think that would instill them with alot of confidence?

The media would continue to ask questions. What if the media asked, "Where do they come from?" Do you really think the public would like an answer like "There is a 19% chance they come from eta Cassiopei, an 8.5% chance they come from alpha Centauri... yada yada." I doubt the public would be satisfied with such an answer! Do you? What if defense officials told us they just don't know. They aren't sure. Would that be more satisfying? Of course not! How do you think that would make the average person feel?

What if the media asked if they were dangerous? What if the media concluded (like many of you have) that since they abduct us, they are obviously invasive, and therefore a threat! What could the defense official say? "Yes we have receieved reports of abductions. It would seem that they are studying us on a biological and social level. However, we have yet to determine if their motives go beyond mere research into our civilization. We just aren't sure and so far there is nothing we can do to stop them." How do you think that would make the average person feel? Good? I think not!

It's not the job of the gov't to reveal anything to the common man. If you want to know work your butt off and climb the ranks of the USAF, NSA, CIA etc! If you want to meet the aliens on their terms then go enroll in college and study physics and build a saucer which negates gravity and inertia!

Listen, I want the truth just as much as the rest of you do. The gov't is for us by us. The gov't is here to keep us safe. And sometimes the harsh truth is that while it can't keep us safe from aliens, it can keep us safe from ourselves.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
Listen, I want the truth just as much as the rest of you do. The gov't is for us by us. The gov't is here to keep us safe. And sometimes the harsh truth is that while it can't keep us safe from aliens, it can keep us safe from ourselves.

I don't buy that and I never will.

The Government is composed of human beings, nothing more. Why should some human beings dictate what other human beings need to know?

Any conspiracy to hide the truth about aliens (by a government) is an insult to the intelligence and free liberty of human kind.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 05:21 PM

I don't buy that and I never will.

Unfortunately for us... it's an irresistibly low price. How can you not?

Why should some human beings dictate what other human beings need to know?

Unfortunately life is too complex to gather all your own info. We rely on others to volunteer information and there are many factors which control how truthful that info is.

Any conspiracy to hide the truth about aliens (by a government) is an insult to the intelligence and free liberty of human kind.

Believe me-- I'm just as upset about this insult as you are. But is satisfying your ego and curiousity (or mine) worth the harm that such news could potentially deliver?

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 05:35 PM

The smaller the population the lesser the potential revenue.

I don't necessarily agree with this statement....
It's true in the case of the standard ecconomic model but the top level of this CABAL only needs the ecconomy of the world at large to support them whilst they are reliant on the support of paid workers whist their technological campaign gains traction....

And by this i mean that once their covert technology reaches a certain level.... they will then be able to cease all reliance on support from the outside world....

And at this point they will have nothing to loose... and we will actually start to look like more and more of a liability to them.

As they already (probably) have the capability to generate vertually free energy, sci-fi weapons and to travel in man made ufos possibly to other star systems.....

All all that is really left for them to aquire is a free and captive labour force to sustain them into the future....
If this can be achieved with robots or genetically engineered drones then we are in big trouble.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Scramjet76

You are an organism which craves money and sex.

Speak for yourself, please. Why should I crave, what I have readily available ?
Please refrain from making "blanket" statements.

The simplest answer is YES and National Security.

Really ? Enlighten me, and our dear readers with proof of this.

Back on topic.

Hypothetically, IF we have recovered craft ( I'm not going into having living aliens ) they would have been moved to an industrial complex.

Having done so, reverse-engineering would take place.

Given this imaginary craft, with us having no idea how it works, how quickly could we learn it's inner workings ?

Slowly, at best.

Now, I'm going to make a leap of faith.

After 1950, the American tech began making leaps.
We've advanced exponentionally, in the last 50+ years.

Why not give the public ZPE ? Maybe we don't have it.

The military complex uses the latest tech, the public gets the red-headed
stepchild hand-me-downs. Who knows what the military has.

Maybe they are still rev-eng. the ZPE. Maybe they just compartmentalize
to a point, that they are advancing at a tremendous rate.

I'm just guessing, throwing out my thoughts.

Thank for reading ( if you did ) my thoughts.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76

Any conspiracy to hide the truth about aliens (by a government) is an insult to the intelligence and free liberty of human kind.

Believe me-- I'm just as upset about this insult as you are. But is satisfying your ego and curiousity (or mine) worth the harm that such news could potentially deliver?

Yes. Yes it is worth the harm to know the truth.

It will cause more harm to perpetually hide the truth.

posted on Mar, 20 2007 @ 11:22 PM

Speak for yourself, please. Why should I crave, what I have readily available ?
Please refrain from making "blanket" statements.

Why refrain? Is this statement not true for the majority of people. You have to work for money and you need money for shelter (mortgage, rent etc), money for food, money for drink. Please explain to me how this complexity doesn't interfere with the time an average individual can devout to aliens.

Really ? Enlighten me, and our dear readers with proof of this." target="_blank" class="postlink">see this link for my views on this.

Yes. Yes it is worth the harm to know the truth.

It will cause more harm to perpetually hide the truth.


posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by Scramjet76

Yes. Yes it is worth the harm to know the truth.

It will cause more harm to perpetually hide the truth.


By not disclosing aliens and possible advanced technology, we're being duped.

While we continue on this destructive pattern of planet-raping-for-profit, we are causing sever harm to longevity, as a superior species.

Disclosing alien presence and possible alternative advanced technology, may help us to avoid the destructive vortex cycle that we're being conditioned to follow.

You may like secrets being kept from you, but I don't like them being kept from me. Governments are made up of people and I have nothing but contempt to think that some 'elected' people have more of a right to decide what I should or should not know.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 10:52 AM

You may like secrets being kept from you, but I don't like them being kept from me.

I never said that I like it?

superior species.

What makes us superior? According to scientists the dinosaurs managed to rule earth much longer than we have (so far). Perhaps teeth and claws will end up beating out higher consciousness... only time will tell I suppose!

Whether you believe that we captured an alien vehicle that can be reverse engineered is up to you. I don't see our jump in technology during the last century as being any proof. Certainly we made great strides in WW2 without the help of any aliens. Not long after the war came the transistor which has facilitated the rise of cell phones, computers and other modern electronics.

Even if we possess "alien technology," is now the right time to reveal it? What if terrorists get their hands on it? People worry about Iran or North Korea having nukes. What if they get an anti-grav device? Or get their hands on some anti-matter?

I don't even need to read the newspapers about some mad dictator on the other side of the world. I see people everyday who aren't ready for the next step. Whether it be fighting over money, the affection of another human, ideals, landuse, etc... no one is on the same page. You can hardly fault gov't officials for being weary of breaking the silence.

When not one soul shows up to work...causing the economy to grind to a halt.... instead choosing to march on every federal building in every state across the country--demanding that all documents (related to UFOs) be made public..... then you'll get disclosure. But let's be honest here.... that's not going to happen. The average citizen isn't that interested. We are too busy with our daily complicated lives.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76

superior species.

What makes us superior? According to scientists the dinosaurs managed to rule earth much longer than we have (so far). Perhaps teeth and claws will end up beating out higher consciousness... only time will tell I suppose!

For now, we are the superior species on the planet.

Even if we possess "alien technology," is now the right time to reveal it? What if terrorists get their hands on it? People worry about Iran or North Korea having nukes. What if they get an anti-grav device? Or get their hands on some anti-matter?

Sure it is the right time to reveal it. It should have been revealed long before. If it takes another world war to settle the differences, then so be it. Soldiers are mindless clones that follow stupid orders to kill, given to them by government officials.

Every country on Earth promotes military strength. Australia is facing a shortage of people wanting to join the armed forces. Good! The less people that want to fight, the better! But, what do the government do... they try and make up new recruiting campaigns to attract more people into learning how to make war. The government get away with it because they keep secrets from us. I'd be more impressed to see the government put as much effort into recruiting good doctors than point-running-grunts.

Demand the truth to force change.

I don't even need to read the newspapers about some mad dictator on the other side of the world. I see people everyday who aren't ready for the next step. Whether it be fighting over money, the affection of another human, ideals, landuse, etc... no one is on the same page. You can hardly fault gov't officials for being weary of breaking the silence.

Of course people are ready for the next step. We're all conditioned to follow the government control. How many people truly enjoy the daily grind of working to pay bills? That's control.

Yes, I can fault government officials for being wary. What makes government officials any better qualified to decide what should be kept secret? Government officials are only wary of keeping their own clutch on power as tight as possible.

The average citizen isn't that interested. We are too busy with our daily complicated lives.

The average citizen is happy to be controlled.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 04:16 PM
The Military Industrial Complex...

That's my guess anyway... I believe the organizations involved rest outside of public government... The place where the black budget goes...

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 10:16 PM

The average citizen is happy to be controlled.

I agree. that was my point in my first post addressing the OP's question.

tezz we are a society of egos. egos go hand in hand with a heirarchy.

and more importantly the average person is more interested in spending tax dollars on a sports stadium than a supercolliding super conductor. You cant fault the govt for not forcing us to heavily (tax) spend on radical technologies. if they did that everyone would cry commie.

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
and more importantly the average person is more interested in spending tax dollars on a sports stadium than a supercolliding super conductor. You cant fault the govt for not forcing us to heavily (tax) spend on radical technologies. if they did that everyone would cry commie.

Isn't that the truth. In Melbourne over the past decade or so, we've had one football field pulled down. Another new football stadium built. Another football stadium totally upgraded. We've had the tennis stadiums upgraded and we've also had the sports and aquatic centre built/upgraded.

We've wasted many millions of dollars so the public can watch people kick, catch, throw and hit balls and swim laps in a pool.

Justifiable expenditure... right... Entertainment for the masses, while turning the brain into putty.

You would be lucky to find a spare $5 to use as a deposit to build a telescope dedicated to public sky surverys! That's a freaking conspiracy in itself.

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