posted on Mar, 19 2007 @ 02:41 AM
I am new to this area of ATS, apologies for being rude and posting a topic before aclimating myself to this forum: but I would like everyones opionion
on the resurgence of opium production in Afghanistan after the disposal of the Taliban.
The bush administration cleverly blames it on a Taliban resurgence, but in fact the Taliban, as awful as they were, destroyed the poppy crops, and
executed opium dealers. This in fact I believe was the chief reason for the war.
Anyone who follows narcotic dealings knows that in the past several years the price of heroin was steadily rising, it was getting in shorter supply,
and lets not kid ourselves: herion and opiates are a major cog in the world economy. Pfizer needs a certain amount of opium to synthesize their pills,
hospitals need morphine, and organized crime needs heroin. But the Taliban was cutting off the supply from the Afghan fields, which were a previous
source of an estimated 80% of the worlds opium.
Now the poppies are back, just as I am sure was intended, and the bushies are ranting about the "narco terrorist"
I thiink this is rubbish, what does everyone else think?